Author Topic: Libya warns it could flood Europe with migrants if EU does not recognise new Islamist government  (Read 279 times)

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Offline Paladin

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This is not what they have already been doing? How will the governments and peoples of Europe react to these new threats, especially if they are actually implemented? Where lies the future of Western Europe? Was the removal of Gaddafi an element in a long term plan culminating in this invasion?

"Libya has issued a veiled threat to send "hundreds of thousands" of extra migrants to Europe if Brussels does not give official recognition to its self-declared Islamist government.

Officials say they could hire boats to send large numbers of African migrants across the Mediterranean, massively adding to the numbers already reaching Europe's borders.

The warning was made by a spokesman for Libya's General National Congress in an interview with The Telegraph in the Libyan capital, Tripoli.

The Congress took control of Tripoli last year after fighting against forces loyal to the internationally- recognised House of Representatives government, and is not recognised by the European Union as Libya's legitimate government.


Jamal Zubia, the Congress's foreign media spokesman, told The Telegraph that Libya was currently spending tens of millions of pounds a year stopping migrants from crossing the Mediterranean, through the use of detention centres and repatriation programs.

He said that if Europe continued to refuse to recognise the Congress's authority, the Libyan government could reverse the policy.

"To be honest, I have advised my goverment many times already that we should hire boats and send them to Europe," he said. "We are protecting the gates of Europe, yet Europe does not recognise us and does not want to recognise us. So why should we stop the migrants here?"

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Offline Scottftlc

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That isn't the reality the European leftists have created in their multi-cultural minds. So they will continue to do what all leftists do, ignore reality and believe the fancy fictions they constructed themselves.
Well, George Lewis told the Englishman, the Italian and the Jew
You can't open your mind, boys, to every conceivable point of view

...Bob Dylan