Author Topic: Stealthy Russian Submarine Fires Missiles at Terror Targets in Syria  (Read 384 times)

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Stealthy Russian Submarine Fires Missiles at Terror Targets in Syria

( – In the latest in a series of “firsts” for the Russian military in its ongoing mission in Syria, the Russian Navy has for the first time fired cruise missiles at targets from a submarine in the Mediterranean Sea, the Kremlin confirmed late Tuesday.

The news came during a briefing to President Vladimir Putin by Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu on the military mission in Syria – which Moscow says is aimed at the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ISIL) and other extremist groups.

“Mr. President, in line with your instruction on December 5 we increased the intensity of our strikes and prepared and launched a massive aviation and missile attack using Tu-22 strategic bombers from the territory of the Russian Federation,” Shoigu told Putin, according to a Kremlin transcript.

“For the first time we launched Kalibr cruise missiles from the Rostov-on-Don submarine based in the Mediterranean Sea,” he added.

“Both the aviation and the submarine fleet were successful, hitting all the targets,” Shoigu told Putin. “The Kalibr missiles have once again demonstrated their efficiency at long distances. We tested both the launch of the missiles and their flight, as well as ensuring they hit the targets, which were two major terrorist facilities in Raqqa.”

A clip broadcast by the Russian defense ministry TV channel Zvezda showed a submarine on the surface, then from a distance at least four missiles being launched. Aerial footage then showed several explosions at the purported targeted area in Raqqa, a major ISIS stronghold.

Kalibrs are the same surface-to-surface missiles Russia launched at targets in Syria from warships in the Caspian Sea, last October 7 and again on November 20. Those missiles traveled more than 900 miles, traversing Iranian and Iraqi airspace.

The offensive Putin launched at the end of September has given Russia a rare opportunity to test – and prove to the West – its military capabilities after years of stagnation following the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Between 2004 and 2014 Russia doubled its military expenditure as Putin seeks to restore Russia’s image as a global power.

Earlier Tuesday Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Russian media he had no information to share about unconfirmed reports that a submarine had taken up station off the Syrian coast.

The Rostov-on-Don, a diesel-electric submarine that was commissioned last December, is an updated version of what NATO calls the Kilo-class. It is one of four new boats in its class attached to Russia’s Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol, Crimea. Two more are currently being built for a total of six.

According to the Russian Navy they are smaller than nuclear submarines, designed for use in waters closer to home rather than for long-range deployments. Russian also claims they are the quietest submarines deployed anywhere.

During Shoigu’s report to Putin he referenced a repeat of another ambitious element of the Russian campaign in Syria – long-range assault missions flown by Tu-22 Backfire supersonic bombers, from bases on Russian soil.

And last month, supersonic Tu-160 bombers took off from an airbase north of the Arctic Circle, circumnavigated Europe before flying eastward over the Mediterranean and launching cruise missiles, then returning to base over Iran and the Caspian Sea – a round trip of almost 10,000 miles, taking more than 16 hours.

Russia says its mission is designed to defeat ISIS, the al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Nusra Front and other unnamed “terrorist groups.” The West views as Putin’s overriding goal the strengthening of his ally, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

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