Author Topic: DWS: Dems Got Crushed In 2012 Because Americans ‘Overwhelmingly Support’ The Democratic Party  (Read 755 times)

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DWS: Dems Got Crushed In 2012 Because Americans ‘Overwhelmingly Support’ The Democratic Party
Brian Anderson
November 18, 2015

The democrats got crushed in the 2012 midterm elections, handing control of the Senate to the Republicans and giving them the biggest majority in the House in generations. Democratic National Committee head Debbie Wasserman Schultz just released the “autopsy report” on the ass kicking and according to her, the democrats lost so badly because Americans overwhelmingly support what democrats stand for. Huh?

Here’s the problem according to the report:

    Since 2008, the Democratic Party has lost 69 House seats; 13 Senate seats; more than 900 state legislative seats; 30 state legislative chambers; and 12 governorships.

And here’s Wasserman Schultz’s assessment of why that has happened:

    However, the 2014 midterms made it abundantly clear that while Americans overwhelmingly support the issues and values that the Democratic Party fights for every day – voting to raise the minimum wage and protecting women’s health care choices – our down ballot candidates were not connecting with voters and lacked some fundamental infrastructure and support to convey their message.

Okay, so most Americans support the wacko agenda of the Democratic Party, but they voted Republican because democrats didn’t connect with them? How does this make any sense? Oh wait, we’re talking about democrats; it doesn’t have to make sense.

The DNC solicited feedback from candidates, campaign staff, and democratic voters to figure out how the fix things for the dems over the next 3 election cycles. They didn’t bother talking to independent, undecided, or Republican voters so they probably didn’t glean any useful information, but here’s their battle plan:

    1. Develop a clear, values-based message that unites us as Democrats, engages and appeals to the American electorate, and that resonates with the core underlying values that have made America great throughout our history.

You mean like unregulated abortions, transgender bathrooms, Christian bashing, and destruction of the 2nd Amendment? I don’t think democrats fully understand the values that have made America great or the values that Americans hold dear.

    2. Create strong, collaborative and accountable partnerships with each state party to develop a pathway to enhance programs that promote self-sustainability.

Such as the self-sustainability of democratic social policies that promote utter dependence upon the federal government, I suppose.

    3. Proactively protect and expand every American’s right to vote, and ensure every vote is counted.

Since democrats call illegal aliens “new Americans” why not get them voting too?

    4. Build a three-election-cycle strategy for redistricting – at the state and federal level.

And just in case they can’t win elections from the illegal alien vote, they are going to gerrymander the shit out of America to make it easier for democratic candidates.

    5. Identify and promote the next generation of Democratic leaders, including citizen activists from a cross-section of backgrounds and walks of life focusing on building our bench of future candidates as well as Party and campaign operatives.

In other words: Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are white old farts and they need some candidates that aren’t suffering from dementia.

Well, that’s it. That’s the entire DNC plan to keep the White House and retake the Senate. It’s as solid as any other democratic plan. I’ll give them that.

I have an alternate theory as to why the democrats lost so spectacularly in 2012 and why they will continue to lose: they are the party of abortions, gun control, regulations, high taxes, global warming, and justice reform. Most people don’t consider those things priorities. People want jobs and a strong economy. They want to be safe from terrorists and criminals. The democrats are completely out of touch with the actual concerns of American voters.

The Democratic Party is the party of delusion and in Wasserman Schultz they have the queen of all space cadets. The purpose of a post-election autopsy report is to identify why the party lost and to recommend ways to win in the future. Here the DNC head figures they lost because people support democrats overwhelmingly and recommends they change nothing.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2015, 01:45:32 pm by rangerrebew »

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The rats are going through their version of a Tea Party rebellion.  They are trying to establish the extreme boundaries of their own relevance as a party.  Hard as it may be to believe, "real liberals" think Obama and the rat party have sold out the party, and refused to fight.  They think the rats go along to get along in an effort to get re-elected.  They see no difference between Obama and the rats, and the GOP.

I hope their search for the soul of their party is just as stupidly destructive an immune to logic as the rise of the Tea Party/Freedom Caucus...and God willing results in the rise of their own Trumpigula.