Author Topic: Clinton’s testimony on Benghazi security contradicted by Pentagon. Claims 'never a recommendation' to shutter compound  (Read 2665 times)

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Clinton’s testimony on Benghazi security contradicted by Pentagon
Claims 'never a recommendation' to shutter compound
Published: 2 hours ago
JERUSALEM — A central part of Hillary Clinton’s testimony to the legislative committee investigating the Benghazi attack is directly contradicted by the Pentagon expert who led the U.S. military’s efforts to supplement diplomatic security in Libya.

Repeating an assertion she has previously made, Clinton stated unequivocally at Thursday’s hearing that there were no recommendations from anyone within the government to close the U.S. special mission in Benghazi despite  security threats.

Clinton stated “there was never a recommendation from any intelligence official in our government, from any official in the State Department or from any other person with knowledge of our presence in Benghazi to shut down Benghazi, even after the two attacks that the compound suffered.”

“And perhaps, you know, you would wonder why, but I can tell you that it was thought that the mission in Benghazi, in conjunction with the CIA mission, was vital to our national interests,” she added.

Clinton made a similar statement during  a 2013 hearing when she responded to a question from Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz, by asserting that no one within the government ever recommended the closure of the U.S. facility in the Libyan city.

In her 2013 testimony, Clinton stated: “Well, senator, I want to make clear that no one in the State Department, the intelligence community, any other agency, ever recommended that we close Benghazi. We were clear-eyed about the threats and the dangers as they were developing in eastern Libya and in Benghazi.”

Clinton’s testimony on both occasions is contradicted by Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, the chief point man in the U.S. military’s efforts to coordinate diplomatic security in Libya.

Wood testified that he personally recommended the Benghazi mission be closed, as documented in the 46-page House Republican report probing the Benghazi attacks.

Page six of the report cites security concerns, including more than 200 attacks in Libya, 50 of which took place in Benghazi, including against the U.S. mission there.

States the Republican report: “These developments caused Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, who led the U.S. military’s efforts to supplement diplomatic security in Libya, to recommend that the State Department consider pulling out of Benghazi altogether.”

The report said Wood “explained that after the withdrawal of these other organizations, ‘it was apparent to me that we were the last [Western] flag flying in Benghazi. We were the last thing on their target list to remove from Benghazi.’”


Offline Bigun

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So!  She lied! She's the queen and gets to lie with impunity.
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien


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More Than 600 Benghazi Security Requests Never Reached Clinton’s Desk, But Reports on Libya from Her ‘Friend’ Did

( – Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton acknowledged to the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Thursday that of the more than 600 security requests related to Libya and Benghazi that came in in 2012 before the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack none ever reached her desk.

However, Blumenthal’s 150 emails reached her desk, Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.) said.


POMPEO: "Do you know how many security requests there were in the 1st quarter of 2012?"

CLINTON: "For everyone or for Benghazi?"

POMPEO: "I’m sorry, yes ma’am. Related to Benghazi and Libya. Do you know how many there were?"


POMPEO: "Ma’am, there were just over 100 plus. In the 2nd quarter, do you know how many there were?"

CLINTON: "No, I do not."

POMPEO: "Ma’am there were 172ish – might have been 171 or 173. … How many were there in July and August and then in that week and few days before the attacks? Do you know?"

CLINTON: "There were a number of them. I know that."

POMPEO: "Yes, ma’am – 83 by our count. That’s over 600 requests. You’ve testified this morning that you’ve had none of those reach your desk. Is that correct also?"

CLINTON: "That’s correct."


POMPEO: "Madam Secretary, Mr. Blumenthal wrote you 150 emails. It appears from the materials that we’ve read that all of those reached your desk.

"Can you tell us why security requests from your professionals, the men that you just testified … are incredibly professional, incredibly capable people, trained in the art of keeping us all safe, none of those made it to you, but a man who was a friend of yours, who’d never been to Libya, didn’t know much about it – at least that’s his testimony – didn’t know much about it, every one of those reports that he sent on to you that had to do with situations on the ground in Libya, those made it to your desk?

"You asked for more of them. You read them. You corresponded with him, and yet the folks that worked for you didn’t have the same courtesy."

CLINTON:  "Congressman, as you’re aware, he’s a friend of mine. He sent me information he thought might be of interest. Some of it was. Some of it wasn’t. Some of it I forwarded to be followed up on. The professionals and experts who reviewed it found some of it useful, some of it not.

"He had no official position in the government, and he was not at all my adviser on Libya. He was a friend who sent me information that he thought might be helpful."

POMPEO: "Madame Secretary, I have lots of friends. They send me things. I have never had somebody send me a couple of pieces of intelligence with the level of detail that Mr. Blumenthal sent me every week. That’s a special friend."

CLINTON:  "It was information that had been shared with him that he forwarded on, and as someone who got the vast majority of information that I acted on from official channels, I read a lot of articles that brought new ideas to my attention, and occasionally, people including him and others would give me ideas. They all went into the same process to be evaluated."

POMPEO: "Yes, ma’am. I will tell you that the record that we’ve received today does not reflect that. It simply doesn’t. We’ve read everything that we could get our hands on. It’s taken us a long time to get it, but I will tell you, you just described all of this other information that you relied upon, and it doesn’t comport with the record that this committee has been able to establish today."
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Hillary: I Didn't Blame Benghazi On The YouTube Video
Four pinocchios for the pantsuit.
October 23, 2015
Matthew Vadum

Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's testimony yesterday before the congressional committee formed to investigate the deadly Benghazi debacle that she allowed to happen and then tried to cover up can be summed up in two words: she lied.

Boiled down: Despite mountains of email evidence to the contrary, Clinton denied that she previously blamed the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack that took four American lives on an at-the-time unwatched anti-Islam YouTube video. She denied that left-wing slime merchant and Clinton groupie Sidney Blumenthal was her advisor. She even denied having a computer on her desk at the State Department. (The Washington Post has what appears to be a largely accurate complete transcript of the hearing.)

Hillary wants Americans to believe that her official government emails, sometimes containing top-secret classified information, that she sent around the globe through the insecure, hacker-friendly private email server created to facilitate anticipatory bribes for the would-be U.S. president funneled through the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, don't say what your lying eyes tell you they say.

Republicans made the case yesterday that foreign policy neophyte Sidney Blumenthal, a Clinton crony with business interests in Libya, had easy access to Clinton while her own ambassador struggled heroically to reach her. The many requests from Ambassador Chris Stevens for extra security measures fell upon deaf ears.

Hillary effectively blamed Stevens for getting himself killed, saying he was supposed to take care of his own security. “We were really counting on Chris to guide us and give us information on the ground,” Clinton said when questioned methodically by Rep. Susan Brooks (R-Ind.).

Clinton denied Blumenthal was an advisor of hers even though he regularly barraged her with emails and their relationship goes back decades. "He was not advising me, and I have no reason to have ever mentioned that or know that the president knew that."

It's still a complete and utter mystery to Clinton why American facilities were targeted in Benghazi, Libya. Really. She said that.

"None of us can speak to the individual motivations of those terrorists who overran our compound and who attacked our CIA annex," she told the Benghazi Select Committee on Thursday. "There were probably a number of different motivations." So it's a little bit of this, and a little bit of that.

None of this comes as a surprise to Clinton watchers.

New York Times columnist William Safire famously dubbed her "a congenital liar," and that very same left-wing newspaper now admits that “Hillary Rodham Clinton’s explanations about her use of a personal email account as secretary of state have evolved over time.” Evolved? That's one way of putting it.

With the acquiescence -- and at times, complicity -- of a perennially incurious media, Hillary's verbal jousting skills have saved her many times over her decades of political wheeling and dealing. Now that Clinton is campaigning to succeed President Obama, she was much more polished and composed this week than during her previous, now-infamous congressional testimony on the Benghazi saga. That was in 2013 she when she donned Coke bottle eyeglasses chosen perhaps to elicit sympathy related to her reportedly significant health problems.

Her attitude on that day two years ago could be distilled to one word: whatever.

"Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night and decided they’d go kill some Americans," she shouted. "What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?"

During the televised proceedings yesterday, Clinton, one of America’s most accomplished sociopaths, alternated largely between looking thoughtful or bored. Her pulse probably never got above 85, even at the height of the richly deserved tongue-lashing she received from Republican lawmakers. Like another famous sociopath whose surname she shares, Hillary simply adores arguing and lawyering.

She lives for it and has at least since she was fired from the House Judiciary Committee during its investigation of the Watergate scandal that eventually brought down President Richard M. Nixon in 1974. Hillary’s then-supervisor, lifelong Democrat Jerry Zeifman, said he canned the 27-year-old attorney “because she was a liar … an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”

No lie is too big or too small for Hillary, whether it’s a concocted tale of being under enemy fire at an airport in Bosnia, the existence of a “vast right-wing conspiracy” to undermine her husband’s presidency, that she was named after Mt. Everest climber Sir Edmund Hillary even though he rocketed to fame by accomplishing the feat when she was a six-year-old, or that the Clintons were “dead broke” when they exited the White House.

Meanwhile, at the Thursday hearing, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) demolished Clinton's apparently fresh assertion at the hearing that she didn't actually claim an obscure anti-Islam movie trailer posted on YouTube prompted the terrorist assault in Benghazi on the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. She now takes a more nuanced, twisted-like-a-pretzel position in which maybe some non-terrorist Muslims were suddenly stirred to violence in Libya by the video, but really at the same time it was a terrorist attack, something she testified Thursday has been her position the whole time. She talked about the video publicly not to point fingers but as a warning, she testified, to those who might attack U.S. interests in the region. In other words, like a good defense lawyer, Hillary was trying to confuse the issues and muddy the waters.

Clinton, who seems able to function just fine with what must be chronic cognitive dissonance, said minutes before Jordan's question:

I referred to the video that night in a very specific way. I said some have sought to justify the attack because of the video. I used those words deliberately, not to ascribe a motive to every attacker but as a warning to those across the region that there was no justification for further attacks.

Jordan fired back:

We want to know the truth. The statement you sent out was a statement on Benghazi and you say vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material on the Internet. If that's not pointing as the motive of being a video, I don't know what is. And that's certainly what -- and that's certainly how the American people saw it.

While she was informing the American public that the anti-Islam video was what caused the attack, at the same time she emailed her daughter Chelsea and the governments of Libya and Egypt to pin the blame on Muslim militants, Jordan explained. Around the same time the White House, in the closing weeks of a heated presidential election campaign, was pushing the line that what transpired in Benghazi was a spontaneous demonstration turned violent, but terrorism was not a factor.

"We know that the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film," Clinton wrote Egypt's prime minister the night of the attack. "It was a planned attack, not a protest." But in public Clinton continued to blame the "offensive" video. The U.S. government acquired $80,000 worth of commercial airtime in Pakistan to apologize for the YouTube clip.

Jordan pointed out that there was no video-inspired protest over in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, but there was one in Cairo, Egypt. The same day State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said "Benghazi has been attacked by militants. In Cairo, police have removed demonstrators."

So, in "Benghazi, you got weapons and explosions," he said. In "Cairo, you got spray paint and rocks." The congressman continued:

One hour before the attack in Benghazi, Chris Stevens walks a diplomat to the front gate. The ambassador didn't report a demonstration. He didn't report it because it never happened. An eyewitness in the command center that night on the ground said no protest, no demonstration; two intelligence reports that day, no protest, no demonstration.

The Benghazi attack, Jordan said, began at 3:42 p.m. Eastern time and ended around 11:40 p.m. that evening. He continued:

At 4:06, an ops alert goes out across the State Department. It says this, "Mission under attack, armed men, shots fired, explosions heard." No mention of video, no mention of a protest, no mention of a demonstration. But the best evidence is Greg Hicks, the number two guy in Libya, the guy who worked side by side with Ambassador Stevens. He was asked, if there had been a protest, would the ambassador have reported it? Mr. Hicks's response, "Absolutely." For there to have been a demonstration on Chris Stevens' front door and him not to have reported it is unbelievable ... and if it had been reported, he would have been out the back door within minutes and there was a back gate.

"Everything," Jordan said, "points to a terrorist attack ... and yet five days later Susan Rice goes on five TV shows and she says this, 'Benghazi was a spontaneous reaction as a consequence of a video,' a statement we all know is false." Rice was "off the reservation," according to State Department experts in the agency's Near Eastern Affairs bureau.

"So if there's no evidence for a video-inspired protest, then where did the false narrative start? It started with you, Madam Secretary," he said. At 10:08 p.m. while the attack was still in progress, Clinton released a statement insinuating that a video inspired the assault. "Some have sought to justify the vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet," it read.

Benghazi Select Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) tried to drive home the point that interest in the Benghazi saga has long been a bipartisan affair in the U.S. Congress. “The House of Representatives, including some Democrats I hasten to add, asked this committee to write the final accounting of what happened in Benghazi.”

But previous congressional investigations, he added, were a joke.

Gowdy stressed that his committee is the “first committee” to go through more than 50,000 pages of documents, “to thoroughly and individually interview scores of other witnesses, many of them for the first time,” “to demand access to relevant documents from the CIA, the FBI, the Department Of Defense and even the White House,” and “to demand access to the emails to and from Ambassador Chris Stevens.”

He added, “How could an investigation possibly be considered serious without reviewing the emails of the person most knowledgeable about Libya?”

The committee was the “first” and “only” panel “to uncover the fact that Secretary Clinton exclusively used personal email on her own personal server for official business and kept the public record, including e-mails about Benghazi and Libya, in her own custody and control for almost two years after she left office.”

Gowdy impugned the motives of the Accountability Review Board that began studying the Benghazi debacle soon after it happened, noting that Clinton name-dropped the panel an astonishing 70 times in previous congressional testimony. That sham investigation was headed by former Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering, a useful idiot for Islam who is spending his twilight years crusading against the so-called Islamophobia that infects the ignorant bigots and rubes across the fruited plain who irrationally fear the benign Muslim religion.

Noting that the members of the ARB were “hand-picked” by State Department leadership, Gowdy said:

The ARB never interviewed Secretary Clinton. The ARB never reviewed her emails. And Secretary Clinton's top adviser was allowed to review and suggest changes to the ARB before the public ever saw it. There's no transcript of ARB interviews. So, it's impossible to know whether all relevant questions were asked and answered. Because there's no transcript, it is also impossible to cite the ARB interviews with any particularity at all.

The ARB’s work is “not independent” and not an example of accountability, he said. It is “not a serious investigation.” And if “previous congressional investigations were really serious and thorough, how did they miss Ambassador Stevens' emails?” and “why did they fail to interview dozens of key State Department witnesses, including agents on the ground who experienced the attacks firsthand?”

On the eve of the Thursday hearing, Democratic members of the Select Committee released a so-called full transcript from an official interview with Cheryl Mills, who served as counselor and Chief of Staff to Clinton at the Department of State. Democrats claimed they acted at "to correct the public record after numerous out-of-context and misleading Republican leaks.” Democrats must have calculated that the testimony of a longtime Clinton crony would somehow have an exculpatory effect from which her presidential campaign would benefit.

But not all of the Democratic Party's press release writers -- outside the mainstream media, that is -- are gifted, antisocial, Alinskyite liars of Hillary's caliber. Clinton usually can at least keep the lies more or less straight in her head, and like her husband, treats parsing as bloodsport, while engaging in at times brutally effective misdirection and superficially plausible semantic contortions.

The press release accompanying the 307-page document boasts that it is a “full transcript of the Select Committee’s interview with former State Department Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills,” but is it really? It contradicts itself a few sentences later, describing the document as mere “excerpts of Ranking Member Cummings questioning Ms. Mills[.]” This wording suggests that only one lawmaker – a grandstanding, media-savvy, hyper-partisan Democrat on a Republican-controlled panel – questioned Mills at the hearing. It is very hard to believe not even one Republican wanted to take a shot at Mills.

But it is much easier to believe that Democratic congressional staffers aimed to score political points for releasing Mills's entire testimony when it reality they cherry-picked only the parts that put Clinton in the most favorable light.

The press release claims that the transcript provides “significant evidence that Secretary Clinton was deeply engaged during and after the attacks and took action to ensure the safety and security of U.S. personnel, even as intelligence assessments of the attacks changed more than once during this period.”

“Republicans are spending millions of taxpayer dollars on a partisan campaign to damage Secretary Clinton’s bid for president,” Ranking Member Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) was quoted as saying.

No doubt he was referring to House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s (R-Ca.) uber-gaffe earlier this month that ended his run to replace outgoing Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio). Many drew an inference from McCarthy’s comments that congressional Republicans were trying to torpedo Clinton’s presidential campaign at the expense of the truth. "Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable," McCarthy told Sean Hannity. "But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping."

In the end, conservative commentator Erick Erickson shrugged, calling the Benghazi hearing "a waste of time because everything about it is politicized and nothing is going to happen. There will be no scalp collection."

He continued: "Mrs. Clinton is far too bright to be trapped in this or any questions." Although she has gotten flustered under questioning, such incidents will "make her a martyr to her own side ... Democratic voters are not going to reject Mrs. Clinton even if she were to admit that she had flown to Benghazi and joined Al Qaeda in the attack."

Given the Hillary mania that grips so much of the Democratic Party and some leftists' positively morbid craving to put a woman in the Oval Office at all costs, Erickson may have a bit of a point.

And if Republican congressional leadership continues with the same old lackadaisical, self-sabotaging approach in which the white flag is waved before the first shot has been fired, the Benghazi committee won't accomplish much apart from generating revenue for fundraising consultants on both sides of the aisle.

The disturbing likelihood that Hillary Clinton will get away with her crimes remains, regardless of how noble, inspiring, and determined to get at the truth Benghazi Select Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy may be.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2015, 04:22:33 pm by rangerrebew »


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Hillary is a Congenital, Pathological Liar, But 3 out 4 Americans Distrust The Benghazi Committee

By Aaron Goldstein on 10.23.15 | 11:30AM

I saw a very tiny portion of Hillary Clinton's 11-hour testimony before the Benghazi Committee during the supper hour yesterday. Republicans on the committee raised enough points to once again demonstrate that Hillary is a congenital, pathological liar. Hillary pulled an Obama and tried to claim she never said Benghazi was caused by an internet video. (Remember when Obama claimed he had never said "If you like your health insurance, you can keep it," and never said there were "red lines in Syria" despite video evidence to the contrary?) The same was true with Hillary concerning Benghazi. Then there were her e-mails on the subject. On one hand, she tells Chelsea that an al Qaeda inspired group was responsible only to tell the victims' families that the internet filmmaker is the culprit and that he will be brought to justice.

While the public might not be particularly fond of Hillary, the problem for Republicans in Congress is the public likes them even less. Nearly three out of four surveyed in a CNN/ORC International poll believed the committee's hearings were politically motivated. Kevin McCarthy's gaffe no doubt reinforces this conviction. While an argument could be made that Democrats are overrepresented in the poll (as they often are), it still doesn't change the fact that a majority of the public doesn't trust Congress. And if they don't trust Congress, they sure aren't going to trust a Congressional hearing. It's a big part of the reason why Paul Ryan needed to be brought on board to be the new Speaker.

Charles Krauthammer did suggest that Hillary's testimony could produce enough material for the FBI to seek an indictment against her. But I am not holding my breath. In light of Joe Biden's decision not to jump into the race, I don't think there's any chance in hell Hillary will be indicted as long as Obama is President. Of course, this is every bit as politically motivated as Hillary telling the Benghazi families that the deaths of their loved ones was caused by an internet video instead of an al-Qaeda inspired group. Republicans have nothing Obama and Hillary when it comes to political motivation. Unfortunately, most Republicans have nothing on Obama and Hillary when it comes to people liking them.

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Offline libertybele

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Unfortunately the hearing on Benghazi will boost her numbers in the polls and her testimony will prove that the GOP wanted nothing more than to try to bring her down.  In the eyes of Democrats Hillary can do no wrong.
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

Offline GourmetDan

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Unfortunately the hearing on Benghazi will boost her numbers in the polls and her testimony will prove that the GOP wanted nothing more than to try to bring her down.  In the eyes of Democrats Hillary can do no wrong.

The media make the innocent look guilty and the guilty look innocent... whatever they choose to do...

They could send Her Heinous down in flames if they were so inclined... they're not...

That is the single determining factor... the only one...

"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." - Ecclesiastes 10:2

"The sole purpose of the Republican Party is to serve as an ineffective alternative to the Democrat Party." - GourmetDan

Offline Scottftlc

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These things (committees) simply do no good any longer. Our politics are so divided, that all they do is solidify existing opinions and alliances without any ability to impact policy or careers, regardless of the depth of the scandal. It is yet another example of the sheer uselessness of Congress as a branch of government. We are, and will continue to be, an imperial presidency form of government with no checks and balances. A long, slow revolution has occurred in American government.  Truly, we need to blow it up with something rather radical or we will simply descend into true totalitarianism.  When we elect the Queen next year, she will push that ball further toward the goal for eight years.
Well, George Lewis told the Englishman, the Italian and the Jew
You can't open your mind, boys, to every conceivable point of view

...Bob Dylan

Offline flowers

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When we elect the Queen next year, she will push that ball further toward the goal for eight years.
  It will be more than 8 years of this. It will be generations of dems.

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  It will be more than 8 years of this. It will be generations of dems.

Yes...we are now imperial, we will become totalitarian. The left is in permanent power that will in relatively short order become total.
Well, George Lewis told the Englishman, the Italian and the Jew
You can't open your mind, boys, to every conceivable point of view

...Bob Dylan

Offline truth_seeker

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Indict her for what legal charge?

"God must love the common man, he made so many of them.�  Abe Lincoln

Offline Sanguine

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Indict her for what legal charge?

How about perjury and obstruction of justice?

Offline GAJohnnie

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The CNN poll was posted 4 hours before the Hearings started.

Conservatives really need to stop being the willing victims of the Leftist spin machine.

Offline GAJohnnie

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These things (committees) simply do no good any longer. Our politics are so divided, that all they do is solidify existing opinions and alliances without any ability to impact policy or careers, regardless of the depth of the scandal. It is yet another example of the sheer uselessness of Congress as a branch of government. We are, and will continue to be, an imperial presidency form of government with no checks and balances. A long, slow revolution has occurred in American government.  Truly, we need to blow it up with something rather radical or we will simply descend into true totalitarianism.  When we elect the Queen next year, she will push that ball further toward the goal for eight years.

Elections are not won on the fringes, they are won in the middle. She won her base yesterday and lost just about everyone else. She came across as one more tired, incompetent corrupt DC insider. There is nothing Presidential about Hillary at all and that was made clear yesterday

Offline Carling

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Indict her for what legal charge?

Possessing classified information outside of government channels.

 Having a company without security clearance store that information.

Deleting official government communications. 

Obstruction of justice for deleting emails after they were under requested under subpoena.

The question I ask is why are you running interference for HRC?

Trump has created a cult and looks more and more like Hitler every day.

Offline Bigun

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Elections are not won on the fringes, they are won in the middle. She won her base yesterday and lost just about everyone else. She came across as one more tired, incompetent corrupt DC insider. There is nothing Presidential about Hillary at all and that was made clear yesterday

In principal I agree with everything you said but don't ever forget this little clinker in the equation. THEY CHEAT! And do it on a grand scale.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2015, 11:12:28 pm by Bigun »
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

Offline Bigun

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Possessing classified information outside of government channels.

 Having a company without security clearance store that information.

Deleting official government communications. 

Obstruction of justice for deleting emails after they were under requested under subpoena.

The question I ask is why are you running interference for HRC?

And that's just for starters! If she was a Republican she would never again see the outside of a prison.
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

Offline flowers

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In principal I agree with everything you said but don't ever forget this little clinker in the equation. THEY CHEAT! And do it on a grand scale.
And they will do it more than a grand scale Nov 2016.

Offline Fishrrman

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GAJohnnie wrote:
[[ Elections are not won on the fringes, they are won in the middle ]]

The problem is that "the middle" is continuing to shrink, as the left and right grow more polarized.

This results in a "bigger fringe" on either side of the divide.

Even more importantly, though the middle is smaller, the gap between either side has deepened to that of a chasm that is now all-but unbridgeable.

And those on the right are stymied by a "Republican" majority Congress that no longer seems interested in protecting or defending the ordinary American -- and the Constitution itself -- against the Long March of the left and an ever-increasing autocratic and unreachable government.

What will be left to The People or the states, to reverse this future?

Offline GourmetDan

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What will be left to The People or the states, to reverse this future?

People just have to go Galt.  I know I have to some degree.

I'm no longer interested in working harder to make more money and pay 1/2 of the incremental gain in taxes.

I'm taking it easier and enjoying it... screw em...

"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." - Ecclesiastes 10:2

"The sole purpose of the Republican Party is to serve as an ineffective alternative to the Democrat Party." - GourmetDan