Author Topic: News No Big Deal – The Existential Threat To US Is Obama, Not ISIS – He’s Not Worried, He’s Safe, We’re Screwed  (Read 172 times)

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News No Big Deal – The Existential Threat To US Is Obama, Not ISIS – He’s Not Worried, He’s Safe, We’re Screwed
No Big Deal – The Existential Threat To US Is Obama, Not ISIS – He’s Not Worried, He’s Safe, We’re Screwed
Rick Wells 12/05/2015

Looking more like a homosexual aids patient every day, Hussein Obama is interviewed about the “non-threat” that “isn’t posed” by ISIS. In another example of his inevitable bad timing with “victory laps,” this interview was broadcast shortly before the terrorist attack in San Bernardino. Obama might want to coordinate a little closer with his ISIS foot soldiers to avoid these embarrassing false proclamations. After all, it’s in their best interest for him not to look like a bungling anti-American fool as well.

Almost unbelievably, Obama said, “ISIL is not going to pose an existential threat to us,” as if the infliction of a tremendous amount of hardship is perfectly acceptable to him and perhaps, given is agenda, inevitable as a component of the creation of the North American caliphate. As long as they aren’t capable of engineering our destruction, they’re nothing he’s going to worry about. What’s thousands of dead American’s to him anyway? He’s got Secret Service protection and the threat is non-existential – who cares?

He said, “They are a dangerous organization like al-Qaeda was,” an implication that they were once again on the ropes which would soon prove to be more ego-driven foolishness. The association of the San Bernardino terrorists with al-Qaeda is indicated with some of the remote control detonation devices of bombs involved in the attack.

Obama, the filthy anti-American liar, next sets about misrepresenting and gravely overstating our security, saying “We have hardened our defenses, our homeland has never been more protected by more effective intelligence, and law enforcement professionals at every level than they are now.” He added, “The coordination is much better than it is now,” – whatever whopper he was attempting to tell, he didn’t even make sense with that one.
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We know that most of what he says, regardless of the situation or topic is invariably a complete, pathological lie as a matter of routine. His assurances regarding our security are no exception.

The American people have never in our history been exposed to more completely unnecessary and politically motivated threats, including death, than we are now at the hands of Obama and his terrorist allies. He’s not worried about the threat and he can always lie again later to deflect the blame. It’s the perception among his stupid and gullible followers that matters, and there’s no limit to how much bull crap they’ll swallow.