Author Topic: Here’s Democrats’ INSANE STRATEGY After Terrorist Attack  (Read 199 times)

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Here’s Democrats’ INSANE STRATEGY After Terrorist Attack
« on: December 05, 2015, 02:54:05 pm »
Here’s Democrats’ INSANE STRATEGY After Terrorist Attack
Robert Gehl
December 5, 2015

Democrats have come up with a unique strategy to deal with the San Bernadino terrorist attacks, and it’s really dumb.

Rather than focusing on terrorism, or mental health or radical Islam, liberal lawmakers think attacking condolences by Republicans is good policy.

Taking this idea to the extreme is San Francisco Bay Rep. Jackie Speier, who said when House members stand for a moment of silence to recognize the 14 dead and 21 injured in the attacks, she will remain seated.

    “I’m not going to stand up for a moment of silence again and then watch us do nothing,” she said, according to the Los Angeles Times. “It’s hypocritical and it speaks to our impotence that we think that it’s good enough to just take out one minute and pray for the lives. The families of those who have died don’t want our one minute of silence. They want some assurance that this kind of conduct is not going to be sanctioned in this country moving forward. I have had it with inaction. I’ve had it with the sense that it’s okay that we not act.”

Ms. Speier: Who’s “sanctioning” this kind of conduct? Republicans? Your constituents? Where have you seen evidence that anybody other than ISIS sanctions this kind of conduct.

Clearly playing to members of her liberal district, she’s jumped on the liberal narrative that Republicans who offer their “thoughts and prayers” are somehow unacceptable.

And here’s bonus points for you: Another liberal California congresswoman managed to attack the idea of offering “thoughts and prayers” while blaming the NRA in the same sentence.

    Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) said she’s also frustrated by the House not voting on legislation focusing on gun laws. “The tragedies continue and the Congress does nothing… and shame on the Congress,” she told the Los Angeles Times. “To say over and over and over again, ‘You have our thoughts and prayers,’ doesn’t seem very sincere to me anymore.” When asked by the Times what has to happen in order for members of Congress to act, Eshoo said: “Members go through their thoughts and their prayers, and decide to do something for the American people, and not the NRA.”

It’s so stupid and it shows liberals impotence against real problems.

And here’s the truth: In California, they already have liberals’ wish list of gun control laws. Background checks, registration, waiting periods, gun bans, you name it. It ain’t working.

So while Republicans offer “thoughts and prayers” (Democrats too, but let’s ignore that), Democrats and the mainstream media are going to boycott moments of silence in their memory, instead choosing to politicize the tragedy an instantly call for more gun control.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2015, 02:54:53 pm by rangerrebew »