Author Topic: The little boy's death Obama didn't mention. Black leader says president ignored shooting by black officers because of politics  (Read 417 times)

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The little boy's death Obama didn't mention
Black leader says president ignored shooting by black officers because of politics
Published: 8 hours ago


Friends and relatives have gathered for the funeral of six-year-old Jeremy Mardis after the autistic first-grader was shot and killed by two police officers last week.

However, President Obama did not attend. Nor did he sing “Amazing Grace” as he did for the late Rev. Clementa Pinckney in Charleston, South Carolina. He also did not send White House aides, as he did for 18-year-old Michael Brown.

And the absence was noted by Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, a talk radio host, WND columnist, and founder of the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny.

“Barack Obama did not hold a press conference or say that if he had a son, it would look just like that little white boy,” Peterson noted. “He didn’t send the Justice Department to investigate it or call it a hate crime. He did not, as far as I could tell, even mention it.”

While young Jeremy was white, the two marshals who killed him were black. Peterson, author of the forthcoming book “The Antidote,” believes if Obama and other race-conscious liberals truly cared about racism, they would raise a fuss over this shooting like they did over the killings of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray and other black victims of police officers.

“They would treat whites and blacks the same way, and they’re not doing that because when it’s a black-on-white situation, there’s no opportunity to intimidate white people or scare them in order to redistribute power and wealth, and it’s about that and nothing else,” Peterson said.

“And that’s why he’s not sending representatives from the White House to [Jeremy's] funeral, because in his mind, there’s nothing to gain from that at all.”

Peterson noted it’s unclear if there was any racial motivation in the killing. According to CNN, the two Louisiana City Marshals, Derrick Stafford and Norris Greenhouse Jr., claimed to have witnessed “domestic abuse” during an argument between Christopher Few and his girlfriend in front of a local bar. The officers said they moved in to detain Few, but he fled in his SUV, with police in pursuit.

When Few reached the end of a dead-end road and tried to back up, the marshals opened fire. Few was critically wounded but survived. However, his son, who was buckled in the front passenger seat, was hit five times in the head and chest and died.

Police body camera footage appeared to show Few had his hands in the air before the officers opened fire, according to multiple media outlets.

Col. Mike Edmonson, the Louisiana state police superintendent, called the video “disturbing,” and Stafford and Greenhouse were charged with second-degree murder and attempted second-degree murder.

Edmonson said there was no evidence a warrant had been issued against Few, and investigators found no gun at the scene.

A frequent narrative among black Americans and white liberals is that the police are part of a racist system that oppresses minorities. Unfortunately, according to Peterson, this particular killing runs counter to that narrative.

“Because it was a black-on-white shooting, it does nothing for it,” he said. “I mean, in the minds of so-called Black Lives Matter and Barack Obama and others, it does nothing.”

In fact, Peterson believes many instances of white officer violence against blacks have nothing to do with racism at all.

“It has everything to do with people with criminal records and those who refuse to follow the instructions of the officers,” Peterson stated. “Some were trying to run away, some were trying to attack the cops; it had everything to do with a disrespect for authority and nothing to do with racism at all.”

Jack Cashill, author of “Scarlet Letters: The Ever-Increasing Intolerance of the Cult of Liberalism Exposed,” believes there was a measure of disrespect for authority in Few’s case as well. He noted that Few is alleged to have fled in his vehicle after assaulting his girlfriend at the bar. Therefore, Cashill does not have much sympathy for the father.

“Crime is a contact sport,” warned Cashill, a WND columnist. “When someone commits a crime and flees from the police, bad things happen. Black or white, when a cop screws up while doing his job, I do not believe he should be treated as a common criminal any more than should a soldier who screws up. Fired, yes. Punished, yes. But treated as a murderer, no.”

Peterson is content to let the investigation play out to determine what the officers’ motives were for firing on the unarmed man and his autistic son. But he reminds people that “blacks can be racist as well as whites.”

In the end, Peterson believes Obama simply uses race to his advantage whenever it serves his purposes.

“Obama’s a race hustler,” he said. “He doesn’t care about black people. Black lives don’t matter to him as well as white lives. No lives matter to Obama except for his personally.”