Author Topic: Parasite Obama’s “Hate America World Tour” – Laying The Climate Profiteering Foundation In Malaysia  (Read 276 times)

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Parasite Obama’s “Hate America World Tour” – Laying The Climate Profiteering Foundation In Malaysia
Rick Wells 11/22/2015

The very real threat of Islamic terrorism is rising exponentially around the globe, largely due to the actions and inactions of the Obama regime. As is typical, instead of paying attention to the real problem, Obama is instead inviting terrorist into America and focusing on correcting make-believe non-problems in the most expensive, crippling manners possible.

The globetrotting criminal in the White House is making his fraudulent “Pilfer America First” case arguments anywhere he can get anyone to listen. On Saturday he lectured a group of naïve Malaysians on the supposed dangers of climate change. The audience may not have even been English speaking and would in fact, in view of the bull crap bombardment that was being leveled against them, be blessed if that were the case.

The threat, along the lines of the maybe, someday, might be and could be variety, somehow garners the ‘president’s’ daily attention and incessant advocacy, while the actual existing hazard posed by his Islamist comrades is completely swept under his royal prayer rug.

The message he has for the Malaysians is simple; nothing’s happening to the planet now and there’s no  indication that there ever will, but Obama’s been to Hollywood, he’s seen crappy disaster movies, he knows Al Gore and he’s reading from one of his ridiculous and treacherous scripts.

The next scene calls for the gang-raping of America so that a few well-positioned companies, NGOs, the UN and corrupt governments and officials can enjoy the financial opportunity of a life time. Our phony ‘president’ will hold us down as the elite trash of 192 countries each has a turn at us.

It’s the usual fabrications with a few new wrinkles added; special limited time offers in celebration of the Conjob21 confab’s grand opening November 30th. Forget about Black Friday, Black Monday the 30th is when Obama has America on priced to move.

If anyone doubted this scammer’s illegitimacy and was foolish enough to believe he was really an American, his current assault on our country should be enough to dissuade such foolish notions. No real American, particularly a president under oath, would engage in the treachery that this guy is. He’s a con artist, impure and simple, plowing the soil and planting his corrupt seed in preparation for the imminent day when it all goes down.

He starts out by saying “So many of the young people here understand why ‘climate change’ is so important. He’s not talking about the real, secret reason, that it’s the greatest money making scheme in the history of the world or that it will transfer unlimited power to the oligarchy he serves. He’s talking about the public consumption version reason. They all understand, he says, yet feels compelled to pitch the lie anyway; guess he’s got nothing better to do and who wouldn’t want to listen to him lecture?

He says the science is very clear in favor of his fairy tale, which it isn’t, but lying comes easy to Bathhouse Barry. It’s like his assertions that he’s a Christian, he’s an American, and he’s really named Barack Obama. One thing is for certain, Obama is none of those three things.

Snake Oil Barry blames fossil fuels for the problem because the “green energy” shift away from them is where he and his cronies have placed their investments. There’s also a wealth of subsidies carefully crafted to be part of every cabinet agency involved in the climate change, green energy push, as well as the corrupt State Department’s foreign aid dispensary to bring an early Christmas to those willing to sellout America. The Climate Rapists are coming to town, we’d better watch out; he’s telling us why.

Obama pitches his false points as usual, including his meteorology class, telling those who came to view his excellency that the earth is warming, which changes weather patterns, warming the oceans, the ice in the arctic is melting and causing a feedback loop. That in turn causes an outbreak of ignorance and idiocy among the stunned audience that wonders how did he manage to slip a drug addict reference into their narrative.

He continues, “As things get warmer that creates even more of the trend towards warming. And if we don’t stop the amount of carbon that we send out, and we don’t find new ways of creating energy, then you’ll see the oceans rise, more extreme weather events, more drought, more flooding, bigger hurricanes, typhoons. And it could have a devastating effect on countries all around the world.” Godzilla could attack outside of Tokyo.

He uses the future tense, so those who claim that it’s already happening might want to update their talking points. Bathhouse Barrys says, “And probably the biggest effect will be on poorer countries, who don’t have as much infrastructure to protect themselves. So this is not just an environmental issue but it’s also a development issue. And once it starts its hard to reverse. So this has to be one of our highest priorities but it’s a hard issue to deal with because it doesn’t happen right away, right. It happens gradually and so people always think, well, that’s something we don’t have to worry about now. But if we don’t get started now it’s going to be too late.

He then turns his manure shovel in the direction of the Conjob21 Climate Summit in Paris saying, “In Paris, our hope is to get all the countries to agree that they will set targets for reducing carbon emissions. It won’t be the same for every country. More developed countries, they should do more. Less developed, they don’t have to do as much because they haven’t contributed so much to carbon pollution.”

Obama is dictatorially declaring that the United States to be the greatest offender and that we are obligated to do more, thinly-veiled code-speak for pay up. Maybe we should just turn our wealth over to him and he can dole it out as he sees fit. That’s where this is going anyway. As Barry sees it, we can either pay him now or pay him later, but we will pay.