Author Topic: Bad Deal Is No Deal – Iran Not Required To Sign Nukes, Arms, Cash Giveawayt  (Read 398 times)

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Bad Deal Is No Deal – Iran Not Required To Sign Nukes, Arms, Cash Giveaway
Rick Wells 11/29/2015

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If a deal isn’t signed by either party then technically it isn’t a deal. That means that it couldn’t be a “bad deal that is worse than no deal.” Therefore, since the Iranian nuclear giveaway and $150 billion repatriation package can’t be a deal that was worse than no deal, what it must be is no deal that was worse than the no deal that previously existed. Whatever it is there certainly was a lot of deception and betrayal of the American people as Obama and Kerry maneuvered Iran into riches and a nuclear weapons program.

Once again Hussein Obama has proven to be a fraud who seeks first to harm the United States, a shyster who is always willing to lie, cheat, steal or defraud in order to advance his anti-American agenda. Still, in spite of being lied to by this crook every time he opens his filthy mouth, the media will still give him a platform of false credibility and Congress will still refuse to take appropriate action to lock the tyrant up.

In what is a breathtakingly blatant act of treason, Hussein Obama and John Kerry didn’t require the Iranians to sign the pretend agreement, the “Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action,” and it is not legally binding. It is also not a treaty nor is it an executive agreement. It’s what his technically known as “a charade.”

According to reporting by the National Review, Julia Frifield, State Department assistant secretary for legislative affairs, responded to a letter from Rep Mike Pompeo (R-KS) in which he questioned whether the unsigned document that he had reviewed was a draft copy and if the final document were available. He was advised that there is no signed agreement; it’s a framework and nothing more, not unlike the system in place for the bags of chips and candy in an office “Honor Snack” Box.
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There’s certainly nothing JV or amateurish about America’s foreign policy under these crack negotiators. What creativity, what vision – a deal that can be thrown out or violated at any time without consequence; it’s perfect for the Iranians and their Obama enablers.

Frifield called the worthless document a set of “political commitments” rather than a more formal agreement. Of course, since they aren’t signed, labeling them as commitments is misleading as well. Call them ideas or political concepts that may or may not be reflected in anything. One’s characterization must properly match the level of ineptitude or racketeering under which they were constructed.

Frifield wrote, “The success of the JCPOA will depend not on whether it is legally binding or signed, but rather on the extensive verification measures we have put in place, as well as Iran’s understanding that we have the capacity to re-impose — and ramp up — our sanctions if Iran does not meet its commitments.” In other words, it will never work.

The National Review noted, “President Hassan Rouhani discouraged his nation’s parliament from voting on the nuclear deal in order to avoid placing legal burdens on the regime. ‘If the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action is sent to [and passed by] parliament, it will create an obligation for the government. It will mean the president, who has not signed it so far, will have to sign it,’ Rouhani said in August. ‘Why should we place an unnecessary legal restriction on the Iranian people?’”

Pompeo cited that comment in his letter to Kerry, but Frifield did not explicitly address it in her reply. “‘This is not a mere formality,’ Pompeo wrote in his September 19 letter. ‘Those signatures represent the commitment of the signatory and the country on whose behalf he or she is signing. A signature also serves to make clear precisely who the parties to the agreement are and the authority under which that nation entered into the agreement. In short, just as with any legal instrument, signing matters.’”
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Once again the stack of evidence just continues to grow in testament to the fact that our government has been hijacked by foreign subversives. It’s doesn’t represent us and none are held to account when it acts against our interests.

Obama just keeps rolling along, inflicting damage with impunity as Congress and the people watch in disbelief at the atrocities as they continue to pile up. Some of these exceed our wildest expectations and our greatest fears. They truly are above the law and out of control.

Rick Wells 11/29/2015

If a deal isn’t signed by either party then technically it isn’t a deal. That means that it couldn’t be a “bad deal that is worse than no deal.” Therefore, since the Iranian nuclear giveaway and $150 billion repatriation package can’t be a deal that was worse than no deal, what it must be is no deal that was worse than the no deal that previously existed. Whatever it is there certainly was a lot of deception and betrayal of the American people as Obama and Kerry maneuvered Iran into riches and a nuclear weapons program.

Once again Hussein Obama has proven to be a fraud who seeks first to harm the United States, a shyster who is always willing to lie, cheat, steal or defraud in order to advance his anti-American agenda. Still, in spite of being lied to by this crook every time he opens his filthy mouth, the media will still give him a platform of false credibility and Congress will still refuse to take appropriate action to lock the tyrant up.

In what is a breathtakingly blatant act of treason, Hussein Obama and John Kerry didn’t require the Iranians to sign the pretend agreement, the “Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action,” and it is not legally binding. It is also not a treaty nor is it an executive agreement. It’s what his technically known as “a charade.”

According to reporting by the National Review, Julia Frifield, State Department assistant secretary for legislative affairs, responded to a letter from Rep Mike Pompeo (R-KS) in which he questioned whether the unsigned document that he had reviewed was a draft copy and if the final document were available. He was advised that there is no signed agreement; it’s a framework and nothing more, not unlike the system in place for the bags of chips and candy in an office “Honor Snack” Box.
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There’s certainly nothing JV or amateurish about America’s foreign policy under these crack negotiators. What creativity, what vision – a deal that can be thrown out or violated at any time without consequence; it’s perfect for the Iranians and their Obama enablers.

Frifield called the worthless document a set of “political commitments” rather than a more formal agreement. Of course, since they aren’t signed, labeling them as commitments is misleading as well. Call them ideas or political concepts that may or may not be reflected in anything. One’s characterization must properly match the level of ineptitude or racketeering under which they were constructed.

Frifield wrote, “The success of the JCPOA will depend not on whether it is legally binding or signed, but rather on the extensive verification measures we have put in place, as well as Iran’s understanding that we have the capacity to re-impose — and ramp up — our sanctions if Iran does not meet its commitments.” In other words, it will never work.

The National Review noted, “President Hassan Rouhani discouraged his nation’s parliament from voting on the nuclear deal in order to avoid placing legal burdens on the regime. ‘If the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action is sent to [and passed by] parliament, it will create an obligation for the government. It will mean the president, who has not signed it so far, will have to sign it,’ Rouhani said in August. ‘Why should we place an unnecessary legal restriction on the Iranian people?’”

Pompeo cited that comment in his letter to Kerry, but Frifield did not explicitly address it in her reply. “‘This is not a mere formality,’ Pompeo wrote in his September 19 letter. ‘Those signatures represent the commitment of the signatory and the country on whose behalf he or she is signing. A signature also serves to make clear precisely who the parties to the agreement are and the authority under which that nation entered into the agreement. In short, just as with any legal instrument, signing matters.’”
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Once again the stack of evidence just continues to grow in testament to the fact that our government has been hijacked by foreign subversives. It’s doesn’t represent us and none are held to account when it acts against our interests.

Obama just keeps rolling along, inflicting damage with impunity as Congress and the people watch in disbelief at the atrocities as they continue to pile up. Some of these exceed our wildest expectations and our greatest fears. They truly are above the law and out of control.