Author Topic: Hillary Clinton Takes A Fake Question About Her Scandals And Still Can’t Answer Truthfully  (Read 469 times)

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Hillary Clinton Takes A Fake Question About Her Scandals And Still Can’t Answer Truthfully
Brian Anderson
October 30, 2015

Hillary Clinton’s campaign stops are so scripted she spends most of her time answering question like “why are you so great?” That’s why it’s kind of surprising that one of her pre-approved audience members actually asked her about her scandalous history. So surprising in fact that it was almost certainly a planted audience member. Even with a faux tough question, Hillary still managed to be elusive.

At a town hall meeting in New Hampshire, a man asked what appeared to be difficult question:

“You said earlier that you wanted to end corruption, but how can you do that after the Whitewater scandals, Benghazi and deleted emails?” asked the man.

The crowd groaned and booed, proving how staged this event actually was. Also, the fact that Hillary even answered this question proves how fake it was.

“I wish you’d go back and read the history of the 1990s, because clearly there were unfortunately a lot of partisans who thought that the best way to work with my husband’s administration was through attacks of all kinds, all of which washed out,” said Clinton.

Washed out? Here’s some 1990s history: Everyone involved in the Whitewater real estate scam went to jail, some 15 people in total. Everyone except the Clintons, that is. The very convenient “suicide” of White House aide Vince Foster, who had incriminating evidence, kept the Clintons from going to jail as well. The last thing Bill Clinton did when he left office was to pardon all of his buddies that got busted in this thing.

“I was elected to the Senate in New York in 2000, and New York is a pretty tough place to run for office from,” she continued.

Yeah, New York, one of the most liberal states in the union, is a real tough place for a democrat to run for office. Clinton got handed the Senate seat when Rudy Giuliani suddenly dropped out of the race. There was nothing tough about it.

“And I advise you to go back and read my 11 hours of testimony. I hope you enjoy it,” finished Clinton speaking of her time in front of the Benghazi Committee.

Just because the liberal media proclaimed that Hillary killed it in her Benghazi testimony doesn’t make it a fact. In truth, she didn’t answer most of the questions and was dismissive of her role in the attack that killed 4 Americans and her subsequent cover-up.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2015, 10:17:51 am by rangerrebew »