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A Horrible Day for American Leadership
« on: November 19, 2015, 02:38:30 pm »
A Horrible Day for American Leadership

November 18, 2015
By Ron Fournier
National Journal

In response to terror, a petulant president and a xenophobic GOP presidential field.

Monday was a hor­rible day for Amer­ic­an lead­er­ship. First, our petu­lant, tone-deaf pres­id­ent showed more an­ger to­ward his polit­ic­al crit­ics than to­ward IS­IS. Second, the Re­pub­lic­an pres­id­en­tial hope­fuls turned their backs on Syr­i­an war refugees in a xeno­phobic frenzy.
Ron Fournier is the Senior Political Columnist and Editorial Director of National Journal. Prior to joining NJ, he worked at the Associated Press for 20 years, most recently as Washington Bureau Chief. A Detroit native, Fournier began his career in Arkansas, first with the Hot Springs ... Full Bio

At a news con­fer­ence in Tur­key for the G-20 sum­mit, Barack Obama bristled in de­fense of his IS­IS strategy, his ini­tial dis­missal of the ter­ror­ist state, his mil­it­ary re­sponse, his dip­lomacy, and his will­ing­ness to ac­cept refugees from Syr­ia.

“And,” wrote my col­league George Con­don, “there was no hid­ing his frus­tra­tion.”

Which was a shame, be­cause nobody cares about Obama’s pre­cious feel­ings.

What the people of France and its free­dom-lov­ing al­lies care about is de­feat­ing IS­IS. They won­der about the com­mit­ment of a U.S. pres­id­ent who dis­missed IS­IS as a “JV team” be­fore it be­headed Amer­ic­ans, who de­clared IS­IS “con­tained” be­fore it at­tacked Par­is, and whose ad­visers now say IS­IS can’t at­tack the United States. Nobody be­lieves that.

“No,” Obama in­sisted, “we haven’t un­der­es­tim­ated [their] abil­it­ies.” Nobody be­lieves that, either.

For all his skills as an orator, Obama is a lousy com­mu­nic­at­or. He doesn’t lead, he lec­tures. He ar­gues rather than edu­cates. His rhet­or­ic is self-fo­cused, not up­lift­ing to­ward a cause great­er than him­self. He spins and shifts blame, rarely ad­mit­ting fault.

Obama tries to show steely re­solve, but his af­fect is stub­born ar­rog­ance.

Even his sup­port­ers slammed the pres­id­ent’s per­form­ance. “Obama’s tone in ad­dress­ing the Par­is at­ro­city was all wrong,” wrote Wash­ing­ton Post colum­nist Eu­gene Robin­son. “At times he was pat­ron­iz­ing, at oth­er times he seemed an­noyed and al­most dis­missive. The pres­id­ent said, es­sen­tially, that he had con­sidered all the op­tions and de­cided that even a large-scale ter­ror­ist at­tack in the heart of a ma­jor European cap­it­al was not enough to make him re­con­sider his policy.”

Which brings me to the GOP, the source of Obama’s frus­tra­tion and an obstacle to the safety of Syr­i­an refugees.

“Wake up and smell the falafel,” said former Arkan­sas Gov. Mike Hucka­bee, us­ing a slur to ar­gue against the set­tle­ment of refugees.

How does a party that pro­claims the sanc­tity of life risk the deaths of so many in­no­cents be­cause it is dif­fi­cult—not im­possible—to screen refugees? How can the party of re­li­gious free­dom in­clude at least three can­did­ates who would ad­mit Chris­ti­an refugees from Syr­ia, but no Muslims?

A re­li­gious test is con­trary to this na­tion’s found­ing prin­ciples. This brings to mind one of the ugli­est chapters in U.S. his­tory, when a ship of Jew­ish refugees flee­ing the Third Reich was turned away from Flor­ida in 1939.

The Na­tion­al As­so­ci­ation of Evan­gel­ic­als gets it. Shortly be­fore the Par­is at­tacks, the group’s lead­er au­thored a column titled, “Where’s the Com­pas­sion on the Cam­paign Trail?” that made a faith-based ar­gu­ment for set­tling refugees. It de­con­struc­ted the scar­i­est of GOP talk­ing points.

“Can­did­ates do the na­tion a dis­ser­vice if they propag­ate mis­in­form­a­tion de­signed to in­still fear,” wrote Stephan Bau­man, pres­id­ent and CEO of the as­so­ci­ation’s hu­man­it­ari­an arm, World Re­lief.

“In­stead,” he con­tin­ued, “I hope that each can­did­ate will present a com­pas­sion­ate, in­formed plan for how our great na­tion can do more to wel­come care­fully-vet­ted refugees from Syr­ia and else­where who have fled per­se­cu­tion; how we can bet­ter equip our al­lies in the Middle East and Europe to re­spond to the much lar­ger num­bers of refugees they are re­ceiv­ing; and how to bring about peace­ful res­ol­u­tions to the des­per­ate con­flicts in the Middle East and else­where that have dis­placed so many.”

The column was full of grace and com­pas­sion and so much of what it means to be an Amer­ic­an. I won­der if Bau­man has woken up and smelled the falafel.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2015, 02:39:08 pm by rangerrebew »