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More empty rhetoric from the president on foreign soil
« on: November 30, 2015, 07:30:32 pm »
More empty rhetoric from the president on foreign soil

    World News

by Bob Taylor - Nov 23, 2015
0 281

How many times have we heard the president say, “ISIL is not Islam”?

CHARLOTTE, N.C., Nov. 23, 2015 – Since Barack Obama’s jayvee team, better known today as ISIS, has demonstrated that they belong on the varsity, how many times have we heard the president say, “ISIL is not Islam”?

If that is true, as Mr. Obama would have us believe, then Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs has some poignant questions about that premise.

For example, asks Geller, “if Islamists are not real Muslims, then shouldn’t Osama bin Laden’s corpse have been discarded without regard for Islamic traditions?”

“If Islamists are not Islamic, why are they provided with prayer mats, Qurans and Halal meals at Gitmo?  You can’t have it both ways Barack, even though you consistently try.”

The truth Obama calls a lie: We are at war with Islam

In the past week Obama has chastised Americans protesting against his decision to allow large numbers of Syrian refugees into the country by saying, “That’s not who we are.”

Has anyone ever mentioned to the president that more often than not when he criticizes the United States, which is frequently, he is on foreign soil. “THAT’S not who we are” either, Mr. Obama.

During the past week the president urged Americans not to be afraid of terrorism. This from a man surrounded by Secret Service and bodyguards that rival any security force in the world.

“One of the things that has to happen is how we report on this has to maintain perspective, and not empower in any way these terrorist organizations or elevate them in ways that make it easier for them to recruit or make them stronger,” said the president at a press conference.

In this case Obama got it right because he has already personally made it possible for terrorist organizations to empower and elevate themselves with his phony red lines in the sand, his YouTube video fiasco, by refusing to identify the enemy at hand and his apologies for all things Islamic.

Obama emphasized to reporters that terrorism is only a small fraction of the larger human population. What he fails to admit is that terrorism also composes the largest portion of the chaos in the world today. In this case, size does not matter when compared to results. Ebola may be small but look at the panic it created.

Obama’s radical Islam policies are criticized, but the president is deaf

Terrorism is a plague upon mankind, and most of it is generated through Islamic ideologies.

When Nazi Germany under the leadership of Adolf Hitler attempted to conquer Europe and the world, Gen. Eisenhower did not sit back and say, “We have to think this through.”

We should also remind Mr. Obama that ALL Germans were not Nazis either.

Barack Obama has been “thinking through” everything he has done since the day he took the oath of office. In fact, that is all he does except when he is on the golf course, which is frequently. Why? Because this president does nothing without first weighing the political ramifications and deciding upon the best means to give himself an escape mechanism.

“Fear,” said the president, “is the very nature of terrorism – they can’t beat us on the battlefield so they try to terrorize us into being afraid, into changing our patterns of behavior, into panicking, into abandoning our allies and partners, into retreating from the world. And as president, I will not let that happen.”

Sadly, the president has already “let that happen.” And he continues “to let that happen.” How is his relentless search to find the attackers in Benghazi working out for us?

As Pamela Geller correctly aksa, “Do the millions of Muslims who express support for suicide bombings against civilians ‘in defense of Islam’ qualify as ‘peaceful’?”

The West empowers terrorism each and every day by its mindless naïve approach to the problem. We are putting out brushfires rather than attempting to eliminate the total fire.

We are chopping of one snake at a time from Medusa’s head rather than cutting off the entire head at the neck.

Give it time, according to Barack Obama, and the situation will resolve itself.

As Breitbart News notes, Obama has “urged Americans not to be afraid of the terrorist threat posed by ISIS, calling them ‘a bunch of killers with good social media.’”

Maybe so, Mr. President, but regardless of the methods they are using, they have gotten the world’s attention, even if they have not aroused your own curiosity.

Bob Taylor has been traveling the world for more than 30 years as a writer and award-winning television producer focusing on international events, people and cultures around the globe.

Taylor is founder of The Magellan Travel Club (

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