Author Topic: Swedes find weapons stash at migrant center  (Read 213 times)

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Swedes find weapons stash at migrant center
« on: November 05, 2015, 11:09:23 am »
Swedes find weapons stash at migrant center
Police investigate after firearms hidden in heating room
Published: 20 hours ago

Law enforcement agents in Krokum, Sweden, went on high alert after security staffers at the local migrant center reported uncovering a stash of weapons hidden in the heating room.

Gateway Pundit reported the story, translated from the Swedish Avpixlat: “A weapon cache was found last week at an asylum accommodation in Krokom … inside the property’s heating chamber. … The weapons were seized.”

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Officials found the firearms when staffers with a local energy company arrived at the facility to read the boiler meters.

“They could not get in because the door was locked,” the news outlet reported. “After finding the master key, the staff could get in and then got to see what had been hidden in there, probably by the asylum seekers.”

The size and caliber of the firearms were most alarming.

“It was not a question of small hunting guns, but several real firearms, according to respondents,” the news outlet said. “They they called the local police who in turn contacted the security police.”

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Stockholm has been struggling to deal with the mass migrant influx in recent days.

Prime Minister Stefan Lofven said in a statement to the press, as reported by Agence France-Presse: “[We've] taken a disproportionately large responsibility in comparison with other countries in the [refugee crisis] and now we are extremely strained. It is time that other countries take responsibility.”