Author Topic: ISIS Hands Out Candy to Celebrate Paris Murders  (Read 206 times)

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ISIS Hands Out Candy to Celebrate Paris Murders
« on: November 17, 2015, 09:31:50 am »
ISIS Hands Out Candy to Celebrate Paris Murders

Posted By Bridget Johnson On November 16, 2015 @ 10:16 am In Islamic State,Terrorism | 9 Comments

ISIS was distributing candy in the occupied hometown of late dictator Moammar Gadhafi over the weekend to “celebrate” the Paris attacks.

They released a few photos of a masked, camo-wearing jihadist toting a basket of sweets on largely unoccupied streets in the Libyan city.

Despite the less-than-enthused expressions of many in the photos, ISIS in Libya claimed the pics reflected “the joy of Muslims in the city of Sirte” over the “blessed” Paris attacks.

Sirte has been occupied by ISIS since February. Residents rose up against ISIS in an unsuccessful August battle to eject them from the city.

The Egyptian Christians beheaded early this year had gone to Sirte to find work.

Notice the guy reading the flier. ISIS separately released photos from Anbar, showing jihadis photocopying the terror group’s statement of responsibility for the Paris attacks and handing out the fliers on the street.

Article printed from The PJ Tatler:

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