Author Topic: Rush: You Heard It Predicted Here: There'd Be No Comeuppance for Hillary at the Benghazi Hearing, Because Facts Just Don't Matter  (Read 244 times)

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You Heard It Predicted Here: There'd Be No Comeuppance for Hillary at the Benghazi Hearing, Because Facts Just Don't Matter
October 23, 2015
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RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, you know me.  I'm not comfortable doing this See, I Told You So stuff all the time.  I could do it every day.  I realize it offends people.  It's an off-putting character trait -- know-it-alls: "Come on, I told you, I told you, you know I told you."  And I hate being perceived as that.  But this Hillary Clinton stuff, I have to remind you, beginning late last week and intensifying it on Monday and Tuesday, I warned you exactly what was going to happen, and it is happening.  It doesn't mean that you should be less angry or disappointed, because of course the fix is in.

The fix was always in.  Nothing was ever going to happen to Mrs. Clinton in these Benghazi hearings.  What was always going to happen, the media was gonna hype it, and hype it they did.  And everybody's anticipation would be raised.  And in hopes that maybe for once justice would be meted out to a Clinton.  Because we all know what she did.  We all know she lied to the families of those four that were killed.  We all know that she lied publicly about what caused that attack.  We know she lied about caring about this.  We know she lied about her desire to do something about it.  We know she lied about everything.  And we know why she lied.  She lied to protect Obama's reelect chances later that year in 2012. They lied about the cause of what happened in Benghazi in order to protect Obama because their theme for Obama and the convention had already been established:  GM's alive, bin Laden's dead.

They could not permit the public to perceive that terrorism was up and running and beating us anywhere after Obama was running around crowing about stopping it and killing bin Laden.  So she lied.  She lied to the American people.  She lied to the families involved.  They lied, and Obama lied, and they kept lying for two weeks, and so everybody knew.  And so everybody had expectations and hopes that this would finally be illuminated and illustrated and maybe even Mrs. Clinton forced to admit it in the hearings that were yesterday.

And I, not relishing the role of being the cold shower or the bucket of cold water, attempted to warn you and anybody else that would listen that that was not what was going to happen.  And it was not because the Republicans wouldn't try.  It's because the Republicans, for the most part, just don't know how to do these kind of things.  They did try.  They did illustrate on a couple of occasions that Mrs. Clinton got caught in a massive lie.  They illustrated a bunch of improprieties, and they demonstrated that Hillary Clinton has zero character.  But none of it matters because of the way the media immediately began reporting it yesterday, last night, and into today.

And anybody could have predicted it, not just me, anybody could have predicted that that was gonna happen. That no matter what happened in the hearing, short of Hillary Clinton admitting it and asking for forgiveness, what was going to happen was that she was going to be portrayed coming off that debate performance, which was also no big deal, given the opponents, the opposition, she was gonna be portrayed as having stood up to this political firing squad, the Republican Party.  They showered her with everything they got and she triumphed.  She is stronger than ever and she made mincemeat out of them, and it looked like the McCarthy hearings.  It was eminently predictable.  And that's exactly what's happened.

And, accordingly, a lot of people feeling deflated, a lot of people feeling unhappy, depressed, sad, whatever, because they really, really thought, given the facts, that somebody was going to be held accountable.  But once again, when dealing with the Washington establishment, which is run in toto by the Democrat Party and the American media, we find that facts are irrelevant, facts are to be obliterated and maneuvered and bent, shaped, flaked, and formed.  So the hope that Mrs. Clinton finally be held accountable on a serious offense, dereliction of duty, incompetence, irresponsibility involving the death of four Americans in a terror attack in a country she was taking credit for liberating, if anything seemed like a slam dunk, it was this.

And yet all it is is another in a long line of the Clintons not just slithering out, but triumphing and able to rewrite history to the point now that some leftist publications are blaming George W. Bush and the Republicans for Benghazi.  All of it predictable.  All of it predicted by me.  Yet people are still depressed and down in the dumps, and I understand it.  I mean, even though I predicted it, even though I knew it was coming, doesn't mean I'm sitting here unaffected by it.  I'm just as ticked off as you are and as frustrated as anybody else is about it.  And, like you, I keep waiting in a firm belief that there's going to be something somewhere that's gonna right all of these wrongs.

You know, I actually think it's my devoted, devout faith in God that makes me believe these things, that justice will eventually triumph and prevail.  And some of you might say, "That's so naïve. What do you mean?  What do you mean?  The bad guys get away with it all the time.  God's there, it doesn't matter.  What do you mean?"  I don't know.  I'm just telling you at some point, maybe not even in my lifetime, but the perps are gonna get theirs.  It sustains me.  But the other half of it is, the only reason -- not the only, but the primary reason why they're able to rewrite history like this is because of the relative ignorance and arguable stupidity of way too many of our citizens who have been ill-educated, miseducated, uneducated.

We now have more stories out there than I can count telling us there was nothing at all newsworthy in the hearing yesterday. There was nothing that happened that is worth your knowing. There is nothing that happened that is worth us, the Drive-By Media, telling you.  It was as usual, the Republicans trying to get another political notch in their belts and failing publicly, valiantly, and miserably, is the way it's being portrayed even now.  And I'm just letting you know I'm just frustrated as you are even though I predicted it.  You know, I ought to be sitting here crowing.  I ought to be admonishing everybody who's disappointed.  "What do you mean disappointed?  I told you this was gonna happen.  The script was written."

But I don't because I know you knew it.  You knew.  You were hoping, though, that predictions would be wrong and that maybe this event would be the one where some doubt would be cast on the veracity, the honesty, the integrity, the character of Mrs. Clinton.  I'm not kidding.  The only place I can find in the Drive-By Media which is remotely accurate in reporting this is the Wall Street Journal.  And some days they're not part of the Drive-Bys.  On immigration they are.  On immigration they may as well join the Drive-Bys.  But on certain things they do remain their conservative identity, and on this, Wall Street Journal, two or three different pieces just excoriating the Democrats, excoriating Mrs. Clinton, excoriating the press.

But everywhere else, even conservative media that rips what happened leads off with, "Man, was she good.  Oh, did Hillary put on a -- She was restrained.  She was mature."  I about puked.  I don't remember where I read it when I read some conservative pundit blog website praising her stamina for being able to withstand this all-out assault for 11 hours.  Her stamina.  She is a natural born liar.  What stamina?  When telling the truth is the effort in what takes work, yesterday was a piece of cake. 


RUSH:  Now, let me repeat it.  I know how frustrating it is, folks, believe me.  She lied. She lied under oath yesterday.  She has been lying since 9/11, 2012.  She lied to protect Barack Obama and his election chances in 2012.  She lied in consort with Barack Obama, and she lied in order to protect her own presidential chances in 2016.  We know she lied.  We know why she lied.  We know the motives.  We know the machinations of it.  We know how it all went down.  We know she even lied to the families of the four who were killed when she greeted them at the casket ceremony.

How cold must you be.  Continued to lie.  Have you heard, by the way, ladies and gentlemen? A story from UK Guardian: Nearly 70 hostages facing imminent mass execution have been rescued from an Islamic State jail in a raid by Kurdish troops and US Special Forces in northern Iraq.  The operation took place yesterday.  It led to the first American combat death in Iraq since 2011."  Oh, you didn't know about this?  Oh, you didn't?  You probably thought we don't have the ability to do this anymore 'cause we didn't do it in Benghazi.

We had four people pinned down there. We had four people, one of whom thought that help was on the way. We had four people pinned down in a terrorist attack, that we knew about in advance, that Mrs. Clinton and Barack Obama continue in the media to lie about.  Yesterday it was said that nothing could have been done.  The help, the military was too far away, that Mrs. Clinton couldn't find a way to communicate with the ambassador.  She could talk to Huma any time she wanted. She could talk to Sidney Blumenthal. They could reach her via e-mail.

Chris Stevens, the ambassador, couldn't.

He's begging for more backup. He's begging for more security before the event, and all he got was nothing.  No response whatsoever.  And let me reiterate why.  The reason why no help was given -- the reason why no military assistance came, the reason why no rescue effort was mounted -- was because Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton could not admit that terrorism was taking place.  To send in the Marines, to send in a rescue unit, to respond in any way would be to admit that Obama had not vanquished terrorists.

And how can you do that anyway when Obama's off the grid and can't give the order? And Hillary Clinton's at home, and nobody can reach her. So Obama and Hillary are off the grid during the attack.  No help.  Requests for additional security before the attack by the ambassador were unanswered.  The reason is to protect Barack Obama's reelection in 2012.  They had already, again, decided on a campaign theme: "There was no more terrorism."  Or, "The threat was dramatically reduced because Barack Obama had killed Osama Bin Laden."

And if we had responded, why, that would indicate that there must still be terrorism going on, that we are still encountering it.  So they blame a video, and they claim it was a spontaneous protest of ragtag, angry Islamists over a video.  And because it was spontaneous and ragtag, there were not any military assets anywhere near and it was just, "Sorry, we couldn't do anything."  An active decision was made not to do anything to protect the political fortunes of the president and his secretary of state, who had her own political desires that she was protecting.

Another thing, another reason why we couldn't send in a rescue squad, is Hillary was the architect of overthrowing Khadafy.  Libya was at peace! As far as the American people were concerned, Libya was at peace.  There couldn't be a breakout of hostilities. There couldn't be any terrorism. Obama had killed bin Laden, had vanquished Al-Qaeda, and Hillary had overthrown Khadafy.  They could not do a single thing politically to acknowledge that they had screwed up and were blatantly and royally incompetent.

So, four people dead.  Meanwhile, we mount a rescue operation with Special Forces, rescuing Iraqi hostages facing imminent execution by ISIS, and we're talking 70 people. "Nearly 70 hostages facing 'imminent mass execution' have been rescued from an Islamic State jail in a raid by Kurdish troops and US Special Forces in northern Iraq" yesterday. "The pre-dawn raid targeted a school near the northern town of Hawija that was believed to have been used as a base by senior military commanders from [ISIS]. ... The Pentagon forcefully defended US involvement in the mission amid questions of whether it violated the administration’s policy of 'no boots on the ground.'"

Apparently the no-boots-on-the-ground policy didn't matter.  When we want to rescue 70 Iraqi hostages, we can do it.  When we want to rescue 70 hostages being held by ISIS, we can do it, and we did it.  Four Americans are pinned down in Benghazi by Al-Qaeda terrorists in an attack that was known to be a terrorist attack -- in an attack that was known before it was launched that it was going to happen -- and for 11 hours yesterday Mrs. Hillary Clinton ("using great stamina," as I saw reported at some conservative blog), presumptive Democrat nominee, explained why we couldn't rescue four Americans.

It was not possible.

Yes we could have -- and, yes, we can; and, yes, we did in Iraq.


RUSH:  No, no, Fox News, Fox News and others said that yoga, which, I'm sorry.  I can't see it.  "Yoga Helped Hillary Clinton Maintain Her Stamina Through the Benghazi Hearings."  I can't envision it, Hillary Clinton doing yoga.  You know, I've never been to one of those things, but I've seen TV shows and I've seen video of people doing yoga.  Sorry, I can't see Hillary Clinton in the class.  I wouldn't want to, either.  Spandex, leotard... I can't.  So I guess maybe she was doing yoga the night of Benghazi in order to have the stamina to endure that.

Why would she need yoga anyway?  She should be able to do this with ease.  All she did was pass the buck, which she and her husband have been doing since they arrived on the national scene.  That's right, she had to keep her temper in check, but she almost didn't a couple times.  But she was reserved.  She maintained her stamina, so forth and so on.  But of course the only reason she needed to maintain her stamina, the only reason she needed to maintain her comportment, her temperament is 'cause those mean Republicans were going for a gotcha moment.  I heard Elijah Cummings say so.  Elijah Cummings, you know what he said to Hillary?  He said, "I don't know what we're trying to do to you."  He's talking to her. Elijah Cummings.

By the way, Hillary went up and thanked the Democrats during the break for having her back.  I am not exaggerating when I tell you I think the Clinton campaign wrote the questions the Democrats in that committee asked her.  But Elijah Cummings (imitating Cummings), "What are we trying to do to you?  I can't believe what I am witnessing.  These Republicans, all they're doing is searching for a gotcha moment."  And Mrs. Clinton's nodding her head, way to go. So you had a bunch of Democrats yesterday auditioning for positions of authority in her upcoming administration, led by Elijah Cummings. 


RUSH: To the phones we go.  This Elizabeth in St. Louis.  Always get a phone call in the first hour on Open Line Friday, and Elizabeth, you're it.  Thank you for waiting, too.  Hi.

CALLER:  Hi there.  You know, the only way we are going to beat Hillary Clinton is at the ballot box.  And you're absolutely right when you say they seem to control the whole -- they've got lock on DC, on Washington, DC.  They control all the back room stuff that's going on in that town.  But I still don't think they control every single American citizen.  And we are gonna have to find a Republican opponent for her that, number one, is fearless and will go after her and not be afraid to do it.  And that's how we're gonna take her out, is at the ballot box.

RUSH:  Well, I don't disagree with that at all.  You're right about the Beltway, who runs the town, and you're also right that they don't yet control the American people.  That's why I think -- and look, I'm exaggerating some here, I'm gonna acknowledge.  But have you ever asked yourself, these people control everything that goes on in Washington.  Donor class, they get everything they want out of the elected officials.  What is the one thing standing in the way of the inside-the-Beltway crowd getting everything they want?  What is the one thing that stands in the way?  There's no wrong answer 'cause it's just a pop quiz.  There's probably a number of legitimate answers to this, but I'm thinking of one.

CALLER:  I would say it's the American people.

RUSH:  Right.  But what do the American people do that poses the problem?

CALLER:  I don't know.

RUSH:  It's elections.

CALLER:  Yeah.

RUSH:  The one thing they can't control is elections.

CALLER:  That's right.

RUSH:  Do you not think these people resent the hell out of having to spend all this money campaigning and resent the hell out of having to get elected and go through this entire process?

CALLER:  Absolutely.  Absolutely.  That's the worst part of the whole job for them.

RUSH:  Right.  Exactly.  To many of them.  And it's the one thing they can't control, so they do everything they can to control it.  And that's why there are various elements of fraud in the electoral process and so forth.  But, no, is there somebody you see out there? I'm not gonna try to pin you down here, Elizabeth, but is there somebody running now that you think fits the mold of who we need to beat Hillary?

CALLER:  You know --

RUSH:  Twenty seconds.

CALLER:  -- I think there are a handful.  And, you know, I always come back to the same point, which is whoever gets that Republican nomination has my vote.

RUSH:  Okay.  Well, that's a great avoidance of the question.  You're qualified to be in politics. 


RUSH:  This is Tom in Columbus, Ohio.  We roll on on Open Line Friday.  Hi.

CALLER:  Hey, if conflicting reports stopped the truth in Benghazi, which was a planned, small organized terrorist attack from being told because of the fog of war and all those things for two weeks, then why report the wrong one about an angry mob upset about a video for weeks?  If they were in search of the truth and they were worried about the fog of war and they didn't want to say --

RUSH:  Well, because when it first happened they could not allege the fog of war because there wasn't a war.

CALLER:  Well, I know.  I'd like for Hillary to answer the question as to why for two weeks they didn't want to say it was an organized terrorist attack because, in her words, she said conflicting information, fog of war, then why report an angry mob for two weeks?  Why would they go ahead and say, okay, we don't care about the conflicting reports to stop the --

RUSH:  She wasn't specifically asked that, but she was asked repeatedly about the video yesterday, and --

CALLER:  Right.

RUSH:  -- she ends up maintaining that it was still a factor.  She was still lying about it. She is just gonna lie in any answer, Tom.

CALLER:  Well, I think she'd have to choose.  Either we had all this information coming in so for two weeks we blame the video, which the information, 99% of it was an organized terrorist attack.  One percent of it was there was an outraged, angry mob that was happening in other countries. I mean, I would make her say, "Our administration believed it was an angry mob."  So that tells more about, maybe she is that stupid.  Maybe that this administration looked at all the evidence and for two weeks thought it's an angry mob outrage, and one guy in the corner said, "You know, guys, after two weeks, maybe all these other angry mobs --"

RUSH:  Okay, wait, are you wishing the hearings were still going on and somebody would ask her this?

CALLER:  You're absolutely correct.  And somebody should ask her that in the debates.

RUSH:  Okay, but you know that's not gonna happen, because she's through testifying.

CALLER:  I know, but I'd make her answer that question:  Were you totally incompetent for two weeks blaming the wrong information, or were you trying to get Barack Obama elected by saying there's no terrorism, it was an angry mob and we couldn't do anything.

RUSH:  That allegation was made yesterday.  The guy -- oh, having a mental -- point-blank accused her of concocting the excuse for political reasons, and she just, "No, Congressman, no, no, I don't know. No, no, of course not, Congressman."  She just denied it.  Look, they did, a couple people yesterday did a bang up job of exposing the lie on the video.  Well not just the one from Alabama, but Susan Brooks from Indiana, too, I mean just blew Hillary out of the water a couple times. But, see, it didn't matter.  This is my whole point, Tom.  The script for this was written long before yesterday.  The script in the media, which is what matters.

It's a sad reality, but you have to understand something.  This is not meant at criticism at all, so please don't take it this way.  Fox News, on a good day, has two million people watching a newscast.  That's it.  And that's the only place in the media that the questions that embarrass Hillary and her answers, which are unflattering and embarrassing, it's the only place those answers are aired.  Two million people.

largeNow, you might have people posting this on Twitter and on Facebook to try to expand the universe.  We play audio sound bites here and so forth.  So more than two million people see it.  However, when it hits Twitter and Facebook, there's a whole army of Democrats that are out there refuting it, accusing all the posts of being filled with lies and so forth.  The bottom line is that ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, you name it, do not show any of this.  In fact, they're doing the opposite.  They're out there talking about how brave, what stamina she had, how great her temperament was, and how she blew the Republicans out of the water.

So it doesn't matter what she says.  This is why I was able to predict on Monday what was gonna happen here, unless the inexplicable happened and she admitted that she and Obama concocted the lie for political reasons.  Even then, the Drive-Bys would try to save her.  Even if she did that, they would concoct a way of saving her and blame that on a lapse brought on by the mean-spirited, extreme questioning of these totally biased, chauvinist, War on Women Republicans.

So no matter what happened, the story was going to be written that she triumphed and that she overcame this effort to destroy her, that the Republicans are once again laying in wait. I was hoping to avoid everybody being so frustrated even though I'm with you on the frustration, as I said when the program opened today. I had to set expectations.  This was not going to be that long-sought moment where the Clintons or one of them was destroyed.  This was not gonna be the moment where they were exposed as the frauds and the liars and whatever else you think they are, are.  That was not gonna happen in this thing yesterday.

No matter how good the Republicans happen to have been, no matter how thorough the investigation, it just wasn't going to happen.  If something like that is ever gonna happen, the Clintons are going to have to be the sole architects of the action.  Whenever the Republicans are involved in interrogating, questioning or appearing with, it's impossible.  The media is always going to side with the Clintons, with Hillary.

Look, she's the Democrat Party future.  The media is not gonna allow her to be thrown overboard, and they're not gonna allow her to be destroyed.  Even if she's the one that comes close to destroying herself, they're not gonna permit it.  There isn't a scenario that could have happened yesterday. Well, at least not like the caller said, "Well, you know what, you really need to ask her 'how come you didn't say fog of war for the first two weeks?  Why were you lying about the --"  They brought that out.  I mean, the fact that they were lying about the video was fully exposed yesterday.  They could not have done it better.

The Wall Street Journal and some conservative media has every example of Hillary's fraud reported today.  It could not have been done better.  Jim Jordan did a great job. Trey Gowdy did a great job, Susan Brooks, they all did a great job.  This whole notion that the video was a lie and a made-up political maneuver was fully exposed yesterday. 

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