Author Topic: Spy-chief to America: Time to wake up! On JFK assassination anniversary, top defector warns not everything is as it seems  (Read 309 times)

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Spy-chief to America: Time to wake up!
On JFK assassination anniversary, top defector warns not everything is as it seems
Published: 7 hours ago
Editor’s note: Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa is the highest-ranking Soviet bloc intelligence official ever to defect to the West. He exposed the massive crimes and corruption of his former boss, Romanian President Nicolae Ceausescu, giving the dictator a nervous breakdown and prompting him to post two different million-dollar bounties on Pacepa’s head and send assassination squads to the U.S. to find his former spy chief and kill him. He was unsuccessful. Pacepa, now in his late 80s, lives in the U.S. as a “proud American citizen.”

Gen. Pacepa teamed up with Prof. Ron Rychlak to write “Disinformation: Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting Terrorism,” published in 2013 by WND Books. The book, with an introduction by former CIA director R. James Woolsey, also generated an award-winning film documentary, “Disinformation: The Secret Strategy to Destroy the West.”

Today, Nov. 22, marks the 52nd anniversary of the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. In the following original analysis of Russia’s little-known role in that infamous event, Gen. Pacepa starts off by disabusing readers of the notion that Russian leader Vladimir Putin is today somehow America’s friend – even if he bombs ISIS.

Having thus set the stage by noting that Russia still poses an existential threat to America, Pacepa goes on to offer insights about the Kennedy assassination and the Soviet connection that no one but a former top-level communist intelligence insider could do.

Make no mistake about it: While America is surely facing the prospect of a terrorist Armageddon and our focus is riveted to jihadist barbarians, it seems our self-inflicted ignorance regarding today’s Russia might likewise prove to be a catastrophic mistake.

Gen. Joseph Dunford, our new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, agrees with his predecessor Gen. Ray Odierno, that today’s Russia an existential threat to the United States. Gen. Sir Adrian Bradshaw, NATO’s deputy supreme allied commander in Europe, fully agrees: “The threat from Russia and the risk it brings of miscalculation resulting in a strategic conflict, represents an existential threat to our whole being.”

For example, according to the U.S. Congressional Electro Magnetic Pulse Commission (EMP), just one single Russian nuclear EMP bomb detonated high above the U.S. mainland could collapse our country’s electric grid and the infrastructure necessary to sustain modern civilization and the lives of over 300 million Americans. Communications would cease, transportation would come to a halt, electrical power would disappear. All past calamities of the modern era would pale in comparison to the catastrophe caused by a high-altitude EMP strike.

In the estimation of two eminent authorities, Ambassador R. James Woolsey, former director of Central Intelligence, and Dr. Peter Pry, executive director of the Congressional Task Force on National and Homeland Security, even a terrorist organization such as ISIS could launch a small nuclear weapon – obtained from Russia – with the help of an old Soviet SCUD rocket from a fishing boat off our East or West Coast.

But wait. Russia helping Islamic radicals? Isn’t Putin angry with them, especially since they blew up a Russian passenger jet recently, killing all 224 on board, inducing the Russian leader to bomb the ISIS terror army?

Fast rewind to 2006. Six years after defecting to Great Britain, former Russian intelligence officer Alexander Litvinenko learned that Ayman al-Zawahiri, whom Litvinenko secretly brought to Russia to be trained by the KGB/FSB in 1996 and 1997, had created al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), which has now become ISIS. Former KGB officer Konstantin Preobrazhensky, who defected to the U.S. in 2006 and is a regular speaker on the Voice of America, testified that Litvinenko “was responsible for securing the secrecy of al-Zawahiri’s presence in Russia while he was trained by FSB instructors.”

The revelation that al-Zawahiri, who initiated ISIS, was a secret KGB/FSB operative has been totally ignored by our politicians. Not by the Kremlin, which savagely killed Litvinenko with Polonium-210, a highly toxic isotope known to have been used by the former Soviet Union as a neutron trigger for nuclear weapons. In 2007, Great Britain called for the extradition to the UK of Russian citizen Andrey Lugovoy, a former KGB officer, on charges of having murdered Litvinenko. Russia declined to extradite Lugovoy, who overnight became a member of the Duma, thus receiving parliamentary immunity.

During the Cold War, the KGB was a state within a state. Now the KGB – rechristened FSB – is the state. According to a study published in the well-known Russian opposition newspaper Novaya Gazeta and republished by the Center for the Future of Russia, some 6,000 former KGB officers were running Russia’s federal and local governments a couple of years after Vladimir Putin was crowned as Russia’s KGB tsar. Sergey Lavrov, Russia’s current minister of foreign affairs, a graduate of the KGB-sponsored Institute of International Relations, was just one of them.

The Cold War is indeed over, but, unlike other wars, that one did not end with having the defeated enemy throw down its weapons. The Kremlin’s political police, which instrumented the Cold War, has remained in place with new nameplates on their doors. Over the years this political police changed its name many times, from Okhrana to Cheka, to GPU, to OGPU, to NKVD, to NKGB, to MGB, to MVD, to KGB, to MSB, to MB, to FSK, to today’s FSB.

This does not mean Russia cannot change, but for that to happen, we will have to help. And in order to help, we should get familiar with the KGB “science” of disinformation, which has its own super-secret rules and follows its own super-secret pattern. To understand its mysteries it will not help to indulge in spy movies or spy novels, as entertaining as they might be. You must have lived in that world of secrecy and deceit, and even then you may not fathom all its darker moments, unless you are one of the few at the very top of the pyramid.

“I looked the man [Putin] in the eye” and “I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy,” declared President George W. Bush at the end of the 2001 summit meeting held in Slovenia. However, Bob Gates, who became familiar with KGB disinformation as director of the CIA, looked into Putin’s eyes and saw “a stone-cold killer.”

We need to understand that the KGB’s “science” of disinformation can transform night into day. This is one of the most important things I have learned in the 64 years I have been involved in the intelligence business – 27 in the Soviet bloc and 37 in the U.S.

New evidence shows Kennedy conspiracy as product of KGB disinformation

Nov. 22, 1963 remains a seminal date in the history of the United States. On that day, President John F. Kennedy, who wiped the floor with Nikita Khrushchev during the Cuban Missile Crisis, was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, a Marxist American who defected to the Soviet Union, temporarily returned to the U.S., and had intended to disappear again into the inscrutable Soviet Union.

On Oct. 14, 1964, less than a year after Kennedy was assassinated, Khrushchev became the only Russian/Soviet ruler to be dethroned and publicly accused of “harebrained schemes, hasty decisions, actions divorced from reality, braggadocio and rule by fiat,” as Pravda reported on its front page. Khrushchev had known Oswald would try to assassinate Kennedy on the fateful day of Nov. 22, 1963. Reliable, but unfortunately ignored, information shows Khrushchev’s dear friend, Fidel Castro (whose spies masterminded the killing of Oswald after the assassination), even ordered his intelligence services to monitor all American radio transmissions during that tragic day, as revealed in Brian Latell’s highly regarded book, “Castro’s Secrets: Cuban Intelligence, The CIA, and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy.”

Fifty-one years later, most of America is still influenced by a KGB disinformation operation, codenamed Dragon, according to which Oswald killed JFK on behalf of the CIA, the FBI, and/or rightwing American businessmen. In fact, during my years at the top of the KGB community, my Romanian foreign intelligence service, the DIE, was peripherally involved in operation Dragon. In my book “Programmed to Kill: Moscow’s Responsibility for Lee Harvey Oswald’s Assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy,” I described that worldwide operation, which proved to be one of the most successful disinformation endeavors in KGB history

TODAY ONLY! Get the blockbuster book “Disinformation,” by Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa and Ronald Rychlak, for only $4.95! That’s a huge $22 discount on the regular $26.95 price!

Original KGB documents I became aware of after I wrote the book provide new and irrefutable evidence proving the KGB involvement in the JFK assassination. Here is a short synthesis of old information completed by new revelations:

The Kennedy assassination conspiracy was born in the KGB