Author Topic: Lawmaker: Allow 'gay' cousins to marry. 'What is the problem with that?'  (Read 205 times)

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Lawmaker: Allow 'gay' cousins to marry
'What is the problem with that?'
Published: 22 hours ago

A senator in Ireland said “gay” cousins should be allowed to marry.

A senator in Ireland has taken the culture war to a new level, saying to fellow politicos they ought to let “gay” cousins marry since they can’t have kids, anyway.

Currently, Irish law prevents first cousins from marrying. But Sen. David Norris said an exemption should be written for homosexuals.

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“It would not take a feather out of me if two cousins married each other,” he said, the Irish Examiner reported. “What is the problem with that?”

“Outlasting the Gay Revolution” spells out eight principles to help Americans with conservative moral values counter attacks on our freedoms of religion, speech and conscience by homosexual activists

His logic was this: Cousins are only prohibited by law from marrying because of concerns about the genetic pool and what could happen, medically speaking, to the children of such unions. But “gays” wouldn’t face that issue, Norris argued. And therefore, they ought to be given the right to marry, he said.

Norris acknowledged his view probably wouldn’t be embraced. In fact, he said he fully expected “the grotesque Irish media” to slam him, the Irish Examiner reported.