Author Topic: FBI Director Comey Doesn’t Cave To Obama Pressure To Parrot Black Lives Matter Mantra, Tells The Truth  (Read 303 times)

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FBI Director Comey Doesn’t Cave To Obama Pressure To Parrot Black Lives Matter Mantra, Tells The Truth
Rick Wells 11/02/2015

FBI Director Jim Comey was supposed to cower, to himself become a tool in the Obama war on cops, to allow himself to be intimidated into betraying who he is as so many others willingly do in the interest of advancing their careers and positions.

Comey isn’t like that; Obama may have misjudged him and in doing so made a critical error. He placed a man of character into a leadership position and now he’s having a difficult time pulling the reins in the direction of the anti-cops agenda. To make matter worse, Comey’s also not wearing his Obamablinders. He’s interacting with law enforcement, firsthand.

As the Washington Post reported, when Hussein Obama nominated Comey as FBI Director, he commented, “To know Jim Comey is also to know his fierce independence and his deep integrity.” Unfortunately for the usurper in the White House, those were not the usual empty claims.

Now the White House syndicate is forced to deal with his truthfulness as well, which naturally is 180 degrees from their own agenda-driven messaging. They’re forced to attempt to discredit the message of Comey without discrediting the individual.

Comey has put forward his views, that the police departments of America are reacting to the “Ferguson effect;” the vilification of police that was spearheaded by the Obama regime and its politicized DOJ. That belief is not only his but is shared and supported by information gathered through his extensive interaction with local police departments. Unless random, unconnected departments across the United States are all telling him the same lie, they’ve responded similarly, as Comey describes to the assault orchestrated by Obama, Holder and others through the “Black Lives Matter” agitator group and others.
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He made his feelings known in a speech on October 23rd, at the University of Chicago Law School, in which Comey said, “I do have a strong sense that some part of the explanation is a chill wind that has blown through American law enforcement.” That was a comment to which the anti-police faux-‘president’ responded in a speech of his own, four days later, before the  International Association of Chiefs of Police. Obama, the quintessential law enforcement “expert,” told that group of “ignorant know-nothing coppers,” “What we can’t do is cherry-pick data or use anecdotal evidence to drive policy or to feed political agendas.”

It’s hard to believe the Chiefs weren’t rolling in the aisles after that one. That’s precisely what Obama has been doing for the last seven years. Maybe it’s only taboo when he’s attempting to portray someone else’s arguments as being invalid.

Obama and Comey had a private, closed door meeting in the White House on Thursday, in what would appear to have been an attempt by the DC Mafia boss to wrangle is rogue prized bull. While neither Comey nor Obama commented, it was unlikely to have the desired effect of forcing Comey to cave and to abandon his principles. That problematic integrity keeps getting in the way.

White House spokesliar Josh Earnest said on Friday, “The fact of the matter is, the president believes that the director of the FBI, particularly, with somebody who has the prodigious skills of Director Comey, must be involved in grappling with the difficult policy debates that we’re having in this country right now in balancing security and the protection of civil liberties.” It certainly sounds as if Obama was told “No.”
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According to the Washington Post, the White House was irritated by Comey’s remarks in two late October speeches, which tied the assault against police officers with a spike in homicides in some major U.S. cities. He stated his legitimate and widely shared view that the regime’s attacks have resulted in a reluctance on the part of officers to be proactive in their policing. They have adopted self-preservation, defensive measures when interacting with local citizens; the “chill” he spoke of.

Obama could have completely avoided this problem by nominating a lapdog racist as FBI Director, someone along the lines of either of his Attorney Generals, Holder or Lynch. Choosing a man of character is an inexplicable deviation from the Obama doctrine of agenda before all else. He must surely be questioning that decision and wishing there were a way to “take a Mulligan” on this one.