Author Topic: Playing Soldier – New Black Panthers Threaten Cops In Demonstration Of Just How Pathetic They Are  (Read 195 times)

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Playing Soldier – New Black Panthers Threaten Cops In Demonstration Of Just How Pathetic They Are
Rick Wells 08/14/2015

We’re constantly being told that black lives matter by thugs and their sympathizers who are, in essence, saying that only black lives matter and only after a black person is killed by a non-black. As if to illustrate that point, a group of the “New and Improved” Black Panthers racists held a provocative march and chanting session outside the Waller County Texas Jail where Sandra Bland killed herself. She demonstrated without a doubt how little value she placed upon her own black life. It was certainly not as much as these thugs parading in the street would like to pretend.

The bigoted demonstration took place on Wednesday afternoon, on the one month anniversary of Bland’s death. To celebrate, the pretend military marched up and down in poorly organized and sloppy formations, with their own version of Sgt Carter leading a gaggle of wannabe Gomer Pyles in their racist, anti-police chants.

It’s nothing new for these followers of Louis Farrakhan and Hussein Obama; threatening racially motivated violence is what they’re all about. It’s the type of naked intimidation that made them ideal poll watchers in Philadelphia in the opinion of the equally racist former Attorney General, Eric Holder.

Now they’re being used to expand upon the regime’s mission of stirring up racial animosity for political gain. Obama’s black shirts, in trying to intimidate the white man and the police, are merely demonstrating what a pathetically inadequate and thoroughly conquerable adversary they present; they’re clearly all mouth and sunglasses.

Making death threats, whether overt or implied, against police officers is a stupid thing to do, but these people don’t appear to have much activity taking place between their ears to begin with. Chants of “Oink Oink Bang Bang” sound remarkably like nursery rhymes, so, having gotten every word right, they may well be exceeding initial expectations.

This is a direct attempt to intimidate and it failed but it is not without its humor. We might wonder how they were all able to get off work at the same time in the middle of the day on a Wednesday, but that probably wasn’t an issue.

As they were singing one of their favorites, the classic “Off The Pigs,” the thug trash chanted in unison that “The revolution has come, time to pick up the gun [not really a rhyme]” followed by a declaration that they don’t want “pigs” in their community.

Are they in their own community or are they intruding into the community of others who don’t want them there either? They’re holding up some sort of African flag, an indicator that they may indeed be quite confused and a very long way from home.

Maybe they are seeking help for a problem with a wild pig infestation in their village back in Africa. They just need help getting home. They don’t seem to be the shy type, but if they would only ask, surely the donations would pour in for fifteen one way tickets back to their beloved Africa.

Just tell the Elders in Kogelo, “Obama sent us.”