Author Topic: Here’s How Congress Is Quietly Giving The UN Money For Its Global Warming Agenda  (Read 398 times)

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Here’s How Congress Is Quietly Giving The UN Money For Its Global Warming Agenda

Posted By Michael Bastasch On 1:33 PM 12/16/2015 In | No Comments

Congress is set to pass a massive spending bill to fund the government for another nine months, but that spending bill also includes funding that could go towards the United Nations’ global warming redistribution schemes.

Republicans have long pledged funding for the U.N.’s Green Climate Fund (GCF), which hands out money for green energy and “sustainable” development projects around the world. President Barack Obama pledged $3 billion to the GCF, but so far Congress has opposed any attempt to give tax dollars to the U.N. green scheme.

While the omnibus spending bill before Congress does not directly fund the GCF, it gives more than $388 million to other international funds that could end up funding the U.N.’s broader green energy goals.

Congress’s spending bill gives $170,680,000 to the Clean Technology Fund (CTF) and another $49,900,000 to the Strategic Climate Fund (SCF). The bill also hands out $168,263,000 to the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

All of these funds are ways the U.N. can finance its plan for $100 billion in green scheme spending every year. The budget bill also has no prohibition on reprogramming any of that funding for the GCF, leaving open the potential that the Obama administration could fund the U.N.’s green redistribution plan.

The GCF relies on pledges from individual countries and international organizations to reach its spending goals. Currently, the fund has gotten $5.9 billion from countries and cities with another $4.3 billion pledged. The U.S. has not given any funds to the GCF.

Obama has spent nearly $13 billion on financing international plans to fight global warming since 2010, according to the State Department. Obama’s 2016 budget request included nearly $1.3 billion for international climate finance, including $500 million for the first tranche of funding for the GCF.

Republicans have fought against Obama’s GCF pledge for months, vowing to block the funding as well as any U.N. agreement to cut carbon dioxide emissions the president brings before Congress.

Nearly 200 countries approved a global agreement to cut CO2 emissions Saturday to cheers from politicians and environmental activists. The U.N. deal still needs to be signed by 55 countries, representing 55 percent of global emissions to go into effect, — the deal, however, is based on voluntary emissions cuts.

“The agreement further provides that developed countries like the United States shall provide financial resources to assist developing countries with no specificity despite ‘requesting expedited funds through the Green Climate Fund’ to which this administration has committed the U.S. to a $3 billion contribution,” Oklahoma Republican Sen. Jim Inhofe said in a statement Saturday.

“Congress, where authority to approve such an expenditure exists, has appropriated zero dollars,” Inhofe said.

Congress’ budget bill also gives $339 million to the United Nations Environment Program. No more than $10 million of that funding will go towards the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which the Obama administration relies on to craft its global warming regulations.

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