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Ted Cruz: Radical Islamism ‘Will Not Be Appeased,’ Allies of Jihadists ‘Signing Your Own Death Warrant’

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Cruz is absolutely 100% correct.  Someone needs to make a bold and precise statement regarding ISIS.  He articulated a message very well.  I would love to see him make a radio campaign advertisement utilizing his message on this issue. His statement sends a clear message not only to the American people, but hopefully will get our Congressmen off their butts to do something.

My fear is we still have Obama at the helm. He has painted a huge bulls-eye on our country.  He plans to go before the Supreme Court over his e.o. on amnesty.  He still intends to bring in more refugees.  I have no doubt he will try to disarm the populace through e.o.  So, I would hope that each of us will start placing calls (every day usually has a tremendous impact) to our Senators and Congressmen and demand two things: 1)  Our Borders Closed  2)  No more refugees.

Imagine...if Ted Cruz were president he would have already taken swift and decisive action.

Ted Cruz 2016.  Reigniting the Promise of America!!


--- Quote ---This statement, made before the Paris attack: DONALD TRUMP: 'I would bomb the s--- out of' ISIS, is part of Trump's broader strategy for defeating the terror group.
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OK! What's the rest of the plan?  If it doesn't involve lots of boots on the ground and the resolve to cut off the head of the problem it's just more empty rhetoric!


--- Quote from: Bigun on November 15, 2015, 02:30:57 pm ---OK! What's the rest of the plan?  If it doesn't involve lots of boots on the ground and the resolve to cut off the head of the problem it's just more empty rhetoric!

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He'd be working as partners with both Netanyahu and Putin, as well as el-Sisi in Egypt.

The ONLY reason ISIL has been able to march forward and create these horrors and mayhem is with the help of Barack Obama.

And the only person who would entice it to continue would be Hillary Clinton.


--- Quote from: DCPatriot on November 15, 2015, 02:44:45 pm ---He'd be working as partners with both Netanyahu and Putin, as well as el-Sisi in Egypt.

The ONLY reason ISIL has been able to march forward and create these horrors and mayhem is with the help of Barack Obama.

And the only person who would entice it to continue would be Hillary Clinton.

--- End quote ---

Working with them how? The PROBLEM is the Mullahs in Iran! Until they have been properly dealt with it's never going to stop!


--- Quote from: Bigun on November 15, 2015, 02:51:58 pm ---Working with them how? The PROBLEM is the Mullahs in Iran! Until they have been properly dealt with it's never going to stop!

--- End quote ---

Iran let the hostages go while Reagan was taking his Oath of Office. 

They want the bomb.  They'll abandon ISIS at the first opportunity...for an unleashed Israel would demand their attention.


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