Author Topic: [VIDEO] Islamic Children And Parents Cheer As Little Boy Beheads Lamb In School  (Read 242 times)

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[VIDEO] Islamic Children And Parents Cheer As Little Boy Beheads Lamb In School
Richard Anthony 12/02/2015

In Islam, just because a child is little more than a toddler, it’s still no reason to not start turning him into a blood thirsty killer before he hits puberty. In fact, the younger they are, all the better, that way when they really are able to kill another human being (or “Infidel”), they won’t even hesitate to do so. I am simply amazed at how anyone living in the western world, in a free democratic society, can condone, or support this kind of behavior. Islam is nothing more than a violent, blood-thirsty death cult. They teach their children to kill, the Imam’s tell their followers to kill, so excuse me for NOT buying into the whole “Islam is a religion of peace” bullshit narrative. Yet, time and time again, white, western liberals, vehemently defend Islam and all for the sake of political correctness, because GOD FORBID, they be seen as “intolerant”.

I’m not asking you to take my word for anything, just watch the video and SEE FOR YOURSELF WITH YOUR OWN EYES, just what Islam is and just what it is that they teach their children.

“Coexist” and be “Tolerant” of THAT….neve