Author Topic: Obama's U.N. plan: Globalize cops against 'violent extremists.' Conservative Christians 'becoming the targets'  (Read 440 times)

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Obama's U.N. plan: Globalize cops against 'violent extremists'
Conservative Christians 'becoming the targets'
Published: 9 hours ago
U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, shown here with Baltimore police, announced the new "Strong Cities Network" to plug local departments into international cooperation and "shared resources" with their peers across the globe.

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, shown here with Baltimore police, announced the new “Strong Cities Network” to plug local departments into international cooperation and “shared resources” with their peers across the globe.

President Obama’s new “Strong Cities Network,” announced with little fanfare last week at the United Nations, appears to be another effort to strip authority from local police departments and to demonize conservative Christians, say advocates of civil and religious liberties.

The stated goal of the program is to connect local police departments with their peers around the world in an effort to combat “violent extremism,” according to Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who announced the program to the U.N. on Sept. 30.

Lynch, with New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio by her side, told world leaders that the time has come for a more globalized and comprehensive effort to combat violent extremism. She said:

    “Until now, we have lacked that mechanism. We haven’t had the benefit of sustained or coordinated cooperation among the growing number of cities and municipalities that are confronting this ongoing challenge. Communities have too often been left isolated and alone. But through the Strong Cities Network that we have unveiled today, we are making the first systematic effort in history to bring together cities around the world to share experiences, to pool resources and to forge partnerships in order to build local cohesion and resilience on a global scale. Today we tell every city, every town and every community that has lost the flower of its youth to a sea of hatred – you are not alone. We stand together and we stand with you.”

De Blasio called it a global coalition of cities seeking to combat extremism and terrorism in all of its “many forms,” and he assured the ACLU that the program would not lead to the profiling of Muslims.

So far, about two dozen other cities have signed up including Paris, London, Mumbai, Montreal, Atlanta, Minneapolis, Denver, Tunis, Oslo, Beirut and Palermo, among others.

Pastor Shahram Hadian of the Everette, Washington-based Truth in Love Project, said it’s no coincidence that the project was launched at the United Nations.

“So who are they going to target when they talk about violent extremism?” asked Hadian, a former Muslim who grew up in Iran and now travels nationwide teaching churches and law enforcement about the dangers of Shariah law. “Well, if you look at their track record, it always seems to be that your violent extremists are your Christians, your veterans and your Second Amendment advocates.”

National media blackout

Paul McGuire, a Fox News and History Channel contributor who has authored several books including the new release, “The Babylon Code: Solving the Bible’s Greatest End Times Mystery,” said it’s also interesting how little media coverage was given to Obama’s Strong Cities global policing program.

“There was no national media coverage whatsoever of the Strong Cities Network; it was completely buried,” McGuire said. “So the question is, why? This is massive because it’s such a contradiction to the Constitution, and there was no consultation with Congress, and they did a complete end-run around everything that our Constitution stands for.”

Like Hadian, McGuire sees a sinister motive in the use of the term “violent extremism,” which he said is an attempt to draw a moral equivalency among all religions, even though 99 percent of all religious-based violence in the world today involves Muslims killing non-Muslims.

“That’s code for ‘We’re going to crack down on Christian values and conservative values,’ because they’ve already announced that they’re pro-Islamic,” McGuire said. “Proof that both political parties are involved in this, is the fact that not one single Republican has brought it up. This is a direct intrusion of the U.N. into the sovereign status of the U.S. at every level, and not one single Republican brought it up.”

WND reported in August that the Obama administration is, indeed, targeting conservatives in its campaign against “violent extremism.” The FBI, according to the report, sent out a bulletin to state, local and national law enforcement warning of attacks against Muslims by “militia extremists” even though no proof of such an impending attack existed.

Police and veterans are also under pressure to conform to Obama’s agenda of giving special concern to Muslims and other minorities in the wake of the Ferguson, Missouri, riots.

Hadian said that as racial tensions increase in U.S cities, often stoked by paid outside radicals to whom the government turns a blind eye, it appears Obama is trying to goad the so-called “right wingers” into an attack.

“They tried the race bait, and it hasn’t really happened the way they had planned,” he said. “Perhaps Muslim baiting is now a part of their plan, even though the true narrative is the exact opposite as we’ve seen in Roseburg, Oregon, and in Garland, Texas; Chattanooga, Tennessee; Oklahoma City; Fort Hood, Texas; and the Boston Marathon.”

In each of those attacks, Muslims or Muslim sympathizers were identified as the attackers, with their targets being innocent Christians, civilians or the military.

Even in Charleston, South Carolina, it was black Christians who were targeted, in that case by an anti-Christian young white man, Dylan Roof, with mental health problems.

When a young Muslim couple was killed in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, last year in an argument over a parking space, the Council for American-Islamic Relations tried to paint the crime as motivated by anti-Muslim bigotry. This theory was debunked by all the evidence collected by police, but CAIR has never retracted its statements.

So CAIR, in bed with federal law enforcement, is looking hard to pin a “hate crime” on a conservative Christian so they will have their poster child for a police-state crack down on free speech along with new gun-control laws, Hadian said.

“That’s CAIR’s modus operandi now, saying not just that you’re an Islamophobe but that you’re inciting violence (against Muslims) whenever you say anything critical of Islam,” Hadian said.

CAIR was exposed as a front for the Muslim Brotherhood in the 2007 Holy Land Foundation trial, the largest terror-financing trial ever conducted on U.S. soil, yet several of its leaders have gone on to fill advisory roles within the Obama administration.

‘Waiting for someone to attack a Muslim’

So the threat to Christians is real, said Hadian, and that’s why it’s important to balance the truth about Islam and its Quranic calls to jihad and Shariah with a call for evangelization and love.

“It’s not about hating Muslims. We want to save them, reach out to them with the truth of the gospel, and we know this is a spiritual battle,” he said. “At the same time, we are becoming targets. It seems like at everyone one of these (mass shooting) events they are going to go out of their way to paint the extremist as some right-wing guy, and it just seems to fall apart every time they try to push that narrative.”

“I have no problem encouraging people to defend their homes and their lives, but we certainly don’t need to go on the offensive because this is what they are looking for,” Hadian said. “They’re waiting for someone to attack a Muslim so they can say, ‘Aha, see, I told you so.’”

‘Eyes in the sky’

Enlisting global “cooperation” against the “violent extremist” should send chills down the spine of every American, said John Whitehead, a constitutional lawyer, founder of the Rutherford Institute and author of “Battlefield America: The War on the American People.”

“As I have been saying for quite a while, we have practically moved into a global government already,” Whitehead told WND.

“You look at the NSA’s Five Eyes Program, and this is spread around the world,” he said. “They’ve created basically an electronic concentration camp, and they’re working with Google to do it. In essence, globalism armed with technology is going to happen and under Obama we’ve moved closer and closer to federalizing the police. The FBI is moving into several local police departments, most recently in Oakland (California). Their main job is to use social media to track people.”

Now, with Strong Cities Network, U.S. cities will be cooperating and “sharing resources” with foreign governments around the world. Local police are already training with FBI, DHS and even the military. Obama’s new program lays the groundwork for them to train with foreign police units under the banner of the U.N.

“With the Strong Cities program we see the goal is to have global police, so it’s going to be very hard to rein in global cops,” Whitehead said. “Cops who were trained locally are going by the wayside, dealing solely with local cops is going to be a thing of the past. It’s sort of in your face, it’s saying the U.N. is going to be a global police force, working in this country one way or the other. New York City, L.A., Chicago are going to lead the way. Americans better get ready for this because what it means is, our Constitution is being replaced, and the constitutional protections we have eventually will be gone.”

Among the first steps taken will involve merging some of the law-enforcement capacities within regions, with U.S. cops cooperating more closely with those of Mexico and Canada, Whitehead said.

“They’re working to fuse them together, so local autonomy, local authority, will be diluted and eventually eliminated,” he said. “They’re already globalizing, technology demands it.

“Google is moving quickly with robotics, driverless cars, and coordinating everything on the web under one umbrella,” he continued. “Amazon was paid $600 million to build an intelligence cloud for the FBI, DHS and CIA.”

Eric Schmidt, the renowned software engineer, is involved in international elitist groups such as the secretive Bilderbergs, Whitehead said, and Hillary Clinton spoke at the last three major events for Google.

“You have John Podesta (Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager). Eric Schmidt. Google, Amazon,” he said. “They want world government. Hillary wants it, Obama wants it. So that is where it is heading.”

McGuire said the U.N. will always pick a “politically correct” situation in which to intervene.

It will not intervene to stop the slaughter of Christians in the Middle East, but it will intervene to protect transgenders, Islam or perceived racial bias by police.

That’s why U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called for the protection of civil rights during the Ferguson uprising in August 2014 even as rioters were looting, turning over police cars and burning buildings.

Gun control tops U.N. agenda for law enforcement

“Whatever the U.N. moves into, it’s always a politically correct situation. So when the Michael Brown protests were going on, the U.N. secretary general demanded that police adhered to what he called ‘U.S. and international standards,’ and he’s basically taking authority over local police forces,” McGuire said.

Another critical aspect of the U.N. agenda is universal gun registration and gun control.

“We all know that you have to get rid of the guns to bring in the dictatorship. Hitler did this, the Soviets did it,” McGuire said. “So they know that, and that’s why Hillary Clinton wants to overhaul gun laws and Obama is now talking about using executive actions to enact gun control.”

After finishing the research for his latest book, “The Babylon Code,” which he co-authored with journalist Troy Anderson, McGuire said he came to an unavoidable conclusion.

“I believe we are now reaching a tipping point that is going to happen very soon,” McGuire said. “It could happen overnight and most likely after a crisis event. The U.N. is already in control of a great deal, but we are going to see the U.N. come out of the shadows and openly exercise its authority over the United States. They will still have some kind of illusion of the United States for the masses, but I believe the elites are ready to bring global government out of the closet, and we’re going to see a very radical, aggressive change. They want to do this by 2030, and in Paris they’re going to announce another round of sweeping changes (in November) and then you look at all the trigger points, the Syrian war, the international debt crisis, etcetera.”

Using refugees, mass waves of immigrants

While the Strong Cities Network talks on its website about “building social cohesian,” the actions of the globalists are causing just the opposite. They are using Islam and Muslim refugees to “break down social cohesion all over the world,” McGuire says, setting the stage for mass unrest. The solution will be police-state crackdowns.

“They’re using refugees in Germany to take over towns and cities. And here in U.S., they’re using refugees to war on the social cohesion of our society. So they’re going to slam-dunk the global government, and it will be a terrorist crisis or financial crisis that triggers it,” McGuire said.

This is made obvious by the fact that the majority of “refugees” are healthy Islamic men between the ages of 18 and 45.

“That’s an army. The Europeans aren’t stupid,” McGuire said. “They have strategically allowed this in collusion with the pope, who softened the people up with his statements, and so the purpose of this is, you’ve broken down the Euro-centric identity with European Western values, and even though it’s not Judeo-Christian values but Western nonetheless, in their customs and culture that produces a culture of excellence.”

By forcibly injecting waves of Islamic migrants into Europe, the stage has been set for riots and violence should a crisis occur, such as a financial meltdown or terror attack where public services get disrupted.

“That will demand a police-state crack down,” McGuire said. “And the other half of the equation is you create Shariah law, and you break apart that non-Islamic consensus so Europe no longer has a European culture and is therefore more likely to assimilate into globalism.

“That synergistically with the Muslim refugees would produce anarchy throughout Europe that would demand an authoritarian police state takeover, and suddenly the U.N. is no longer a set of ‘would you please do this, or please do that’ type recommendations. You’ve created the trigger points and the crisis points. You’ve created on top of it a huge number of people who will always vote socialist. The same potential exists here as in Europe, a crisis and then an authoritarian U.N. government moving in to take control of the mayhem. It’s dark and dirty, and most people do not want to face it, but it’s a real danger.”

If anyone doubts that sinister motives lie behind efforts like the Strong Cities Network, McGuire says all they need do is study the words of the world’s most elite globalists, such as Henry Kissinger.

    “Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will pledge with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.”

    – Kissinger in an address to the Bilderberg meeting at Evian, France, May 21, 1991, as transcribed from a tape-recording made by one of the Swiss delegates.


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World Nut Daily, living down to their reputation once more.  :shrug:

Want the damned straight word about the UN and the USA?

It would never happen. Full stop, end of.

The UN getting involved in ANY country requires - by charter - the unanimous consent of ALL members of the UN Security council. Two of who's permanent members would be overjoyed to sit back and watch the USA burn.
The universe doesn't hate you. Unless your name is Tsutomu Yamaguchi

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This may be what they WANT to do, but whether this initiative will accomplish that remains to be seen. They've been trying to do this since the Clinton admin.
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World Nut Daily, living down to their reputation once more.  :shrug:

Want the damned straight word about the UN and the USA?

It would never happen. Full stop, end of.

The UN getting involved in ANY country requires - by charter - the unanimous consent of ALL members of the UN Security council. Two of who's permanent members would be overjoyed to sit back and watch the USA burn.

IMHO yes, the UN charter is one thing - "agreements" made by Obama are quite another. UN members would love nothing more than to see that U.S. fail.  BUT, they will also be the first ones in here in a heart beat to take over.  In fact, rumor has it that UN soldiers are already here waiting at the military bases that were shut down during the Bush administration.  All I can say is pray for a miracle that we make it to the next election and we get a conservative in the White House.  Other than that prepare yourselves.
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I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.