Author Topic: With 3x The Rate Of Border Crashers – Obama’s HHS Claims No Money To Support Their Illegal Imports  (Read 271 times)

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With 3x The Rate Of Border Crashers – Obama’s HHS Claims No Money To Support Their Illegal Imports
Rick Wells 12/16/2015


It’s an obvious abuse of authority and exactly the kind of illegal, fiscally irresponsible and reprehensible assault on the American people the American people expect out of this criminal White House and their Department of Homeland Insecurity.

Now the nanny department for their dependent class of illegal squatters is claiming to be running out of money to support the little leeches. HHS Secretary Sylvia Burwell may have thought that taxpayer dollars grew money grew on trees, but it doesn’t. Everybody knows it grows on Americans, you just shake them and it falls out of their pockets. Jesse Jackson should have taught her that trick.

The more than 10,000 little Spanish-speaking sponges that have crossed our southern border into the custody of Democrat human traffickers over the last two months represents more than a doubling of the number versus last year. The family unit counts are even more dramatic, with their numbers tripling.

Jessica Vaughn, of the Center for Immigration Studies, notes that despite regime proclamations to the contrary, the situation is completely out of control. She notes it would be easy enough to correct it if they wanted to by simply changing the policies to one of enforcement rather than rewarding lawbreaking.  She uses the statements of the border-crashers to support her views, with most of the responding to questioning by Customs and Border Patrol Officers that the reason they came to the US and surrendered is because of the policy of non-enforcement.

Vaughn labels it as outrageous that Secretary Burwell would send this letter complaining about a problem that they are themselves creating. She says, “They could flip the switch and turn off this flow simply by changing the way they deal with these new arrivals and sending them home right away instead of allowing them into the country and then releasing them and basically dumping them on American communities where state and local taxpayers have to pick up the tab and accommodate them and provide the social services and benefits that they need to survive here.”

J D Hayworth points out how it appears that the regime engages in judge shopping or ruling shopping in locating favorable rulings in the pursuit of their agenda. He asks, “Is this administration, just the bottom line ignoring the law, saying we’re going to bring in as many people as we can and we dare the courts and we dare the Congress to try and stop us?”

Vaughn replies, “Well, they’re definitely a stickler for the law when they go around telling everyone that they have no choice but to release all these kids and families into the United States. That’s not true. They are choosing to interpret the law in a way that has this result. It’s not required by the law and the biggest thing that they could do to stop this flow would be to stop the catch and release policy that they have now and allowing people to simply stay here, giving them the most generous form of due process so that they get to wait here for years for a court hearing that they might never show up for and in the mean time the state and local governments have to pick up the tab.”

She adds, “They could shut this off at the border if they chose to, even before the border if they chose to put some pressure on Mexico and the other Central American countries to keep people in their own country rather than facilitating this illegal migration here. But they don’t care, they seem to welcome it.”
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Hayworth asks why Mexico is now allowing the Central Americans passage through their country into the United States. Vaughn believes it’s a simple matter of it just not being their problem, that they are not being incentivized by the Obama regime to do something about it.” She believes they intervened for a while in order to allow the regime to claim that they had corrected the problem, a temporary situation which has now clearly been allowed to lapse back into chaos.

What is clearly visible is one of the multitudes of manifestations of the Obama regime’s plan to incite chaos and financial insolvency in absolutely every manner possible. His criminal henchman, Jihadi Jeh Johnson has overseen the dismantling of our border enforcement in his treasonous abuse of power at Homeland Security with an eye towards overwhelming the United States not only physically, with the number of illegals but financially as well.

Johnson, Obama, Kerry, Jarrett and Burwell are all joining together in this particular attack and all should be arrested and held accountable. Of course, they’re above the law, and Congress is compromised. Nothing will happen aside from our nation being degraded and, if Obama has his way, ultimately destroyed.

They had better hope a true representative of the people never finds his way back into the White House. If one does, they’re going to prison for a long, long time