Author Topic: Trump doubles down on claim he saw thousands cheer in NJ on 9/11  (Read 10497 times)

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Offline Carling

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Perhaps an irrefutable source will suffice...

did Trump really cite Alex Jones' Infowars in a Tweet?

It's a fact that there were Muslims who celebrated in New Jersey on 9/11. Whether there were "thousands and thousands" is another question, but watching so-called "conservatives" go insane over this and defend Muslims is quite the sight for me. 

Do you support bringing in all of these "refugees," too?
« Last Edit: November 28, 2015, 04:54:13 am by Carling »
Trump has created a cult and looks more and more like Hitler every day.

Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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Re: Trump doubles down on claim he saw thousands cheer in NJ on 9/11
« Reply #101 on: November 28, 2015, 05:53:39 am »
Nah, I don't agree.  I'm going to call you and sinkspur out when you accuse members I respect as being liars.  If you can't handle it, man up a bit or ignore me.  You act along with a few others over the past few months has changed the way I post.  If you don't respect posters who support Trump (I don't), why would you deserve my respect?

As I talked past you before, Sinkspur has been banned by cowards.  You already know that calling him out is disingenuously futile.  It is my opinion that Sinkspur's lessors could not fight for themselves, so he needed to be silenced.  Truly pathetic of those who clicked "notify" and a black mark upon the owner.

I have not accused anyone on this forum of being a liar.  I have called Trump a liar, perhaps the prince of lies, and to call him a liar is unfair to other liars.  But nice job on your own 'straw' man.  It was very good.

Hard as it maybe for you to believe, Carling, I do not view you as my enemy.  I would never put you on ignore.  I have agreed with you countless times, but it was unnecessary to respond because you made "our" point with force and clarity.  When we disagree I have always seen you as a sparing partner.  Helping me to fine tune my argument and my opinion.  I have always respected you, and I have even apologized to you on a few occasions when I realized I was hitting below the belt.  I do not ask or expect you to reciprocate my admiration for you.

I am saddened that we are at loggerheads over Trump, but I have no control over you.  I can only control myself, and I am not angry, just gobsmacked at what I see as self-destructive behavior of people I respect, within the GOP, and dismayed that I thought I knew them better.

As proof of my sincerity, Carling, and my admiration for your intellect and judgement...tell me to leave, and I will leave.  If you truly believe that I am a disruptor...that I am not 100%  invested in making America better for my children, and all of us...tell me to go and I will leave you to your echo chamber.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2015, 06:05:39 am by Once-Ler »

Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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It's a fact that there were Muslims who celebrated in New Jersey on 9/11.

It is not a fact.  It was reported.  Those 2 things are not synonymous.

Do you support bringing in all of these "refugees," too?
Yes, God help me. 

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" - "The New Colossus" Emma Lazarus

"I've spoken of the shining city all my political life, but I don't know if I ever quite communicated what I saw when I said it. But in my mind it was a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, windswept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace; a city with free ports that hummed with commerce and creativity. And if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here. That's how I saw it, and see it still." - President Reagan's farewell address

Offline R4 TrumPence

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Re: Trump doubles down on claim he saw thousands cheer in NJ on 9/11
« Reply #103 on: November 28, 2015, 06:15:42 am »
As I talked past you before, Sinkspur has been banned by cowards.  You already know that calling him out is disingenuously futile.  It is my opinion that Sinkspur's lessors could not fight for themselves, so he needed to be silenced.  Truly pathetic of those who clicked "notify" and a black mark upon the owner.

I have not accused anyone on this forum of being a liar.  I have called Trump a liar, perhaps the prince of lies, and to call him a liar is unfair to other liars.  But nice job on your own 'straw' man.  It was very good.

Hard as it maybe for you to believe, Carling, I do not view you as my enemy.  I would never put you on ignore.  I have agreed with you countless times, but it was unnecessary to respond because you made "our" point with force and clarity.  When we disagree I have always seen you as a sparing partner.  Helping me to fine tune my argument and my opinion.  I have always respected you, and I have even apologized to you on a few occasions when I realized I was hitting below the belt.  I do not ask or expect you to reciprocate my admiration for you.

I am saddened that we are at loggerheads over Trump, but I have no control over you.  I can only control myself, and I am not angry, just gobsmacked at what I see as self-destructive behavior of people I respect, within the GOP, and dismayed that I thought I knew them better.

As proof of my sincerity, Carling, and my admiration for your intellect and judgement...tell me to leave, and I will leave.  If you truly believe that I am a disruptor...that I am not 100%  invested in making America better for my children, and all of us...tell me to go and I will leave you to your echo chamber.
Mystery is not a COWARD!!!  If anything she is a most gracious host. More so than I am which is why she runs the place.  I like sink regardless of his same ole song, different candidate, different year BS.  But you don't spit on your host! 

Sinkspur was suspended for a couple of days, as is done often when he needs a break.  He is always suspended for the same reason and is attacking Mystery or speaking to her in a hateful manor, as in not listening to her.

It usually happens during the primaries regardless if presidential election or not.

It is no big deal and I think he wears it as a badge of honor, which is why he taunts her to do it. :beer:

It is no big deal.

I am Repub4Bush on FR '02

Offline Carling

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Re: Trump doubles down on claim he saw thousands cheer in NJ on 9/11
« Reply #104 on: November 28, 2015, 06:23:14 am »
As I talked past you before, Sinkspur has been banned by cowards.  You already know that calling him out is disingenuously futile.  It is my opinion that Sinkspur's lessors could not fight for themselves, so he needed to be silenced.  Truly pathetic of those who clicked "notify" and a black mark upon the owner.

I have not accused anyone on this forum of being a liar.  I have called Trump a liar, perhaps the prince of lies, and to call him a liar is unfair to other liars.  But nice job on your own 'straw' man.  It was very good.

Hard as it maybe for you to believe, Carling, I do not view you as my enemy.  I would never put you on ignore.  I have agreed with you countless times, but it was unnecessary to respond because you made "our" point with force and clarity.  When we disagree I have always seen you as a sparing partner.  Helping me to fine tune my argument and my opinion.  I have always respected you, and I have even apologized to you on a few occasions when I realized I was hitting below the belt.  I do not ask or expect you to reciprocate my admiration for you.

I am saddened that we are at loggerheads over Trump, but I have no control over you.  I can only control myself, and I am not angry, just gobsmacked at what I see as self-destructive behavior of people I respect, within the GOP, and dismayed that I thought I knew them better.

As proof of my sincerity, Carling, and my admiration for your intellect and judgement...tell me to leave, and I will leave.  If you truly believe that I am a disruptor...that I am not 100%  invested in making America better for my children, and all of us...tell me to go and I will leave you to your echo chamber.

I had no idea sinkspur had been banned.  Good for the mods here for doing so.  I hope it's just a suspension and he comes back after clearing his head a bit.

I'm not a Trump supporter, I think he's a clown, but reading some of the ad hominem vitriol here toward posters who merely won't join in the hatred of him has lowered the level of debate on this board.  I'm not a Christian,and I don't turn the other cheek, so I've changed how I post to those who I feel disrespect people that don't at all deserve it.  That's a fault of mine.  I'm a fighter and have had to make something of myself from very humble beginnings, and it's my instinct to voice my opinion about what I think is right.

I've appreciated your posts as well for years, and do respect you.  It saddens me to see such a change in posters I've respected for almost three years here, and many more on TOS.  I agreed with sinkspur much more than I ever disagreed with him here, but seeing the same behavior and personal insult outbursts that ultimately led to me being banned at TOS for literally calling out JimRob on his hypocrisy has my defenses up.

NONE of us are happy with where we're going right now with the country we love.  I literally believe we have an enemy to this country in the White House, and I admit I get upset when the focus is on a man who obviously loves America in Trump (even though I feel he's an egotistical doofus) than it is a lying, hateful, and ugly to her core person in Hillary Clinton, or the traitor who sleeps in the house I pay for him to sleep in every night as he literally is bringing terrorists into the USA.

I hope that makes sense.  Families have disagreements, and I apologize if I've gone too far with you, because I know your head and heart are in the right place.  I'd never want you to leave here.  I'd just like to see a little more civility, and I hope that my extreme change in posting made that point.  We'll make it through the primary season, and yes, I'll even vote for Jeb or Kasich if it comes to it, not that it matters here in Oregon.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2015, 06:33:44 am by Carling »
Trump has created a cult and looks more and more like Hitler every day.

Offline Paladin

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Re: Trump doubles down on claim he saw thousands cheer in NJ on 9/11
« Reply #105 on: November 28, 2015, 07:28:16 am »
Mystery is not a COWARD!!!  If anything she is a most gracious host. More so than I am which is why she runs the place.  I like sink regardless of his same ole song, different candidate, different year BS.  But you don't spit on your host! 

Sinkspur was suspended for a couple of days, as is done often when he needs a break.  He is always suspended for the same reason and is attacking Mystery or speaking to her in a hateful manor, as in not listening to her.

It usually happens during the primaries regardless if presidential election or not.

It is no big deal and I think he wears it as a badge of honor, which is why he taunts her to do it. :beer:

It is no big deal.

Wells said, Repub4Truz.

Sinkspur brought this suspension on himself by his boorish behavior, particularly toward Mystery. Rather sad, though, that this temporary and appropriate ban should be claimed as due to cowardice. That is indicative of the continuing practice of some to misread (purposefully?) the positions of others, to engage in insults, and to continue the negative dialogue which led to the suspension in the first place.   
Members of the anti-Trump cabal: Now that Mr Trump has sewn up the nomination, I want you to know I feel your pain.

Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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Re: Trump doubles down on claim he saw thousands cheer in NJ on 9/11
« Reply #106 on: November 28, 2015, 07:43:44 am »
Mystery is not a COWARD!!!  If anything she is a most gracious host. More so than I am which is why she runs the place.  I like sink regardless of his same ole song, different candidate, different year BS.  But you don't spit on your host!

I do not envy Myst's job.  I am sure it is difficult to moderate a forum where strong emotions and opinions are the flavor of the day.  That being said, Myst I think was wrong, and hosts must put up with conflicting egos when they host a party at their home.  Telling a guest to a political get together that they must limit their opinion about the front runner is nonsensical.
Sinkspur was suspended for a couple of days, as is done often when he needs a break.  He is always suspended for the same reason and is attacking Mystery or speaking to her in a hateful manor, as in not listening to her.

It seems to me Sinkspur was suspended for saying Trump sucks.  Myst's complaint was Sinkspur was talking bad about Trump too often. 

It usually happens during the primaries regardless if presidential election or not.

It is no big deal and I think he wears it as a badge of honor, which is why he taunts her to do it. :beer:

It is no big deal.

I didn't see taunting, I saw heartfelt disagreement.

Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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Re: Trump doubles down on claim he saw thousands cheer in NJ on 9/11
« Reply #107 on: November 28, 2015, 07:57:01 am »
I'm not a Trump supporter, I think he's a clown, but reading some of the ad hominem vitriol here toward posters who merely won't join in the hatred of him has lowered the level of debate on this board.


I'd just like to see a little more civility, and I hope that my extreme change in posting made that point. 

I agree my friend.  I think we all could benefit to step back and realize we are ALL angry because this is not the America we voted for, remember that we should be pointing our fingers to the left, and try to forgive our allies against Obama for their short comings.

Have a nice weekend sir. :patriot: