Author Topic: Germany Rushing Towards Anarchy and Civil War over Islamic Invasion  (Read 546 times)

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Germany Rushing Towards Anarchy and Civil War over Islamic Invasion
Rlgrimes 11/03/2015

Migrants wait on the bridge at the Austrian-German border near Passau, Germany, October 27, 2015. © Michaela Rehle / Reuters

Reports out of Germany say that the economic power house of Europe is now running full tilt towards anarchy and eventual civil war. The government of Ms. Merkel, with its open door policy has brought the citizens of the Republic to the edge of culture suicide according to many on both sides of the political isle.

In fact the situation has been described by Hansjoerg Mueller of the Alternative for Germany party as a banana republic without any government. Bavarian official Peter Dreier called German Chancellor Angela Merkel to tell her personally that if Germany welcomes a million refugees, his town of Landshut will only take in around 1,800. Any extra will be put on buses and sent to her Chancellery in Berlin.

Mr. Dreier is the district head of Landshut, a town close to Munich. Under normal circumstances he would not have the power or authority to do such a thing, but this is not a normal situation. The current situation is clearly a breakdown in the federal governments authority and the willingness of its citizens to follow that government. More and more Germany is sliding towards anarchy.

As a result, anyone that is willing to take the lead and make a stand against the governments Islamic police, of lack of one, will be supported by the people, at least at the local level.  In a situation such as this, power and authority are determined less by law and more by the desires of the governed. And the person who acts in the best interest of the citizens has the power.
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If Mr. Dreier sends the Muslims back to Berlin, he sends them! And right now, the people will support such action. That could easily lead to a legal confrontation between the district and Berlin. Such action, would amount to a powder keg with someone holding a torch next to it.

No one knows if such threats will affect Merkel’s policy, but if they don’t and Merkel continues on her current path of confiscating private property to house Muslims, and forcing small villages to take in more Muslims than they have German citizens, a civil war is going to be the likely outcome of the confrontation. But knowing the psychological games that Merkel has been engaging in of late, I don’t believe she will reconsider her actions unfortunately.

Many regions of the country are watching the outcome of this challenge to Berlin’s authority by Bavaria. It is only logical that Bavaria would be the first to rebel as it is the region that is so far being affected the most by the policies. Situated on the border to Austria where the influx of refugees stems from it has literally been flooded with the invading hoard

But there are other regions that have been affected almost as badly, such as Saxony and Thuringia. First of all, they also have common borders with the Czech Republic the source of many of the illegals. And secondly, the people living in the former East German districts still remember what life was like living in a dictatorship.

They are feeling quite sure that the so-called democracy is sliding more and more towards a totalitarian state. And they are not happy about it. That explains why the demonstrations in Thuringia and in Saxony are so fierce as compared to other parts of the country.
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