Author Topic: Women of the Senate -- sans Warren -- stump for Clinton  (Read 353 times)

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Women of the Senate -- sans Warren -- stump for Clinton
« on: December 01, 2015, 05:04:48 am »
The participation of the 13 female Democrat senators at this event is not even newsworthy. But what about the absence of Fauxahontas? Still holding out hope Clinton will stumble badly given her record and she might just step in?

"Washington (CNN)—Hillary Clinton was joined by 13 of the 14 Democratic women of the U.S. Senate at a fundraiser that amounted to a Monday night pep rally for the candidate who could become the first female president.

The Washington event was an attempt by the front-runner's campaign to flex its establishment muscle as the first caucuses and primaries draw closer, but one Democratic leader was notably missing from the stage that hosted all the women: Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

Clinton never mentioned Warren's absence -- and ignored the questions when asked about it after the event, instead choosing to focus on her platform and the future of women in the Senate.

"We are going to do everything we can to put our country on the right track," Clinton said. "And I am hoping that because of the election next year, this time we will be able to celebrate more Democratic senators and maybe even taking the majority of the Senate back."

Despite signing a letter that urged Clinton to run for president in 2013, Warren has so far declined to officially endorse her campaign. The senator, who liberal organizers failed to draft into a presidential campaign for much of 2014 and 2015, told CNN earlier this year that the letter she signed was not an endorsement for the Clinton campaign.

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Re: Women of the Senate -- sans Warren -- stump for Clinton
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2015, 06:00:48 pm »
If Warren gets in, she will win. Also if Warren gets in the race, hil will be facing charges.