Author Topic: Obama scolds Iran at the UN: Chanting “death to America” doesn’t create jobs, you know  (Read 245 times)

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Obama scolds Iran at the UN: Chanting “death to America” doesn’t create jobs, you know
posted at 2:01 pm on September 28, 2015 by Allahpundit

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Says Iowahawk, “To be fair, it did create jobs for Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright.”

Via the Free Beacon, here’s the professor-in-chief doing what he loves to do, lecturing other regimes that he understands their national priorities better than they do. In a way, this reminds me of his infamous bitter-clingers comment during the 2008 campaign: In both cases, he resorted to economics to try to understand cultures that were antagonistic to him (albeit in very different ways). There’s a hint here that “death to America” is less a sincerely held worldivew among Iran’s rulers than a convenient scapegoat used by the regime to distract the Iranian public from economic stagnation. All you have to do, Obama’s telling them, is drop the antagonism to the Great Satan in order to reap the economic benefits of rejoining the community of nations. Essentially, this is him signaling that a grand bargain with the U.S. isn’t out of the question provided that they let go of some of their public antagonism.

How does a regime like Iran’s do that, though? It’s a theocracy that came to power in a revolution that deposed an American-backed ruler; “death to America” represents the clerics’ rejection not just of pre-revolutionary Iran but of U.S. influence in the Middle East generally, from its alliances with Israel and Saudi Arabia to the threat its culture poses to austere Shiite religious values. Just lay all of that silliness aside, Obama seems to be saying, and let’s make some trade deals. It’s a bit like telling the Soviets circa 1955 that world peace is as simple as the Kremlin formally repudiating Marx and Lenin. And even if you agree with O that Khamenei and his inner circle can’t possibly be deeply wedded to the idea of “death to America,” there’s an obviou

I thought this was a joke. No video at link.