Author Topic: Indoctrination 101 – This Phrase Assigned for Students to Practice  (Read 595 times)

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Indoctrination 101 – This Phrase Assigned for Students to Practice
Rlgrimes 12/16/2015
The Riverheads High School Students calligraphy assignment (Courtesy The Schilling Show)

If you have had enough of government and liberals gripping about separation of church and state and prayer in school, this story should make you very happy, if on the other hand you are tired of the indoctrination of our children by government and think that Muslims are being pushed down our throat, you might just get a little upset. One way or the other this story is bound to get you fired up.

Riverheads High School in Staunton, Virginia has crossed the line as far as many parents are concerned. The school district is defending a classroom assignment that required students to practice calligraphy by writing the Muslim statement of faith, “There is no god but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.” In addition, Female student have also been invited to wear Muslim Clothing to classes as part of a diversity lesson according to a story first reported by the Schilling Show.

Parents are so outraged that the school district decided to convene a meeting on Dec. 11th to discuss the assignment with them. It appears that the meeting did little to sooth the ruffled feathers of parents and other local leaders. So much so that when asked for comment, the school district issued a statement with read: “Neither these lessons, nor any other lesson in the world geography course, are an attempt at indoctrination to Islam or any other religion, or a request for students to renounce their own faith or profess any belief,” the district said in the statement.
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The Muslim-friendly calligraphy assignment took place in a world geography class. The teacher had the kids copy the Muslim statement of faith, also known as the shahada.

Parents said that their children were not given the translation of what they were writing. So in short, there were more than a few Christian teenagers in that room who had no idea they were writing when they penned the phrase, “There is no god but Allah.” But of course, the school district doesn’t seem to think that’s a problem. But if you would have had Muslim students writing “Jesus Christ is King,” you would have heard liberals and Islamic leaders screaming in California.

“The Islamic statement of faith, was presented as an example of calligraphy and was not translated for students, nor were students asked to translate it, recite it or otherwise adopt or pronounce it as a personal belief,” the district stated. District officials said it was all about the art — not about the theology.  “They were simply asked to attempt to artistically render written Arabic in order to understand its artistic complexity,” they stated.

Then the public was asked to believe that out of millions of lines of Arabic that can be found in any newspaper from Saudi Arabia, it was just sheer coincidence the teacher selected the Islamic statement of faith. Really? I guess they figured they were dealing with a bunch of stupid red necks that would believe anything they said.

The district said the assignment was consistent with the Virginia Department of Education Standards of Learning and the requirements for content instruction on worldwide monotheistic religions. As for having the female students dressing up in Islamic garb? The parents wanted to know if that is consistent with the state mandates too.
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The district said the students were taught about the “modest dress adopted by many in the Islamic faith and were invited to try on a scarf as a part of an interactive lesson about the Islamic concept of modest dress.” “The scarf used in the activity was not an actual Islamic religious hijab,” the district stated. The district tried to support its position by saying they also cover other religions — including  Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism and Hinduism.

However, one parent said that while the Koran was presented to students, the Bible was not. The teacher reportedly declined to provide a Bible because all the students have either read or seen a Bible.

The district said there’s really not a controversy here. They just wanted students to participate in “hands-on activities intended to give them a better objective understanding of the region and its culture (including its religions and to allow for interactive learning.”

Maybe the lesson should include the words Propaganda, Subversion and Indoctrination. Then at least the children would have some idea as to what was being done to them by people that they are supposed to trust.

Todd Starnes contributed to this report.

« Last Edit: December 16, 2015, 06:52:08 pm by rangerrebew »