Author Topic: ‘f---ing American’ - (Another Saudi) Aspen 'extreme' plan ends with felony charge  (Read 270 times)

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Aspen Times
Jason Auslander
Dec 1, 2015

 A Saudi Arabian man allegedly cursed an Aspen taxi driver and exposed himself to the man before spilling cocaine on him during a ride to the St. Regis Hotel last weekend, according to court documents.

Majed Alhamad, 23, later admitted he was intoxicated and told Aspen police officers “he wanted to go ‘extreme’ while in Aspen,” according to an affidavit filed in District Court on Friday.

The 60-year-old driver for High Mountain Taxi told police that Alhamad — whose booking sheet lists him as a student in Los Angeles — offered him cocaine “a number of times” on the ride early Friday morning to the St. Regis, but the driver refused, the affidavit states.

“(The driver) stated this angered Alhamad,” according to the affidavit written by an Aspen police officer. “(The driver) said that Alhamad used vulgar language and derogatory racial terms ... and ‘f---ing American’ while in the vehicle.”

The taxi driver also said Alhamad “exposed his genitals to him” and “opened the small baggie of cocaine and spilled it on him,” the affidavit states.

“(The driver) stated that he did not want anything to happen to the individual but felt the need to report the incident to law enforcement,” according to the officer’s affidavit.

When officers spoke with Alhamad and his friend, a sergeant recognized them because he’d helped them get a taxi back to their hotel earlier in the night.

Alhamad admitted to buying the cocaine for $100 from someone on the street he didn’t know, the affidavit states.

“Alhamad stated he knew it was not real cocaine and stated it was baby powder,” according to the affidavit. “I asked Alhamad how he knew it was not cocaine and he said it smelled like baby powder and he had done cocaine in the past.”

An officer tested the cocaine baggie and received a “presumptive positive” on it for cocaine, according to the affidavit.

Alhamad admitted to using derogatory words toward the driver but said he didn’t spill the white powder on him, according to the affidavit. The officer wrote that Alhamad smelled of alcohol.

“Alhamad said he wanted to go ‘extreme’ while in Aspen but will have to pay for this incident,” the affidavit states.

Alhamad was charged with felony possession of cocaine and harassment.
