Author Topic: Did Scarlet Letter 'A' doom McCarthy? Lawmaker warned against 'skeletons' in GOP closets  (Read 400 times)

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Did Scarlet Letter 'A' doom McCarthy?
Lawmaker warned against 'skeletons' in GOP closets
Published: 5 days ago. Updated: 10/08/2015 at 10:57 PM

Rep. Walter Jones sent out a letter to certain leading Republicans in the House saying the GOP ought not to let those with skeletons in their closets hold leadership positions – and right around the letter’s release, Rep. Kevin McCarthy dropped his bid for the speaker chair being vacated by John Boehner.

“With all the voter distrust of Washington felt around the country, I’m asking that any candidate for speaker of the House, majority leader and majority whip withdraw himself from the leadership election if there are any misdeeds he has committed since joining Congress that will embarrass himself, the Republican Conference and the House of Representatives if they become public,” Jones wrote, the Hill said.

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The letter was sent out Wednesday addressed to House GOP Conference Chairwoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers.

Thursday, in a shock statement, McCarthy dropped out of the speaker race.

“Some of the most difficult times have been when our Republican leaders or potential Republican leaders must step down because of skeletons in their closets,” wrote Jones. “As members of the House of Representatives we need to be able to represent the will of the people unhindered by potentially embarrassing scandals.”

As Fox News pointed, the penning and release of such a letter, coinciding with the dropping out of a potential leader from a race, is extremely rare.

Red State, meanwhile, reported of another curious coincidence with a news story that started this way: “There’s a guy out in America who has emails for a massive number of members of Congress and the email addresses of highly influential conservatives outside Congress. A few days ago, he emailed out to 91 people, including these members of Congress, an email with a series of links to stories alleging a relationship between Rep. Kevin McCarthy … and Rep. Renee Ellmers … of North Carolina. It is worth nothing that the two deny a relationship.”

Yet the email made waves, the conservative news blog reported. And on top of that, writer Matt Lewis then took note of a curious quote from Ellmers about her somewhat watery support for McCarthy for the speaker role.

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She said, Red State reported: “He has not spoken to me personally for my vote, and Rep. Jason Chaffetz … has, so that’s where I am right now. At this point I will be casting a vote for Rep. Jason Chaffetz. I can’t vote for someone who doesn’t ask for my vote. I’m apparently not high on his priority list.”

Red State reported “a lot of people in Washington … were scratching their head” on the email, given “it appeared there was smoke.” Soon after, Jones sent his letter with the inked personal message at the bottom that read: “I believe this question [of moral turpitude] is important to the integrity of the House.”

The allegations of adultery are just that – allegations. And, in fact, attorneys for Ellmers have sent, a news site that showcased the accused adultery of Ellmers and McCarthy, a cease and desist letter. The site’s response?

“ stands by its story regarding the DC, NC and Bakersfield rumors regarding an alleged affair between Congresswoman Renee Ellmers and Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy. We look forward to the opportunity to avail ourselves of deposition with seated members of congress should it come to that.”

The site also included a copy of the letter received from Thomas A. Farr, an attorney from Ogletree Deakins, that read in part: “I am writing in response to recent defamatory and false statements made by you regarding our client, Congresswoman Renee Ellmers. … Each and every allegation and insinuation of improper conduct … is unequivocally and indisputably false. There is absolutely no basis for your suggestions. These reports are causing great injury to Mrs. Ellmers and her family. We respectfully ask you to immediately cease and desist from making any further false and defamatory statements.”

Ellmers was first elected in 2010 and has served two terms. She’s also served as the chairwoman of the Republican Women’s Policy Committee.

Her biographical sketch on her official House webpage says: “To keep her ‘grounded,’ and to ensure that the Second District remains at the forefront of her mind, Renee keeps a jar of soil from Harnett County placed neatly on her desk. Each time she sits down in her office, that jar of soil serves as a constant reminder of her end goal: to improve the lives and opportunities of the American people and to work each day to honorably represent the voice of those in North Carolina’s Second District.”