Author Topic: Muslim Man Caught On Video Molesting 4-Year-Old Girl, Gives Chilling Excuse  (Read 773 times)

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Muslim Man Caught On Video Molesting 4-Year-Old Girl, Gives Chilling Excuse

Posted on December 18, 2015 by Rebecca Diserio

Molestation and crimes against children of “tender years” is an evil across all cultures. However, what makes some acts of evil more heinous in nature than others is the mindset of the predator, which is culture specific. Such is the case for a Muslim who molested a preschooler and gave a chilling excuse for his actions.


In a recent case, the predator was caught on video, leaving no way to deny the validity of allegations of molestation of the 4-year-old girl by the 46-year-old Indian Muslim man. The man, Akram Khan, is the landlord of the 4-year-old’s mother, and they in an apartment above his business. A technician came by to update Khan’s CCTV, which oversees his premises. What the technician saw sent the technician straight to the police.

    A 46-year-old Hyderabad man accused of sexually assaulting a four-year-old girl in his home has blamed the child for the crime. The sexual predator, has been arrested and identified as Mohammad Akram Khan, claims that the girl had approached him and came close to him.

    But later he said that he had made a mistake and should be pardoned. The incident caught on CCTV camera installed in his house came to light after a technician was taking a backup of the the footage and saw the horrific act and informed the police about it. [India Broadcast News Live]

This Muslim man seems to believe that equally blaming a 4-year-old child for a sexual molestation will throw the blame on the girl. In his words, “she came close, she enticed me.” This thought process is culture specific, as this man appears “sane” in every other way. It is the culture of Islam.

The Islamic “prophet” Muhammad took child brides, marrying Aisha at just 6 years old. Then, he raped her at the age of 9, while he was in his 50’s. After 3 years of being wed to the child, Mohammed could wait no longer to fill his pedophilic desires, and he decided Allah gave him a vision of Aisha “laying on silk,” so it was time for sexual relations. This is the man Muslims are to emulate.

This is confirmed by the Islamic State (ISIS/Daesh), who take all of their commands straight from the “holy books” of Islam and the teachings of Muhammad. From a pamphlet distributed by ISIS, justifying its actions by citing the Quran and authoritative Islamic scholars:

    One question posed in the pamphlet is whether or not it’s permissible to have intercourse with a female slave who has not reached puberty.

    It is permissible to have intercourse with the female slave who hasn’t reached puberty if she is fit for intercourse; however if she is not fit for intercourse, then it is enough to enjoy her without intercourse,” the ISIS pamphlet says. [World Net Daily]

From these examples, Muslim men can explain their sexual molestation of children. It is in the Quran, approved by Allah, and the example Muhammad set. Unfathomable as it is to Western culture, we must always keep in mind the type of monsters with which we are dealing. They follow Islam and the sick teachings indoctrinated into their culture.

These are Islamic teachings, not “radicalized” beliefs, as many try to say. Let’s not be naive, nor listen to rhetoric from Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, who allege “we are not at war with Islam” and its culture. If we aren’t, we should be, since Islam’s teachings are inhumane and incompatible with civilized society.

The sociocultural beliefs, the theocracy, and the ideology that is Islam will destroy the West if we allow it.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2015, 02:31:24 am by rangerrebew »