Author Topic: Military Expert: America’s Leaders Are Inviting More Terrorism  (Read 421 times)

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Military Expert: America’s Leaders Are Inviting More Terrorism
« on: December 13, 2015, 01:06:41 pm »
Military Expert: America’s Leaders Are Inviting More Terrorism

Posted By Ginni Thomas On 5:29 PM 12/12/2015 In | No Comments

Former military intelligence officer and author Steven Coughlin predicts more jihadi violence in America based on what radicals and international elites are saying and doing.

Coughlin explains in this video interview that both political parties appear increasingly more worried about not being called “a bigot” than in protecting American citizens from emerging threats.

Asked here to comment on the disregard by the Obama administration for keeping Americans safe from terror with inadequate immigrant vetting, open borders and the release of Guantanamo Bay prisoners, this author focuses on the cultural and political narratives that demonstrate a form of information warfare.

Coughlin, co-founder of Unconstrained Analytics, and author of “Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad,” exposes further evidence of political leaders subscribing to a multi-cultural narrative that puts us in danger and prevents officials from seeing threats emanating from “a religion of peace.”

A September Reuters/Ipsos poll showed increasing numbers of Americans feel they are unable to recognize their country. Yet when asked about this poll, Coughlin believes the profound American political and cultural transformation relates to the ideological and intentional hollowing out of rights manifested in our founding documents, and this dominant political correctness that elevates other cultures while obfuscating the truth.

On explaining why some supporters of Donald Trump may disagree with some aspects of the GOP front-runner’s agenda, Coughlin says he believes most of Trump’s supporters realize “somebody has to wreck the current group of people who are enforcing the narrative that locks everybody out.”

Coughlin, known for his in-depth briefings for policymakers, was asked about the demagogic rhetoric used by President Obama and others to deride those critical of welcoming refugees in the face of increasing security concerns. Coughlin says, “What I am seeing is talking points and a narrative that are deliberately overriding the facts on the ground, where the media is attacking people for this, and it’s staggering because it is almost airtight.”

“Somebody pulled the rug right from underneath us. Somebody got control of our public schools and made our children grow up hating us for believing in the systems that gave them the rights to do what they’re doing, even as they’re using those rights to destroy the very idea of rights,” he continued.

To Coughlin, current debates over open borders, refugee policies or challenging jihadists show “the locked-in narrative of the left.”

“What we are seeing is the execution of a narrative to silence dissent in America by people who can win the debate with facts, when the other side can only win through a narrative that intimidates and silences.”

Coughlin predicts more jihadist violence based on two timelines. The Organization of Islamic Conference’s (OIC) 10 Year Program of Action, enacted in 2005 to outlaw the defamation of Islam. is the first. In 2011, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton committed to the head of the OIC in Turkey to use “plain old fashioned techniques of peer pressure and shaming” against Americans who defied Islamic speech codes. To Coughlin, this is a direct affront to America’s First Amendment protections of speech.

His second timeline is contained in a 2005 Der Spiegel article showing phases of world Islamic supremacy with 2016 opening up “direct confrontation,” following the Arab Spring and the establishment of a caliphate.

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Article printed from The Daily Caller:

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