Author Topic: 70% of Anti-Semitic Attacks in Netherlands Committed by "Immigrants"  (Read 230 times)

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70% of Anti-Semitic Attacks in Netherlands Committed by "Immigrants"
It should be seen “as an opportunity to meet these people, show them the Dutch context of positive diversity.”
October 27, 2015
A data point from a smug JTA piece indicting Jews in Amsterdam for not wanting a Muslim refugee shelter conveniently located in their neighborhood for anti-Semitic attacks.

     In Buitenveldert, a quiet residential area of the Dutch capital, special forces soldiers are watching over a Jewish school from inside unmarked cars.

    About half of the Netherlands’ 40,000 Jews live here and in the adjacent suburb of Amstelveen, the only areas of the country with a large and recognizable presence of Jews. The area has six synagogues as well as the community’s main offices, three schools and nearly all its kosher shops...

You know what would really improve the place? A lot of angry Syrians and Iraqi Muslims who hate Jews.

    Just two days after the Oct. 12 announcement about the planned opening of the center, the Central Jewish Board, Dutch Jewry’s main umbrella group, said it had “grave concerns” about it, citing “extremely negative attitudes to Jews” in Syria and Iraq.

    According to Esther Voet, a former director of the community’s main watchdog on anti-Semitism, the Center for Information and Documentation on Israel, 70 percent of anti-Semitic incidents recorded in the Netherlands were committed by immigrants.

70 percent. Quite a number.

It's almost like anti-Semitism in Europe these days has become a mainly Muslim problem.

    The statement from the community board added a Jewish voice to the polarizing debate within Dutch society on whether to welcome or turn away the stream of migrants that this year brought hundreds of thousands of Muslims into the European Union — and 15,000 into the Netherlands — from the war-torn Middle East. It has also triggered a wider discussion about the validity of the Jewish community’s security concerns.

"Polarizing" and "a wider discussion about the validity".  That's liberal media narrative code for, "They're lying bigots who need to shut up."

    "No anti-Semitic incidents involving Syrian and Iraqi refugees have been reported in the Netherlands or elsewhere in Europe. And concern about the center is not universally shared among Dutch Jews."

The JTA piece by Cnaan Liphshiz takes great care to act as if Jews are not subject to anti-Semitic attacks from Muslims. The piece is littered with such claims. But just ask the Chief Rabbi.

     After the latest attack on his home, Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs sat down on his couch, picked up the phone and made three calls.

    A chief rabbi of the Netherlands, Jacobs first phoned police and a Jewish community leader to tell them that just over a week after the onset of the latest round of hostilities between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, four bricks were hurled through a window of his home. It was the fifth time in recent years that Jacobs’ residence had been attacked.

    In 2010, a stone was hurled at his front window, missing him by a few inches. Jacobs says he tries not to walk near schools in his middle-class neighborhood and elsewhere in Holland because he doesn’t want to be cursed at by children.

But as Cnaan Liphshiz would say, Rabbi Jacobs ws probably just adding a polarizing voice and his view of not wanting to have bricks thrown at him is not universally shared by Dutch Jews.

    Chantal Suissa-Runne, a board member of the Reform Jewish community in Amsterdam, said in a televised debate Oct. 18 that while she understands the concern about the refugee center, it should be seen “as an opportunity to meet these people, show them the Dutch context of positive diversity.”

Here's some positive diversity recently experienced by Holocaust survivors.

    Samuel (87) and Diana (86) Blug, two elderly Holocaust survivors, fell victim to a vicious and violent anti-Semitic attack at their home in Holland a month ago.

    The Blugs say two men, who looked to be of Moroccan descent, knocked on the door to their apartment, claiming to be the police and demanding entrance.

    As soon as Samuel opened the door, the nightmare began. Two men dressed in black barged into the apartment and started severely beating the couple.

    The assailants threw the couple on the floor, kicked them repeatedly and shouted: "Dirty Jews - from now on your property is ours."

    When Diana, who grew up in Paris and survived the Auschwitz death camp, had trouble removing one of her rings from her fingers – she told NIW she was too stressed to get it off immediately – one of the men threatened to cut off her finger and called her and her husband “dirty Jews,” she said.

    Samuel was blinded in the assault and suffered a broken femur. Both he and Diana, who were living independently before the attack, are now confined to wheelchairs at a rehabilitation center in Amsterdam.

    "Those bastards have destroyed our lives," Samuel said in tears to Yedioth Ahronoth. "I have severe pain. I'm completely broken inside," Diana added.

Maybe Cnaan Lipshitz can have a talk with Samuel and Diana and ask them to stop adding their polarizing voices to a discussion about how awesome more Muslim anti-Semitic attacks would be.

      Asked about the planned center, Michiel Cornelissen, owner of the Mouwes kosher deli in Buitenveldert, compared it to housing sex offenders near a kindergarten before quickly correcting himself, noting the refugees have not been convicted of anything. Still, he said, “Jew hatred in Arab countries means an unwarranted risk.”
« Last Edit: October 28, 2015, 10:12:07 am by rangerrebew »