General Category > Politics/Government

Fiorina: TPP Has ‘Trap Doors’ On Environment, ‘Complicated, Multi-Party Agreements Are Not In Our Interest’


Despite the media's attention, some candidates are still out talking about current issues.

--- Quote ---Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina argued that the Trans-Pacific Partnership’s (TPP) “trap doors” on the environment shows that “extremely complicated, multi-party agreements are not in our interest” on Tuesday’s “Laura Ingraham Show.”

Fiorina said passages of TPP that deal with previous environmental agreements show why “these extremely complicated, multi-party agreements are not in our interest, because buried in the 5,000 pages negotiated with 12 other countries, are trap doors.” She added, “trade agreements are far better when negotiated bilaterally, as opposed to multilaterally. Secondly, it makes no sense to lock this country in to a multilateral agreement, negotiated over years in secret, that has trap doors, such as you just described.”...

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Cruz voted to let this happen.


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