Author Topic: Policeman suspended for reaction to Islamic terror  (Read 212 times)

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Policeman suspended for reaction to Islamic terror
« on: October 23, 2015, 04:01:38 pm »
 Policeman suspended for reaction to Islamic terror

A policeman named Sébastien Jallamion (above) has been suspended from his official duties for two years because of a Facebook page he created in September 2014 where he condemned the Islamic State for the beheading of Frenchman Hervé Gourdel. He gave an interview dated October 6 to Pierre Cassen of Riposte Laïque:

- RL: You are a policeman, and at times a contributor to sites such as Riposte Laïque and Boulevard Voltaire. You have, moreover, created an association, l'Andele, that defends freedom of speech. Can you explain to our readers what you do in the police force, and why you created this association?

- SJ: I entered the force in 1996, having completed my national service with the Police.

Note: What he calls "national service" was actually the compulsory military service in place until 1996 when it was replaced by a professional army. Apparently he was able to do his service with the National Police, rather than the Army, and then enter the police force on a permanent basis. He says that while studying law in Lyon he realized that his mission in life was to "serve and protect my fellow citizens."

As for l'Andele, a few friends and I created it in 2014 after we saw that many of our fellow countrymen had to answer for their freedom of speech in the courts, on fallacious charges, often as a result of complaints from so-called "anti-racist" associations that are largely subsidized and politicized. In short, the scales of justice had to be re-balanced to allow those without means to defend themselves.

 - And a misfortune with grave consequences befell you, since you have just been condemned by the correctional court of Lyon to a rather hefty fine of 5000 euros, following a suit against you filed by the State prosecutor. Explain what happened.

 - I created an anonymous Facebook account in 2011 where I frequently expressed myself, first on cultural subjects, then depending on current events, on more political subjects. So in September 2014, I strongly reacted to the kidnapping and beheading of Hervé Gourdel that followed a call from the leaders of the Islamic State to murder "the dirty evil French". One of my colleagues from work, whom I had invited as a "friend" on my Facebook page, denounced me to my superiors. That's when the chain reaction began: the administrative and judicial trial, the conviction by the Lyon court to a fine of 5000 euros, opposed by the prosecution as insufficient. When you look closely at the demands of the State Prosecutor (five months in prison without parole, plus a three-month suspended sentence, a fine of 2000 euros, being barred for life from public service, being forbidden to carry a firearm for five years, and compulsory psychiatric care), it is clear that they wanted to destroy me.

 - And the icing on the cake, if I may call it that, is that you have just learned that your superiors have decided on the gravest of punishments, except for dismissal: twenty-four months of administrative sanctions, i.e. suspension, for professional wrongdoing. Now what are they reproaching you for?

 - According to the administrative decree that was sent to me today, I am accused of having created an anonymous Facebook page in September 2014, showing several "provocative" images and commentaries, "discriminatory and injurious", of a "xenophobic or anti-Muslim" nature. As an example, there was that portrait of the Calif al-Baghdadi, head of the Islamic State, with a visor on his forehead. This publication was exhibited during my appearance before the discipline committee with the following accusation: "Are you not ashamed of stigmatizing an imam in this way?" My lawyer can confirm this…

 - Does a two-year suspension mean that your salary or a part of it will be paid to you in any case?

 - Absolutely not. As of this morning I know that I am without resources. My priority is to find work.

 - How do you explain this tenacity against you, from a State prosecutor who wanted you in prison, from your superiors, and perhaps from a minister who seems to want you condemned to a social death?

 - It looks like a political punishment. I cannot see any other explanation.

 - Another of your colleagues, Sihem Souid implicated in very serious acts (theft of documents and public insults) appears to be better treated than you. What's your opinion on that?

 - It's one example among many that there is no equality of treatment in the civil service, contrary to what existing laws decree…

 - What actions do you envision taking to defend yourself, even to fight back?

 - My only recourse is to take my case to the Administrative Tribunal, which does not have the power to suspend my punishment. It could last two or three years.

Note: My knowledge of the court system is vague. Apparently the Administrative Tribunal is not an appeals court. The term "administrative" here refers to the fact that he is a government employee put on trial. Government employees that stand accused of professional crimes and misdemeanors are tried in the Administrative court system. Crimes committed by non-government employees are tried in the judicial court system. Jallamion is being tried in both systems: it appears his suspension from his job comes from the Administrative tribunal.

 - Considering their tenacity, what message would you like to send to Frenchmen?

 - That our fundamental values, those for which many of our ancestors gave their life are deteriorating, and that it is time for us to become indignant over what our country is turning into. This is not France, land of Enlightenment that in its day shone over all of Europe and beyond. We must fight to preserve our values, it's a matter of survival.

Note: There are numerous articles and videos on Jallamion. I hope to have more soon. In particular it would be helpful to know more about who denounced him. We know it was a female "friend".

Below, the prosecutor of Lyon, Marc Cimamonti. We can see "tenacity" in his face.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2015, 04:02:31 pm by rangerrebew »