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So This Is Obama’s New Normal
« on: November 25, 2015, 01:55:10 pm »
So This Is Obama’s New Normal
Rlgrimes 11/24/2015

Welcome to the New Normal

Welcome to the New Normal of Obama’s Fundamentally Changed America. This year as you sit in your local Airport waiting for your boarding call, there will be lots of interesting sights to see. Bomb sniffing dogs will be roaming around through the terminals, checking out you and your luggage and police officers looking like they just came in from a fire fight in Afghanistan will be on hand to make you feel secure. After all, it is better to feel secure than to be secure, so as always TSA’s band of professionals will be on hand to grope, prod, and fondle you. Yes my friends, security at home will be even tighter than it ever has been.

Take LAX for example, where police today are armed with fully automatic weapons and body armor. This Thanksgiving week thanks to your friends in the Middle East, ISIS and their weak kneed threats and a president that is more interested in the climate than finishing them off, there will be a larger police presence than is usually seen in New York City.

But the one bright spot in all this is that we have a brand new security slogan for the holiday season. New York City Police Commissioner Bill Bratton said it best when he addressed reporters at a press conference. “I think it quite clear what we’re advocating, seriously, is don’t be afraid, be aware. It is part of the new world we live in.”

Of course in all fairness, he was just repeating the message that was contained in a new intelligence bulletin sent to law enforcement agencies around the country, which warns there could be copy cats looking to replicate the Paris attacks in the U.S. Really, do these people think we are so stupid that we don’t realize that there could be copycats out there just waiting to kill as many people as possible?

 Meanwhile we were also treated to a brilliant observation from former Assistant Director of the FBI, Ron Hosko, who said of the ISIS strategy, “a large proportion is about fear. Could something happen? Yes. But is there a greater chance of being struck by lightning? Or struck by a car on the way to D.C.? Yes.” Well on that, I would have to agree. After all, when there is lightening, I am smart enough to go inside and the odds of me going to Washington for any reason other than to occupy the White House or the Halls of Congress are pretty damn slim.

But never fear, today, President Obama tried to reassure the public when he made a statement. “What happened in Paris is truly horrific. I understand that people worry that something similar could happen here. I want you to know that we will continue to do everything in our power to defend our nation,” he said. Well, that made me feel a whole lot safer, after all, we all know how serious he takes his oaths, just like the one he took to “Defend and protect the Constitution of the United States of America.”

But possibly the one piece of information to come out this week was that Intelligence Officials believe that the key to protecting the U.S. from terrorists involves studying tactics used in Paris. These brilliant minds believe the attackers conducted pre-operation surveillance. So as a precaution, police across the U.S. are being advised to be on the lookout for suspicious people conducting surveillance of soft targets. And to help them accomplish that, there is even a new phone app that is débuting this week with the catchy name of “See something, Say something.”

I kid you not. This new app for your smart phone lets you take a picture of something or someone that looks “suspicious” and email it to your local law enforcement so they can check it out. At the same time, all these highly intelligent members of government are telling you that if you get caught in a terrorist attack you will be safer if you are unarmed and hiding under a table.

Well guess what, I have my own security saying, it is “if you see something, Stop, Drop, and Fire.” I guarantee that if I find myself in that situation, the only reason I will be hiding under a table is to give myself a better firing position, because I sure as hell don’t trust any of these idiots to provide me with personal security, do you?