Author Topic: Islamic State presence in the U.S. is 'the new normal,' FBI director says  (Read 479 times)

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When a Brooklyn man pleaded guilty to plotting to join Islamic State and to bomb Coney Island, it drew little attention outside of New York City despite the spectacular image his confession conjured of a fiery blast ripping through a seaside amusement park.

It was, after all, one of hundreds of such plots that the FBI said it had been tracking since long before last week's Paris attacks, which were a stark reminder of Islamic State's global reach.

Nowhere was that reminder as chilling as in the United States, where neither Al Qaeda nor Islamic State has pulled off a major strike since Sept. 11, 2001. Despite the track record, FBI director James B. Comey has warned that Islamic State, an organization that was added to the agency's list of foreign terrorist groups only last year, is now in virtually every state.

It doesn't have to be......we have been on your watch for the last 7 years!   :chairbang:


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Re: Islamic State presence in the U.S. is 'the new normal,' FBI director says
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2015, 07:14:14 pm »
Reports: Syrians headed to the US border as southern border-crossings heat up again

Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 19, 2015
Are they all seeing the window (doors!) open in Obama’s last year in office?
obama_biden_laughing (1)

Barack and good ol’Joe: 2016 is our year to get it done—to flood America with impoverished migrants and thus to change America by changing the people! As a Senator, Joe Biden was (with Ted Kennedy) one of the architects of the Refugee Act of 1980.

This is a story I didn’t get around to last week the morning after Paris, but clearly written before BP (before Paris).  It is from the Los Angeles Times (hat tip: Joanne) and says that numbers are increasing again at our southern border and that possibly a new surge is on the way.  Here is a bit of what that article says:

The number of families illegally crossing the southern U.S. border has more than doubled over the same period last fall, prompting concern about a new surge of migrants from Central America.

Many more unaccompanied children are also crossing, with 4,476 apprehended in September — an 85% increase over that month in 2014, according to new Border Patrol data.


The concern among immigration officials and advocates is that the situation is building up to a repeat of the unprecedented influx on the southern border in 2014, when more than 68,000 unaccompanied children and as many families crossed illegally, mainly into Texas.

Here come the Syrians!

However, the big news yesterday and this morning is that Syrians may be among the OTMs (Other than Mexicans) headed to the US. I’m guessing that half of the third-world is eyeing the window of opportunity as Obama heads into his last full year in office figuring they need to make the move now in case an immigration restrictionist Republican like Trump heads to the White House at the end of the year.
2016 could well be the most critical year to CLOSE our borders.   Could we get the minutemen back in business???
We have two stories now about Syrians headed to America.

The first is here, from AFP at, about 5 Syrians detained in Honduras with fake passports and the second one, here, at Breitbart claims eight Syrians crossed into Texas recently.  They will all likely be asking for asylum.

Illegal aliens? Economic migrants? Refugees? Asylum seekers? Asylees?
A quick primer on terminology….

We all know what illegal alien is, that is everyone here who has either crossed a border without permission or over-stayed a visa.

Economic migrants is a term used for those illegal aliens who are on the move to find a better life.  They are NOT refugees.

Refugees (US bound) are selected abroad mostly by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and our US State Department.  We fly them here and a resettlement contractor gets them comfy with all their taxpayer-funded goodies and puts them on the track to US citizenship. This is the group we are arguing about now while discussing Syrian resettlement.  Refugees must have proven they would be persecuted for race, religion, political persuasion, or because they belong to a particular group—like being a homosexual—if they returned to their home country.  We have been taking around 70,000 a year in recent years from many areas of the world.

Asylum seekers are those who get in here legally with a visa or illegally and then ask for political asylum using the same claims of persecution that refugees have used.  The only difference is that asylum seekers get here on their own while we fly in the refugees (defined above). There is a legal process the asylum seekers must go through to prove they would be persecuted if we deported them.  The vast majority of those flooding Europe will be seeking asylum while we expect most are really economic migrants.  By the way, Obama wants the ‘unaccompanied alien children’ crossing our borders as illegal aliens to be ‘refugees’ through the asylum process.

Asylees are those granted legal asylum, legal protection.   We grant asylum to somewhere in the vicinity of 30,000 asylum seekers a year.  Often times those seeking asylum through our system are free to move to a location in the US where they have a relative even before their case is adjudicated. If given permission to stay, asylees can avail themselves of all the welfare goodies available to “refugees.”  And, they are often referred to as “political refugees.”  The Tsarnaev family of Boston Bomber fame were successful asylum seekers.

A reader suggested last night that we should get in the habit of referring to those who are here to stay as refugees/asylees. And, I think that is a good idea.

When the Leftwing No Borders gang (including the resettlement contractors***) claim that no refugee has committed a terror act they are parsing words.  A large number of refugees and asylees have been convicted of terror-related (most before the act was actually committed!) and other horrific crimes.  Have they forgotten the Kentucky Iraqi refugee terrorists and the Boston Bombers (asylees are refugees just as much as those admitted in the regular resettlement program)?

See crimes here.  And, don’t forget the Idaho Uzbek refugee terror case!

*** The nine major federal resettlement contractors determining the futures of your cities and states like to call themselves VOLAGs (short for Voluntary agencies)—a joke considering how much federal money they receive (some of it to care for those unaccompanied alien children crossing the border).  They all lobby for amnesty for illegal aliens while being funded mostly by you, the taxpayer:

    Church World Service (CWS)
    Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC) (secular)
    Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM)
    Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
    International Rescue Committee (IRC) (secular)
    US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) (secular)
    Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS)
    United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
    World Relief Corporation (WR)
« Last Edit: November 20, 2015, 07:15:19 pm by rangerrebew »

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Re: Islamic State presence in the U.S. is 'the new normal,' FBI director says
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2015, 08:18:18 pm »
WND Exclusive
BIG LIST: All these terror attacks in U.S. covered up by feds
Dozens committed by Muslim immigrants in last 2 years
Published: 3 days ago
 Leo Hohmann
As France grapples with the implications of allowing hundreds, possibly thousands of ISIS radicals into its country as immigrants and “refugees” in the wake of last week’s massive terror attack on Paris, the Obama administration has continued to cover up the Islamic threads that run through two recent terror attacks on U.S. soil while doubling down on the importation of more Muslim refugees.

Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, has called a hearing for Thursday morning to examine the Syrian refugee crisis and its impact on national security. At the same time Speaker Paul Ryan is seeking to hold a vote as early as Thursday on whether to implement a temporary “pause” in Syrian refugee resettlement, but this vote is unlikely to cut off funding.

Ryan’s proposal also ignores the fact that it’s more than just Syria that is sending Muslim refugees to America. The United Nations has sent more than 110,000 to America from the jihadist hotbed of Somalia since the early 1990s. Many more have come from Afghanistan, Bosnia, Iraq, Iran, Uzbekistan, Burma and other Muslim countries.

Hundreds of Muslim immigrants have already been charged and convicted of providing material support to terrorist organizations, or attempting to launch their own attacks here on U.S. soil. (See list at end of this article of recent cases.)

Obama wants to import 85,000 foreign refugees in fiscal 2016, including 10,000 from Syria, with those numbers being ramped up further in 2017.

This comes amid repeated warnings by the FBI that it cannot screen Syrian refugees and that it is already chasing 1,000 active ISIS investigations in all 50 states.

But the FBI has also been less than transparent about attacks that have already occurred on U.S. soil.

The attack by 24-year-old Muhammad Abdulaziz, who gunned down five U.S. servicemen in Chattanooga earlier this summer, and the Nov. 4 knife attack by 18-year-old Faisal Mohammed against students at a California college were both carried out by devout Muslims who showed signs of allegiance to the Islamic State. But the public may never know the full details behind these crimes because the FBI has refused to release all of its reports.

Investigators have said Abdulazeez was a “homegrown violent extremist” but have not offered details about what motivated the attack that began at a military recruiting center and ended when Abdulazeez was shot to death by police who followed him to the Reserve center. The young Muslim came to the U.S. as an immigrant from Kuwait with is parents at the age of 6, attended U.S. schools, obtained an engineering degree and became a naturalized citizen before his family said he became more religious and took the lives of four U.S. Marines and a sailor.

“We’re still trying to make sure we understand Abdulazeez, his motivations and associations, in a really good way,” FBI Director James Comey told reporters during a visit to Nashville’s FBI field office last Friday.

“Sometimes the way we investigate requires us to keep information secret. That’s a good thing. We don’t want to smear people.”  ...
Rest of article
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