Author Topic: White House Ignores Mom of Cop Killed by Illegal Alien!  (Read 187 times)

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White House Ignores Mom of Cop Killed by Illegal Alien!
« on: November 04, 2015, 03:16:02 pm »
White House Ignores Mom of Cop Killed by Illegal Alien!
Nancy Hayes — November 4, 2015

While he was heading home from work, Officer Brandon Mendoza, 32, was in a head-on collision between him and a drunk driving suspect, who was driving on the wrong side of the road in Tempe, Arizona, according toWPTV.


Drunk driving suspect Raul Silva-Corona was killed in the crash. Silva-Corona had been in the country illegally for two decades and had been convicted of crimes in Colorado in 1994, but not deported, reports USA Today.

Officer Mendoza was taken to the hospital but died later from his injuries.

Since that May 2014 tragedy, his mother, Mary Anne Mendoza, has been trying to meet with President Obama and others to address the issue of driver’s licenses being given to those who are in the country illegally.

She told “Fox & Friends“:

    I had no idea what a huge problem this was until it happened to me,” Mendoza said. “I don’t want any other American family to go through what I’ve gone through the last year and a half of my life.”

    “I’ve written three letters to the President,” Mendoza said. “It’s disheartening to see the people he does have at the White House.”

Mendoza elaborated on her comment about who the President meets with at the White House:

“When I was in Washington in July testifying in the Kate Steinle hearing, the Obamas had illegal students there to talk about the hardships they’ve overcome to get to college, and the very next day had illegal teachers at the White House and we were blocks away from the White House.

And, we had been pleading with them to meet with us, to see our faces, to feel our pain and to hear our stories. And maybe understand this problem a little better and do something about it for Americans.”

It isn’t just the White House giving Mendoza the silent treatment. Of all the politicians she has reached out to, Mendoza notes that Congressman Steve King of Iowa and Congressman Louie Gohmert of Texas are among the few who have been receptive.

She also credits 2016 GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump for “opening the door” so that her story, and many others like it, can be told.

This is what happens to good people when Obama keeps our borders open for terrorists and illegal immigrants! This is what will continue to happen as long as Obama is in the White House. Of course the sad part is Officer Brandon Mendoza and Kate Steinle now have something in common – both were killed by an illegal alien.

Mary Anne Mendoza can send all the letters she wants to the White House, but dont’ hold your breath. Obama didn’t answer Kate Steinle’s parents either. I guess you have to be a “clockboy” who builds an explosive device and gets suspended from school to be invited to the White House!