Author Topic: Facts, Data, Truth – Things Obama Doesn’t Want In Doctored Intel Investigation  (Read 204 times)

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Facts, Data, Truth – Things Obama Doesn’t Want In Doctored Intel Investigation
Rick Wells 11/28/2015

Obama’s clearly lying again, saying he doesn’t know what we’ll discover about what was going on with the intelligence at CENTCOM. Of course he won’t be discovering anything, he already is fully aware that he’s been requiring intelligence to be altered to fit the regime’s narrative. He may not know to what extent the truth will come out and the American people will discover what he’s been up to.

With his customary pattern of obstruction and obfuscation surely already underway he’ll do everything within his power to prevent as much as possible from falling into the “wrong hands,” those of the American people.

During his comments Obama seems to embody that OJ look of sincere insincerity as he claims, “I don’t know the details of this, what I do know is my expectation.” The gloves don’t fit he expects “the highest fidelity to facts, data, the truth.”

As we all know, Obama has nothing but disdain for the truth, and no personal familiarity with it. He’s going to cover up and lie in this instance just as he always does, challenging those who seek transparent, honest government to first catch him and then prove that he’s been doing what we all know or strongly suspect he’s been doing.

General Michael Flynn, former DIA Director says the focus of the investigation should start right at the top. The reason he gives is that that’s “where the intelligence starts and stops is at the White House. The ‘president’ sets the priorities and he’s the number one customer. So if he’s not getting the intelligence that he needs and if he’s not paying attention to what else is going on, then something else is wrong there.”
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There’s another, more basic reason why the investigation should start in the White House. Obama’s the source of most of the regime criminality and abuse. Whatever the corruption, underperformance or malfeasance that is being investigated, his desk is the logical starting point.

Steve Hayes opens the discussion of what is really going on with Obama and the doctored intelligence. His previous day’s article is described by the host as having connected the dots, and pointing towards the White House.