Author Topic: Paris terror mastermind identified as Belgian citizen. 'He's exactly the kind of people you would expect'  (Read 220 times)

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Paris terror mastermind identified as Belgian citizen
'He's exactly the kind of people you would expect'
Published: 42 mins ago. Updated: 11/16/2015 at 6:25 AM

Police in France have identified the suspect responsible for masterminding the terror strikes across Paris as a Belgian citizen, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, who’s linked to previous attacks on a train and church were thwarted.

KTL Radio in France called Abaaoud, 27, “one of the most active ISIS executioners” in Syria.

The Independent reported he is believed to be from the Molenbeek section of Brussels. It’s also thought he funded the attacks.

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“He’s exactly the kind of people you would expect to plan something like this,” said Charlie Winter, a security analysis who specializes in profiling terrorists, the Independent reported. “You don’t go from never trying anything to masterminding an attack involving multiple attackers, multiple targets and multiple weapons.”

The news came as law enforcement conducted a new raid in Belgium on Monday morning, the latest of 168 that went forth in the last 12 hours. It also came as French Prime Minister Manuel Valls warned of the likelihood of more terror strikes.

“We know that more attacks are being prepared, not just against France but also against other European countries,” Valls said, on RTL Radio.

CNN reported police early Monday were in a standoff with a suspect holed up in a building.

So far, 23 suspects have been taken into custody, and four of the attackers were identified as French nationals, CNN reported. Seven of those suspected of carrying out the six attacks on Friday have been killed.

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The raids came just a few hours after French jets carried out bombing attacks on eastern Syrian sites linked to ISIS, the terror group that’s claimed responsibility for the attacks.

The European Union’s 28 nation states joined for a minute of silence to honor those killed and injured, while President Obama ordered the United States to fly flags at half-staff until Thursday.