Author Topic: DC Flak Sends Out Hit … On Wrong Congressman  (Read 298 times)

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DC Flak Sends Out Hit … On Wrong Congressman
« on: November 04, 2015, 12:32:35 pm »
DC Flak Sends Out Hit … On Wrong Congressman

Posted By Rachel Stoltzfoos On 7:28 PM 11/03/2015 In | No Comments

GOP operative Liz Mair blasted out an email hit on the wrong congressman Sessions Tuesday, sporting the all-caps subject line: “SESSIONS PUSHES TERRIBLE, ANTI-FREE MARKET SENATE BILL.”

Mair wrongly attributed the push to Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions, whose immigration views she recently used to denigrate Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker after he fired her from his presidential campaign.

“Wanted to make you aware that even as we speak, Sen. Jeff Sessions is trying to insert the ‘Delaney Amendment,’ an anti-free market amendment, into Senate legislation,” she wrote in the email.

Action on the Delaney Amendment is actually happening in relation to the House highway bill, and Sen. Sessions certainly is not pushing it. Mair later told The Daily Caller News Foundation she was actually referring to Republican Rep. Pete Sessions, who she heard is pushing the amendment in the House, and wrote “Sen. Jeff Sessions” by mistake.

“This is bad news… and it’s worth asking why any ‘conservative’ is pushing this particular Obama-endorsed scheme… including, if any of you are so minded, on Twitter :)” Mair concluded in the email.

She has not issued a corrected statement, but told TheDCNF she notified those planning to write about the her statement of the mix-up.

“I’m amazed a correction would not be sent out to everyone who received the email,” a GOP aide told TheDCNF. “This is a perfect illustration of why the permanent political class fails GOP voters.”

Mair is opposed to Sen. Sessions’ pro-American immigration views. After Walker aligned himself with Sen. Sessions’ view that immigration policy should put the needs of American workers first in April, Mair accused her former boss of an “Olympics-quality flip-flop” on immigration.

“[Sen.] Sessions wants to further restrict legal immigration including high-skilled immigration, a position that is at odds with the traditional GOP anti-amnesty stance taken by virtually all presidential candidates,” she wrote in a lengthy email blast criticizing Walker’s position.

Walker had fired her in March after her first day on the job with his PAC.

“It’s amazing how passionate some pseudo-conservatives are in their support for open borders, that they are willing to jump at the first opportunity to discredit someone who stands up for his constituents and our sovereignty — without verifying the facts,” Daniel Horowitz, Conservative Review senior editor, told TheDCNF.

Mair told TheDCNF her mistake has nothing to do with her thoughts on Sen. Sessions. “The two things are totally unrelated,” she said. “In this case, I’m doing work on a tax issue, and my client doesn’t like the amendment PETE Sessions was pushing.”

Sen. Sessions and Rep. Sessions declined to comment.

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