Author Topic: CNN Split; Political Analysts Praise Obama Speech as Foreign Panelists Pan His ‘Self-Congratulation’  (Read 663 times)

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CNN Split; Political Analysts Praise Obama Speech as Foreign Panelists Pan His ‘Self-Congratulation’
By Curtis Houck | December 7, 2015 | 2:38 AM EST

Following President Obama’s Sunday night address, the always large post-event panel on CNN had plenty to say, but it was quite the disconnect as many of their political commentators hailed the “straightforward” speech by the President while two of their foreign policy analysts panned the President’s “self-congratulation” and having “his the clouds if he thinks this current strategy is going to succeed.”

In the moments after the speech, Jake Tapper, Gloria Borger, and John King offered up largely complimentary thoughts on the speech with Borger observing that she’s “never heard this language from the President before” as “he challenged Congress, not only on assault weapons, but vote for the use of force against ISIS” and “pledged we will destroy” the Islamic terror group.

Perhaps the most dramatic contrast came moments later when host Wolf Blitzer turned to author and Daily Beast writer Michael Weiss for perspective on ISIS and a prediction on how they will “likely to react to the President's address.”

What followed was nearly three-minutes of uninterrupted excoriation of the President that began with Weiss answering Blitzer’s question by stating flatly that “I think they'll laugh, frankly” as what “heard in the President's remarks self-congratulation and cheerleading.” Tearing into the President’s so-called strategy, Weiss exposed the disconnect between Obama and his own military advisers:

    Look Wolf, when the President came out and said ISIS has been contained and he was speaking to the geographical expanse of their so-called caliphate, last week, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff repudiated those remarks and said no, actually, they're not contained, we've had tactical victories on the battlefield but, strategically, ISIS is very much on the front foot.

Weiss explained how U.S. warplanes are returning from ISIS strikes with “75 percent of their payloads” remaining and alluding to reports that the President’s military leaders have been cooking the books on intelligence then tore into Obama’s failure to address the issue of Islamic radicalization

    ISIS's threat with respect top these new attacks, the president said this is a new evolving thing, self-radicalization. The first year into his presidency, Wolf, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the so-called underpants bomber, tried to blow up an airliner in the skies above Detroit. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was radicalizing while he was sitting at University College in Great Britain. We've been dealing with this menace for a decade now. There’s nothing evolved here.

Growing even more frank, Weiss lamented that the President hasn’t come out and admitted to not identifying the threat of ISIS after having labeled them “the JV team well after [he] was briefed and knew what al-Qaeda in Iraq had been up to, including strapping mentally disabled young girls with suicide bombs and marching them into police headquarters.”

As if he wasn’t agitated enough, Weiss concluded the takedown by declaring that the President really has “his the clouds if he thinks this current strategy is going to succeed” since:

    In the last two months, two months and change, ISIS has perpetrated five major attacks. Three of them have been in NATO countries, Wolf. Okay? This is not a contained threat. This is not something that we can sit, you know, go to bed quietly at night and think, the United States America is going to be victorious...So, I'd like a little more realism and a little less rah-rah, you know, we're doing great.

Looking to right the ship for the President, military analyst Mark Hertling strongly pushed back as did former White House adviser and CNN political commentator Van Jones, who gave the President “an ‘A’” for passing both Jones’s “head test and heart test” in appealing to Americans.

“You saw much more passion. You saw much more force. I think it’s very, very important,” exclaimed Jones.

Despite the President having made seven State of the Union addresses and multiple primetime speeches, Jones claimed that “you have lots of people who have never heard the President speak about this except a three-second sound bite on the evening news” so Sunday meant “[h]e finally got a chance lay out his concern as a parent, et cetera.”

Blasting Congress as having “done literally nothing” and “passed not one bill” or “given him any power or any help,” Jones implored the legislative branch to work with him towards “one country” along with passing gun control legislation.

Speaking from London, senior international correspondent Clarissa Ward gave her quick thoughts after a break and largely brushed off a question from Blitzer asking if the President’s speech will cause world leaders to become more united behind him against ISIS:

    [Y]ou're going to hear, you know, people supporting, coming out, leaders saying that they support what the President said, but you're not going to really see much in terms of a major reaction because there was nothing that President Obama said here that deviated from what we've heard him say many times before. He essentially reiterated the U.S.’s current strategy for dealing with ISIS.

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« Last Edit: December 07, 2015, 02:05:21 pm by rangerrebew »


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ABC and PBS Extol ‘Stern and Direct’ Obama Speech; ‘Struck’ by Pledge to ‘Destroy’ ISIS
By Curtis Houck | December 6, 2015 | 9:35 PM EST

While NBC’s Lester Holt was wondering before President Obama’s speech Sunday night if it would “be a defining moment for this presidency,” his counterparts on ABC and PBS picked up where he left off afterward by enthusiastically praising how “struck” they were by “a stern and direct” Obama “laying out" what Obama called "a strong and smart strategy” to deal with terrorism

ABC News chief anchor (and former Clinton staffer plus Clinton Foundation donor) George Stephanopoulos immediately gushed as soon as the President concluded how he was so “stern and direct” by “laying out what he called a strong and smart strategy to deal with the terrorist threat that has evolved here in the United States.”

Turning to chief White House correspondent Jonathan Karl, Stephanopoulos continued fawning over how Obama used “very direct language” in “talk[ing] about this active terror war with ISIL” plus offering “a direct challenge to Congress to pick up on many items that have been stalled there.”

Karl poured cold water on the idea that any of the President’s initiatives could be realistically successful in Congress, but took time to hype what he deemed “the most interesting line” that was “a direct message to those...vilifying Muslims”:

    But I must say, the most interesting line at the end, when he said Muslim-Americans are our friends, they are our neighbors. They are our sports heroes, and yes, the men and women that serve in our military. That a direct message to those that have been vilifying Muslims.

Meanwhile, the story was quite similar on PBS as NewsHour co-anchor Judy Woodruff paused before expressing how “struck” she was by the President telling the American people that “we will destroy the Islamic State” and that “we will prevail by being strong and smart.”

Referring to his ending remarks about Muslim-Americans, fellow liberal NewsHour co-anchor Gwen Ifill injected the latest dose of the liberal media’s sudden respect for former President George W. Bush (see examples here, here, and here):

    GWEN IFILL: Sounded a lot more than George W. Bush than like the presidential candidates running right now.

    WOODRUFF: Exactly.

In contrast, there was at least one member of the liberal media that was able to break through and point out how there was really nothing new of substance. Moments after the President finished his speech, CBS’s Scott Pelley observed that while the President may have tried to place “a symbol of how much importance he placed on this address”:

    The address, however, was mostly a restatement of the President's strategy against ISIS or ISIL as he calls it, the terrorist army that now occupies much of Syria and Iraq, a restatement of his policies that were in existence before San Bernardino four days ago and before Paris earlier this month or I should say last month.

The relevant portion of the transcript from ABC’s coverage of President Obama’s speech on December 6 can be found below.

    ABC Presidential Speech
    December 6, 2015
    8:14 p.m. Eastern

    GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: A stern and direct President Obama, laying out what he called a strong and smart strategy to deal with the terrorist threat that has evolved here in the United States, acts which resembled the mass shootings we’ve seen in this country. He talked about war with ISIS, but also warned against a war with Islam and reached out to Muslim-Americans, saying we cannot turn against each other, especially those Muslim-Americans who fight and die for their country. I want to bring Jon Karl back in as well, and Jon, as the President talked about this active terror war with ISIL, very direct language there. Also, a direct challenge to Congress to pick up on many items that have been stalled there.

    KARL: Yeah, he wants more gun control legislation passed, something he has called for in the past, doesn’t have any better chance of passing now. He also wants an authorization for the use of force that we are doing right now in Iraq and Syria. That faces an uphill battle in Congress, but on the third item, he wants Congress to improve the screening of people that can come into the United States without visas. Congress is acting and working with the White House on that. But I must say, the most interesting line at the end, when he said Muslim-Americans are our friends, they are our neighbors. They are our sports heroes, and yes, the men and women that serve in our military. That a direct message to those that have been vilifying Muslims.

The relevant portion of the transcript from PBS’s coverage of President Obama’s speech on December 6 can be found below.

    PBS Presidential Speech
    December 6, 2015
    8:15 p.m. Eastern

    JUDY WOODRUFF: I was struck when the President said we will destroy the Islamic State. He said we will prevail by being strong and smart. He talked, as you suggested, about taking the fight to where they are in Syria and Iraq, but he also talked about steps the United States needs to take to keep individuals in this country from becoming radicalized and I think notably there at the end he called on the Muslim-American community to, on its own, look for radicals in its midst, but as you heard him say at the end, Muslim Americans are our friends and neighbors. They are not people for us to fear.

    GWEN IFILL: Sounded a lot more than George W. Bush than like the presidential candidates running right now.

    WOODRUFF: Exactly.

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Pledge to destroy ISIS?  Just why have we been dropping all those bombs on them previously?  To keep them awake at night?  Add to global goreing?  Loosen dirt for irrigation? :peeonobama: