Author Topic: Boys (black) 'kill woman (white), drive around with corpse.' Police: Mom attacked while vacuuming vehicle at car wash  (Read 582 times)

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Boys 'kill woman, drive around with corpse'
Police: Mom attacked while vacuuming vehicle at car wash
Published: 18 hours ago. Updated: 11/10/2015 at 6:08 PM
Two teen boys, age 13 and 14, were arrested for a stabbing murder of a woman. (Credit: KCTV5 screen shot)

Two teen boys, age 13 and 14, were arrested for a stabbing murder of a woman. (Credit: KCTV5 screen shot)

Two eighth-grade boys, ages 13 and 14, who face murder charges for the alleged fatal stabbing of Tanya Chamberlain, 43, were captured on a surveillance camera in the area of the same car wash where the victim was vacuuming her vehicle just minutes before her death.

Police piecing together the details of the November 1 attack also allege the boys may have driven around in Chamberlain’s own car, with her dead body in the front seat and her feet propped on the dash, next to them, KCTV5 reported.

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KCTV5 cited court documents to report the latest of the shocking murder case in Lee’s Summit, Missouri, that occurred last week. And what’s been revealed in court is that surveillance video at the car wash shows Chamberlain vacuuming her vehicle in the early morning hours, around the same time the two boys are also videotaped in the area. Just six minutes after video picks up the two boys by the car wash, they allegedly enter Chamberlain’s vehicle, where she was also seated.


Shortly after, the surveillance video shut down for a few minutes because of Daylight Savings Time, KCTV5 reported. And when it boots back up, the vehicle was gone.

But police records indicate officers pulled over the driver of Chamberlain's vehicle about 20 minutes later for apparent driving under the influence.

When the car stopped, the two boys allegedly fled on foot. The officer, meanwhile, initiated a chase but gave up a short time later and returned to the vehicle, where he found Chamberlain's body with stab wounds on the face, neck, chest, arms and hands, the media outlet reported.

Police also found a pocket knife covered with blood in the car.

The boys, who were arrested on November 3 after a school mate recognized their hooded faces on police-released surveillance footage, attended middle school together and were also on the football team. KCTV5 reported they stopped attending practices a few weeks ago. A neighbor of one of the boys also reported to police she thought she saw him on the afternoon of the murder with blood on his shirt.

Tanya Chamberlain

Tanya Chamberlain

A hearing held Friday left in question whether the boys would be tried as adults or juveniles.

"Seriousness of the crime is huge," said one law professor, to KCTV5. "I don't know what to expect but I do think a 13 year old presents a lot of problems for the [justice] system. ... What do you do with this child?"

Police, meanwhile, said the boys have made incriminating statements about the crime and reported details only someone involved in the incident could know.

One of the suspects is a Boy Scout and allegedly admitted the knife was his, but claims the other boy stabbed Chamberlain, according to defense attorneys. The other boy claims the first boy was responsible, according to defense attorneys.

"I have to ask God for the strength to forgive and to have mercy on their souls," Chamberlain's friend Jeremiah Persinger told KCTV5. "I just want to know why. What would make you want to do something like that to a defenseless lady."

Racist, homophobe, sexist: The Inquisition is back! Order your copy of “Scarlet Letters: The Ever-Increasing Intolerance of the Cult of Liberalism.”

Jack Cashill, author of "Scarlet Letters: The Ever-Increasing Intolerance of the Cult of Liberalism Exposed," said the crime – alleged to have been committed by two black suspects against a white victim – has gone under-reported and comes as the eyes of the nation is attuned to the race-laced outrage and protests at the University of Missouri that have pitted minorities against administrators perceived as ignoring discrimination.

"While the students at the University of Missouri were busy convincing their liberal betters that being called a racial name is the most 'hurtful' thing imaginable, Tanya Chamberlain, a middle-aged white woman from Lee's Summit, Missouri, was being stabbed to death [allegedly] by two black eighth-graders," Cashill told WND. "These young [suspects] seem to have absorbed the idea that Africans Americans are and will always be victims and are thus entitled to retribution."