Author Topic: Hillary: Obamacare Creates ‘Disincentive’ For Companies To Create Full-time Jobs [VIDEO]  (Read 321 times)

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Hillary: Obamacare Creates ‘Disincentive’ For Companies To Create Full-time Jobs [VIDEO]

Posted By Derek Hunter On 1:53 AM 12/17/2015 In | No Comments

While attending a town hall event in Iowa Tuesday, Democratic Party front-runner Hillary Clinton inadvertently slammed President Barack Obama’s signature piece of domestic legislation, the Affordable Care Act, as a full-time job killer.

At the event, a women stood up and asked, “I just want to know why there’s like discrimination against the part-time workers when so many companies are going to part-time when it comes to FMLA [Family and Medical Leave Act]?”

“Well, that’s why they’re going to part-time,” Clinton said. “That and also the Affordable Care Act.”

“You know, we’ve got to change that,” Clinton continued, “because we have built in some unfortunate incentives that discourage full-time employment.”

“So there is a disincentive within our system that we need to deal with. I’m really worried about it because there’s a trend to try to move more and more people to part-time work,” Clinton concluded.


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