Author Topic: Genocide of the Christian Martyrs laid bare: Sick ISIS butchers CRUCIFY thousands in Syria  (Read 453 times)

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Genocide of the Christian Martyrs laid bare: Sick ISIS butchers CRUCIFY thousands in Syria
SPECIAL REPORT: We realise that many readers will find this image shocking, but feel it is vital to show the true horror of ISIS. And now a Jewish survivor of Nazi terror is leading the crusade to rescue the Christian Martyrs.
By Caroline Wheeler EXCLUSIVE
PUBLISHED: 07:01, Tue, Sep 29, 2015 | UPDATED: 08:25, Tue, Sep 29, 2015

The body of a man crucified by Islamic State killers hangs beside a road in Syria

IT WAS only when the gates of the Nazi death camps were thrown open that the industrial scale of Hitler’s killing became known.

Western diplomats had received scattered information about Nazi massacres of Jewish people and “undesirables” in occupied Poland and Russia but it was difficult to confirm.

Yet just 70 years since the end of the Second World War, a genocide is taking place once again, this time against Christians.

Scores have already been murdered by Islamic State and thousands forced to leave ancient Christian communities in northeastern Syria and western Iraq as the extremists demand they either convert to Islam, pay an extortionate rate of tax or face execution.

Some have even been crucified.

Despite concerns being raised by religious leaders including the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, the plight of Christian refugees is largely being ignored by the western world.

Now a charity, which is being funded by Jewish peer George Weidenfeld, who escaped Nazi-occupied Austria with the help of British Christians, is taking matters into its own hands by mounting a series of rescue missions to save the Syrian Christians.

Lord Weidenfeld, who was smuggled to safety by Quakers at the age of five, said: “I have a debt to repay.”

So far the charity, the Barnabas Fund, has liberated 158 Christians from Syria and found them a new home in Poland.

Its founder and international director Patrick Sookhdeo has recently returned from a visit to eastern Europe, where he was seeking refuge for the hundreds of thousands of Syrian Christians who continue to live under the tyranny of IS.

Lord Weidenfeld is backing the work of of the charityLord Weidenfeld is backing the work of of the charity [Express]

According to Mr Sookhdeo, Britain’s offer to take up to 20,000 Syrian refugees inadvertently discriminates against the Christian communities most victimised by the Islamic State butchers.

He said: “The British government has said it will take 20,000 refugees and we have said, ‘Will you not take some Christians?’ But we have had no reply.

“We have even put out a joint statement with Muslim Aid to the Government saying both communities are suffering, can’t you look after both?

“What David Cameron is doing, we believe, is unfair.

“He has said he will go to the camps to get the refugees, but the problem is that the Christians don’t like to live in the camp.

“What they prefer to do is to live in church halls or else with families and the reason is that it is safer for them. What we are saying to the Government is that you need a broader based approach.

“By all means take the most vulnerable people but don’t just take them from the camps because you are only going to get one kind of people. When it comes to other countries they all say that European legislation means you can’t discriminate between one religious community and another but we say surely the most vulnerable are the ones you have got to be taking in.”

In areas controlled by IS, Christians have been crucified, beheaded, raped and subjected to forced conversion.

Christian children are also being sold as slaves.

Mr Sookhdeo added: “It is like going back 1,000 years seeing the barbarity that Christians are having to live under. I think we are dealing with a group which makes Nazism pale in comparison and I think they have lost all respect for human life.

“Crucifying these people is sending a message and they are using forms of killing which they believe have been sanctioned by Sharia law.

“For them what they are doing is perfectly normal and they don’t see a problem with it. It is that religious justification which is so appalling.”

Patrick Sookhdeo is working to rescue the Christians facing persecutionPatrick Sookhdeo is working to rescue the Christians facing persecution [Express]

While it is not known how many Syrian Christians have been murdered by IS, the numbers living in the country have fallen rapidly since the start of the civil war in 2011.

More than 700,000 of Syria’s population of 1.1 million Christians have already been forced to leave as IS militants expanded into the northwest of the country.

Mr Sookhdeo believes there are now no more than 250,000 Christians living in Syria.

He said: “In Aleppo, to give you one illustration, there used to be 400,000 Christians four years ago. Today there may be between 45,000 and 65,000.”

Mr Sookhdeo now faces a race against time to find a new home for the hundreds of thousands of Syrian Christians who he claims have “lost all hope”.

Last week he was in Hungary, where he was appealing to religious and political leaders to provide visas for the Christians.

He then drove on to Romania as part of his mercy mission.

    In Aleppo, to give you one illustration, there used to be 400,000 Christians four years ago. Today there may be between 45,000 and 65,000

    Patrick Sookhdeo, Barnabus Fund founder

He is planning a second mission that will see another 40 Christians rescued from Syria.

Mr Sookhdeo said: “Basically what we have to do is to persuade political and religious leaders to look kindly on this project. I think there is some concern about the numbers involved and the costs, but what we have been saying to these countries is that we can bear these costs so they are not a burden on poor impoverished states or even western states.

“Many Christians and churches are saying we will open up our homes and churches, we will also provide money and support for the first year.

“Because these people are Christians they can also integrate very quickly within the churches and most of them are professionals, like doctors and accountants, so they won’t have a problem finding work.”

One country has already indicated a willingness to take 10,000 Syrian Christians, while others have said they will take between 150 and 200.

“I think things are starting to escalate,” he said.

“But we cannot stop until we find a home for every one of them.

“There are eastern European countries that are sympathetic but once we hit the UK and some of the other countries, they say they don’t want to do it.”

While he did not wish to reveal too much about the rescue operations that often take place behind enemy lines, he explained that the Christians were being taken to neighbouring countries before being moved on to their end destination.

“Everything is done officially,” he said.

“We have to get the visas for them first. With those who went to Poland, it was the Polish embassy in Beirut that had to process everyone.

A Christian church in Aleppo burnt downGETTY
Many other churches in Aleppo have been destroyed, causing thousands of Christians to flee

“Unfortunately it is a very dangerous world and we have to be very sensitive and cautious about this process.”

Following a career in publishing, Lord Weidenfeld, 95, remains extraordinarily grateful for the risks taken by those who helped him reach Britain in 1938 and has decided to plough money into the fund as a result.

He said: “‘IS is unprecedented in its primitive savagery compared with the more sophisticated Nazis. When it comes to pure lust for horror and sadism, they are unprecedented. There never was such scum as these people.”

The peer said he hopes the project could replicate the work of Sir Nicholas Winton, who died earlier this year aged 106.

Sir Nicholas was a British former stockbroker who helped organise the Kindertransport programme that saved more than 10,000 Jewish children from Nazi persecution in Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland prior to the outbreak of the Second World War.

The Prime Minister has previously said that Christians would be included in the Government’s vulnerable persons resettlement scheme, although no detail has been provided as to how they will reach them.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2015, 10:29:44 am by rangerrebew »