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Rebels without a Cause – The Ungrateful Generation
« on: November 29, 2015, 02:04:23 pm »
Rebels without a Cause – The Ungrateful Generation
November 26, 2015   Ray Starmann   Maoists, Political Correctness, Ray Starmann   

By Ray Starmann

In the last two weeks, the news has been inundated with stories concerning the Paris attacks, the manhunts in Belgium and France, the subsequent ISIS threats to US and NATO and Russian interests across the globe and the seemingly infinite bad news from the Middle East.

The story of campus protests across this country, which had been in the forefront of media coverage, has taken a back stage to much more important things. Nevertheless, the story is still there and the question of why college students are protesting at all, is mystifying.

It is important to examine this on Thanksgiving, a day of gratitude for the nation.

College students at Mizzou, the University of Missouri, were protesting apparent racism on campus. After taking a closer look, the racism appears to be an invisible boogeyman, like much of the issues young kids are whining about today. Much of the outcry was based on the accusations that someone called someone the “N” word or the fictitious racist comment painted in a waste product. The storm of insanity that resulted from this caused a college president to resign and a warped, Maoist version of Woodstock to take place at one of the nation’s centers of free thought. Students demanded their “safe space,” a term in vogue at colleges across the country today.

To quote, Sir Laurence Olivier in “Marathon Man,” “Is it safe?”

The truth is the so-called racism at Mizzou is a figment of racism. These kids have no idea about real racism, the racism that protesters in the Deep South faced in the 1950’s and 1960’s. No one in Missouri is being denied a seat on a bus, or a place at a lunch counter. No one at Mizzou is being blocked from class by the governor and his pack of guard dogs.

The outrage against imaginary bad things is present everywhere, like at Yale, when students went crazy over an administrator’s Halloween costume email. The email simply told the students that it was just Halloween and that they should get a grip and not be offended by someone’s costume. That set off a firestorm of student temper tantrums, claiming that Yale was not providing them a safe space.

Across the country, there is an epidemic of students being offended by nearly everything imaginable: passages in books, costumes, words, phrases, apparent and unapparent meanings. Everything is potentially racist or sexist and can be a micro-aggression that triggers them. When offended, students demand that they move to a safe space where they can calm down or discuss what caused their delicate little souls so much harm.

These students aren’t protesting anything real like the Vietnam War or Jim Crow laws or pollution. Their grievances are imaginary. These students are rebels without a cause. These Millennial whiners are the Ungrateful Generation.

Now, the nation is seeing the result of parents and teachers coddling America’s children for 25 years; the children who were constantly referred to as “special snowflakes” and received trophies for just showing up and batting .100 all season. America has created a generation of young people who don’t know how to fend for themselves, who need affirmation 24 hours a day and who are so soft that it would be laughable if it wasn’t truly tragic.

Even more frightening, America has created a generation of young people who support the virtual destruction of free speech, if it enables them to feel safe and no longer offended.

These little Stalinists, these little snowflakes need to take a deep breath and realize how lucky they truly are. Regardless of the political bickering and daily problems, America is still the greatest nation on earth. These young students are fortunate that they are able to attend such fine universities as Yale or Mizzou. Prior generations in this country had no student loans. There was no government funding. There was only a job in a factory.
While these whiners complain about nothing and make absurd and Maoist demands of cowardly university officials, people their age are serving in the military and defending all of us. Other kids are working two or three jobs to make ends meet.

The Ungrateful Generation of college wussies needs to learn about real protests, real issues and the people their age that fought and died for us in. Eighteen year old guys at the Battle of the Bulge didn’t have time to be offended by micro-aggressions. They were dealing with real world macro-aggressions, like the Waffen SS.

Someone needs to send the Ungrateful Generation to a major time out, where they can ponder reality.

If they think life is tough at Yale, they ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2015, 02:05:16 pm by rangerrebew »

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Re: Rebels without a Cause – The Ungrateful Generation
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2015, 02:22:03 pm »
Related: The Ululations of Radical College Crybabies
Michelle Malkin | Nov 20, 2015
Deray McKesson, the professional agitator whose racial rabble-rousing began at tax-subsidized Teach for America, proudly unveiled his new enterprise on the Internet Thursday: A website chronicling "THE DEMANDS" of his radical brothers and sisters on college campuses across Northern America.

"We recently launched which compiles the college demands from across the country," he tweeted. "Check it out."

I did. Man, oh, man, are the kids "DEMAND"-y these days!

Whoops, kids, did I offend you with "Man, oh, man?" I plead guilty to "cisheteropatriarchy." Also: ageism! Prosecute me for serial microaggressions and throw me in the safe-space violators' slammer.

But I micro-aggress-digress.

The current list of campuses represented on TheDemands.Org includes 37 institutions of higher learning. Or rather, higher moaning.

I'm calling the website the Social Justice Warrior Entitlement Mob Tracker. It's a useful database of progressive brats who are part of a clearly coordinated "Black Lives Matter" hijacking of American colleges and universities (with a few Canadian groupies tagging along). Whatever legitimate complaints these privileged -- yes, you are privileged to be attending college in America in the 21st century -- students may have had, they've utterly beclowned themselves with their over-the-top hysterics.

Leading the list is the University of Missouri, which claimed the scalps of the school's president and chancellor last week for insufficient attention to alleged bias incidents and drunken catcalls.

It wasn't enough. Never enough.

The Mizzou mob is also demanding a new race-based hiring quota increase for "black faculty and staff members campus-wide by 10 percent" and an increase in "funding and resources for the University of Missouri Counseling Center for the purpose of hiring additional mental health professionals, particularly those of color."

Shakedown godfathers Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have taught their protesting progeny well.

At Amherst College, the "uprisers" are pressuring the president to make -- take a deep breath -- a "statement of apology to students, alumni and former students, faculty, administration and staff who have been victims of several injustices including but not limited to our institutional legacy of white supremacy, colonialism, anti-black racism, anti-Latinx racism, anti-Native American racism, anti-Native/ indigenous racism, anti-Asian racism, anti-Middle Eastern racism, heterosexism, cis-sexism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, ableism, mental health stigma, and classism."

Alas, there's no safe space from coddled, overly verbose narcissists.

Wait, they're not done. The "Amherst Uprising" tolerance mob also initially demanded that "student(s) who posted the 'All Lives Matter' posters, and the 'Free Speech' posters" that mourned "the true victim of the Missouri Protests: Free Speech," be subject to the school's "Disciplinary Process if a formal complaint is filed, and that they will be required to attend extensive training for racial and cultural competency."

That punitive demand was quietly scrubbed from the site, but the free speech-squelching mission of all of these bubble-wrapped crybabies who can't handle dissent of any kind is unmistakable. So is their brazen grab for power and money. They're not interested in gaining an education. They want political control.

As the protest leaders of the Atlanta University Center Consortium for black colleges made clear, their goal is complete transformation of their campuses to fulfill their "civic duty through direct action and grassroots organization."

Oh, and they "DEMAND" to get paid. ASAP! Boston College's demand-y demanders "demand the introduction of compulsory, in-person, and regular anti-oppression training" to be "led and organized by people of color with significant experience in anti-oppression activism or scholarship" who "should be compensated and acknowledged for their labor" beginning in "spring 2016." Not to be overlooked, social justice painters and papier mache protesters made sure to include Demand No. 7 from St. Louis University: "Mutually agreed upon commissioned artwork."

Unlike revolutionaries of past eras who cast off their shackles and demanded that their oppressors leave them alone, the 21st century insurgents demand that their indulgent overseers wipe their tears, hold their hands, and provide them round-the-clock therapy.

At Princeton, liberal professors and administrators patted themselves on the back for assuaging hurt feelings and eliminating the age-old tradition of calling college heads "masters." (Apparently, "master's degrees" are safe. For now.)

But it wasn't enough. Never enough.

The "Black Justice League" barged into the Ivy League school's president's office this week demanding full eradication of every reference to progressive racial segregationist Woodrow Wilson at Princeton; "cultural competency training for all staff and faculty"; a racially segregated safe space "dedicated specifically to Black students" who oppose racial segregation (except for themselves); and "classes on the history of marginalized peoples" because "[l]earning about marginalized groups, their cultures, and structures of privilege is just as important as any science or quantitative reasoning course."

Uh-huh. When academic courses get demanding, the weak-minded get demand-y. Listening to the ululations of their own entitled, endless bleating is much more appealing and healing, after all, than multivariate analysis, synthetic organic chemistry or mechanical engineering.
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Re: Rebels without a Cause – The Ungrateful Generation
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2015, 02:49:42 pm »
Closed Minds on Campus
Today’s student protesters start with valuable observations, writes John H. McWhorter, but then they drift into a mistaken idea of what a university—and even a society—should be

by John H. McWhorter
Updated Nov. 27, 2015 9:29 a.m. ET
From the aggrieved pitch of recent student protests against racism, the naive observer might be surprised that we are now 50 years past the 1960s. Today’s protesters have not endured the open hostility and dismissal that James Meredith did as the first African-American student at Ole Miss in 1962, when white students turned their backs on him in the cafeteria and bounced a basketball in the room over his at all hours of the night. As a black college student in the early 1980s, my experience felt different enough from his that it never occurred to me to characterize my school, Rutgers University, as a “racist campus.”

Of course, it was part of a racist America, and so I encountered discrimination here and there. The girl at the open-mic night who opened with “What do you call 150 black people at the bottom of the ocean? A good start!” The German teacher who told me I was in the wrong class the second I walked in and openly despised me for the rest of the semester. The frat boys yelling “Zebra!” as I passed with a white girl I dated.

But I was too busy with the other 99.7% of my life to really focus on such things—maybe being an introverted geek was part of it? Under the current campus Zeitgeist, I was nevertheless behind the curve. The new idea is that even occasionally stubbing your toe on racism renders a university a grievously “unsafe space” and justifies students calling for the ouster of a lecturer who calls for reasoned discussion (Yale) and even of a dean stepping down in shame for an awkwardly worded email (Claremont McKenna).

It’s true that the civil-rights victories of the 1960s left a lot of work to do. We should not expect a black Yale student to shrug it off if a fraternity member says a party is for “white girls only,” as has been alleged. Campus police must conquer any leaning toward treating students of color like potential criminals. There is also a strong case for removing the name and face of Woodrow Wilson from Princeton’s campus, as protesters there have demanded. When I think of Wilson, I always think of him declaring that the nakedly racist 1915 film “The Birth of a Nation” was “history written with lightning” and evicting black leaders from the Oval Office for deigning to express their grievances uncompromisingly.

However, something is off about today’s student protests. The protesters may start with valuable observations, but then they drift into a mistaken idea of what a university—and even a society—should be. ...
Read the rest at Wall St. Journal
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Re: Rebels without a Cause – The Ungrateful Generation
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2015, 03:26:13 pm »
The combination of political correctness  + youthful idealism = liberal lunacy.