Author Topic: FBI: Obama should be kept in dark on Hillary probe. 'We don't give a rip about politics'  (Read 448 times)

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FBI: Obama should be kept in dark on Hillary probe
'We don't give a rip about politics'
Published: 10 hours ago


The FBI claims President Obama is being kept in the dark on its investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s personal email server.

Director James Comey told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that Obama is not briefed on the inquiry’s proceedings into Clinton’s “home brew” email server and any classified information she may have mishandled.

“I hope the American people know the FBI well enough and the nature and character of this organization,” Comey told the Senate panel, the Hill reported. “As I’ve said many times, we don’t give a rip about politics. We care about finding out what is true and doing that in a competent, honest and independent way. I promise you that’s the way we conduct ourselves.”

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Republicans say the sheer volume of classified material known to have passed over Clinton’s private server constitutes gross negligence worthy of prosecution by the Justice Department. Their fear is that an FBI recommendation that may damage Clinton’s chances of winning the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination will be torpedoed by Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

“With the number of emails containing classified information now numbering nearly one thousand, this latest court-ordered release underscores the degree to which Hillary Clinton jeopardized our national security and has tried to mislead the American people,” Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, said in a statement released Dec. 1, WND reported.

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Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, reiterated that sentiment on Wednesday before Comey.

James Comey, FBI director, has warned about the lack of data available on Syrian refugees and their backgrounds.

James Comey, FBI director

“No matter what the FBI finds, a political appointee of the Justice Department will ultimately make the decision of whether or not to prosecute,” Grassley said. “If the FBI refers the matter to the Justice Department, but the Justice Department refuses to prosecute, the public will not learn the facts that the FBI independently established.”

Republican concerns of meddling by Obama are not unfounded. The president angered FBI officials in October during an interview with CBS’s “60 Minutes” for prematurely absolving Clinton of any crime.

“I don’t think it posed a national security problem,” Obama said Oct. 11, WND reported.

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Ron Hosko, a former senior FBI official who retired in 2014, responded by telling the New York Times that agents were livid with Obama.

“Injecting politics into what is supposed to be a fact-finding inquiry leaves a foul taste in the FBI’s mouth and makes them fear that no matter what they find, the Justice Department will take the president’s signal and not bring a case,” Hosko said Oct. 16.

Comey did not disclose any details about the agency’s progress on its investigation on Wednesday, nor did he commit to releasing details when it runs its course.

“I just don’t want to speculate on this particular investigation,” Comey told the Senate committee, the Hill reported.

If Obama’s Justice Department fails to prosecute Clinton, the Democratic front-runner may still face legal hurdles stopping her from reaching the White House.

The Hillary Clinton Investigative Justice Project, an effort to expose Hillary Clinton’s criminal actions and prosecute her at the state level, was launched Tuesday.

Joseph Farah, founder and chief executive officer of WND, and WND senior staff writer Jerome Corsi will work with associates to expose patterns of crimes Clinton and her husband have committed in connection with the nonprofit, tax-deductible Clinton Family Foundation.

“The project is an effort by WND and its dedicated investigative reporting team, private investigators, judicial watchdogs, state officials and attorneys who recognize it’s not enough just to document Clinton crimes, but to bring them to the attention of prosecutors who will bring them to justice before she can even accept the nomination of the Democratic Party for the presidency of the United States,” Corsi said Tuesday. “We need help to hire the private investigators needed to prove that Bill and Hillary Clinton, along with a cadre of close associates, have used the Clinton Foundation to be a personal piggy bank, in complete disregard of state and federal laws that strictly prohibit what is known as ‘inurement,’ the crime of using a tax-exempt foundation to defraud charitable donors so their contributions can be diverted to personal use.”