Author Topic: BBC Launches Multi-Pronged Attack On Donald Trump: Mockery, Fear, And Hints At Nazism  (Read 303 times)

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BBC Launches Multi-Pronged Attack On Donald Trump: Mockery, Fear, And Hints At Nazism
Trump BBC 4

by Raheem Kassam12 Nov 2015798

Yesterday, Sweden Democrats MP Kent Ekeroth took to the pages of Breitbart London to slam the BBC over its political bias in portraying the anti-mass migration Sweden Democrats as a “Neo Nazi” party. Now the publicly funded broadcaster, arguably the most influential in the world, has turned its guns on U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump, in an article entitled: “Donald Trump wants to deport every single illegal immigrant – could he?”

Viewers of the Republican presidential debate on Tuesday in Milwaukee, Wisconsin will be aware of the fiery exchange between Gov. Jeb Bush, who ostensibly wants to do very little about the “12 million” illegal immigrants in the United States, and Donald Trump, who wants to see a policy of repatriation, and a preference for legal immigrants.

But the BBC’s report – which coincided with a Newsnight video hit job – begins: “US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump wants to deport every illegal immigrant from the United States. The other Republican candidates say it can’t be done – one called it a “silly argument”.”

The corporation, which has been the subject of investigations for anti-Israel bias, as well as on the receiving end of accusations of left-wing political bias in the United Kingdom, leans heavily on the testimony of the ‘Center For American Progress’ – avowedly left wing, pro-mass migration organisation run by a former Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton employee. The organisation enjoys the financial support of the left-leaning Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as the the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates.

The report reads: “Based on an analysis for 5 million people, the Centre for American Progress estimates that a mass deportation from the US would cost an average of $10,070 (£6,624) per person. For 11.3 million people, that’s $114bn (£75bn).”

And the BBC employs a tactic it rarely uses when it comes to anti-migration stories: citing public opinion. It asserts: “…the majority of US Republican voters disagree with Mr Trump: according to a 2015 survey by the Pew Research Center, 56% believe undocumented immigrants should be allowed to stay if they meet certain criteria.”

When writing about Europe’s migrant crisis however, the BBC rarely, if ever, cites opinion polls that reveal how little the wider European public want to welcome migrants or “refugees”.

And then, predictably, comes the heart string pulling. The anonymous BBC analysis states: “This massive deportation programme would have to be done with the support – or at least tacit consent – of the American people, many of whom will have lived or worked with, or befriended and loved undocumented immigrants for years.”

Then the fear: “Would ordinary Americans turn a blind eye while neighbours, colleagues and friends were rounded up and taken away? Or would it precipitate mass civil unrest?”

Then the Nazi comparisons: “Could the average American stomach those images, with all their attendant historical echoes?”

Finally, the BBC asks the question: “Are there any other options?” before explaining: “Under plans first put forward by President Obama in 2014, about five million undocumented immigrants would be allowed to apply for work permits and eventually permanent residency.”

And it doesn’t stop there.

The BBC’s flagship news discussion programme, Newsnight, aired a 7 minute package last night (below) which states of Mr. Trump, “[he has] emerged into and defined something that you might refer to as the post-truth age. No one expects him to back up his claims with proof. Evidence? Data? Pfft. That’s for wimps,” the programme’s political editor tells the camera.

“If there’s something you don’t agree with, well… you’re wrong. That’s the world according to Donald Trump,” she adds, before an unidentified man talks to camera, calling Trump: “the avatar of anti-reason”.

« Last Edit: November 12, 2015, 02:02:32 pm by rangerrebew »