Author Topic: Democrats Talk Gun Control, Climate, Bullying, Anything But Terrorism  (Read 244 times)

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Democrats Talk Gun Control, Climate, Bullying, Anything But Terrorism

12/04/2015 06:55 PM ET

War On Terror: Just hours after one of the worst terrorist attacks in U.S. history, Democratic leaders had lots to say about gun control, climate change, even bullying — everything but radical Islamic terrorism.

Former Obama aide Rahm Emanuel's maxim "Never let a serious crisis go to waste" could now be considered a Democratic mantra.

After the recent Paris terrorism that killed 130 and after radical Islamist terrorists Syed Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, killed 14 people during a Christmas party this week, some Democratic leaders continue to exploit the tragic events to push a far-left domestic agenda that has nothing to do with terrorism.

President Obama this week at climate talks in Paris blamed climate, not radical Islam, for fostering "dangerous" ideologies. "In some ways," he said, "(climate change) is akin to the problem of terrorism and ISIL."

So how would he respond to terrorist attacks such as the one this week in San Bernardino? By taxing carbon. And by cracking down on guns through executive order — disarming terrorists' victims, not the perpetrators.

Meanwhile, Attorney General Loretta Lynch says her "greatest fear" after the attacks isn't of more terrorism but of an anti-Muslim backlash. She promises to prosecute not terrorists but those who use "anti-Muslim rhetoric" that "edges toward violence." She wants to criminalize even complaining about radical Islam.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi likewise ignores radical Islam as a cause of terrorism, railing instead against "gun violence." She joined other Democrats in refusing to observe a moment of silent prayer to remember the 14 terrorist victims, because Congress won't enact stronger gun control laws.

For some people, apparently, even death is political.

Undeterred by repeated recent terrorist attacks, Obama plans to bring in as many as 100,000 "refugees" from Syria each year — even though 31 governors oppose this massive resettlement.

And with good reason. A recent Pew poll of 11 key Muslim countries found that 14% had a "favorable" opinion of the Islamic State. Meanwhile a separate poll shows 13% of Syrian "refugees" to Europe support ISIS. Still other polls show a broad, and shocking, level of support well into the double digits for terrorism and suicide bombings among Muslims living in Europe and the U.S. — not to mention those in the Mideast.

Even more alarming, a George Washington University study released last month warned that ISIS support in the U.S. has jumped to "unprecedented" levels.

The real issue underlying all this is radical Islam, which has been ignored in the U.S. for years and now is metastasizing. Yet Democrats can't even bring themselves to utter the words "radical Islamist terrorist."

But they're all in for gun control and global warming.

Tashfeen Malik, we learned this week, passed the Department of Homeland Security's strict "counterterrorism vetting." Her husband, a Muslim-American, didn't have to. So much for claims that we're safe. We're not.

Based on what we know, the U.S. should have a moratorium on immigration from the Mideast. Right now, the problem, after all, isn't gun control — it's radical Muslim control.

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